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Jerusalem News Postings
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The Jerusalem News
Jerusalem-News nos. 801-1200
Continued from
1. Selected Guysen International News Updates
2. American Super-Radar in Israel under US Control
3. Poll: Israelis Oppose disengagement
1. Anti-Jewish Incident in Mauritius
2. Obama promoting homosexuality , report card reveals
3. Norway:
'Cycled for his life,' with a moose on his heels
4. Watchdog of the EU Complains of Jewish Settlement
5. Herskovitz Maintains the Fight
1. Abbas Rejects Peace, Welcomes Terrorists
2. The Palestinians want ALL of Israel and not just the pre-1967 section!
3. Yair Davidiy: Arab Flocks and Palestinians
4. Aryan Nation Members Prepare to Kill Presidential Candidate
5. Majority voters bash Obama 'family' values
1. Biden's Ties to Pro-Iran Groups Questioned
2. The Legality of Jewish Settlement in Judah and Samaria
Brit-Am Preamble
Extracts from Eugene W. Rostow:
"Resolved: are the settlements legal? Israeli West Bank policies"
3. PA, Germany sign agreement to establish 55 police stations in West Bank
1. Question on the Brit-Am Postion Concerning
"ethnic cleansing and mass deportations of Palestinians"
2. Muslim Acknowledgment that the Temple Mount is Jewish
3. Question on Alleged Israeli "Atrocities" etc.
1. Lea De Lange: "Ethnic Cleansing" is Wrong Terminology?
2. Shalom Pollack: "I loved your answer"
3. Menachem Herman Sings: Sweet Home, Jerusalem
4. Yair Davidiy: "Honor Killings" and Terrorism
5. Dennis Prague:
"They'd still be gassing Jews" if liberals and peace activists had their way
1. Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age
2. Reply to Claim that Anti-Zionism is Not Anti-Semitism
3. Guysen International News Extracts
1. Israeli Pro-Palestinian Quisling Foreign-Funded Organization Caught Misrepresenting the Figures
2. Excerpts: Poll of USA and Europe finds Israel more popular than Palestinians
3. The Coming threat from Egypt?
Caroline Glick: When dictatorships end with a whisper
1. Is Israel Waging a 'Secret War With Iran'?
2. George W. Bush's True Legacy
3. Paul D Pruitt: Proposal to Transfer Philistines
4. Guysen News Briefs:
Satanic Cults in Iran and Arabs of Gaza Want to Leave
5. Is Barack Hussein Obama ethnically Arabic?
1. Obama and Jeremiah Wright
2. Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign
3. Iraq: Video. 15-Year-Old Iraqi Would-Be Suicide Bomber Tells Her Story
1. Chagai Segal: Settler violence miniscule compared to Palestinian violence
2. Arabs Riot in Akko (near Haifa, a mixed Jewish-Arab city)
3. Preventing Abortions in Israel
4. Muslim Terrorists Target Scotland
5. Is Sarah Palin Jewish?
6. Is Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, a New Age Worshipper of the Devil?
7. Ultra-Orthodox wig shop unveils 'Sarah Palin Wig' based on Alaska governor's famous locks
1. Sarah Palin Now Said NOT to have Jewish Ancestry?
2. Media silent about USA winning the War in Iraq
3. President Bush finally vindicated:
Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium From Iraq
1. Diplomatic Sources: Nasrallah Ill from Chemical Murder Attempt
2. The Muhammad al-Dura Boold Libel Should be Made Known!
3. David Tempelhoff: Sarah Palin May Yet Become President!
1. Edward Bradbrooke: US Election Doubts
2. Swedes relocate West Bank firm to within Green Line
3. The shocking video Barack Obama does not want you to see!!
4. New York Times on Jewish visit to Joseph's tomb
5. Thomas Gray: Sarah Palin Not so Clear
1. Chana: Is Obama a Menace to all Israelites?
2. Steven Collins: Did Iran Already Attempt to Nuke Israel?
3. The USA, Alaska, Israel, and Governor Palin
1. David Tempelhoff: Gov Palin is a Reasonable Alternative.
2. Aliyah from South Africa Expected to Double in 2008
3. Did Barak Hussein Obama Receive a Bribe on Behalf of Sadam Husein?
1. Jackie Mason on Obama
2. Obama Leads Due to Hispanics and Blacks
3. Teen Pregnancies Tied to Tastes for Sexy TV Shows
1. Somalia: 13 Year Old Gang Rape Victim Stoned to Death for Adultery by Muslims
2. Anti-Jewish Conspiracy Theories Cranks Go Crazy
3. Did Anti-"Anglo" Prejudice Resul in Obama Victory?
1. Female Egyptian Lawyer Promotes Sexual Harassment against Jews
2. Sinai Bedouin in armed revolt against Egypt, snatch general
3. Mass Circumcision Proposed to save Africans From AIDS Epidemic!
1. Israel Shamir is really a Gentile Russian anti-Semite?
2. Ex-Muslim Nonie Darwish: Muslim Hate for Jews Worse than Nazis'
3. Is the USA in Danger of Disintegration?
1. Study: 292 Arab Children Killed in Terrorist Role
2. Indian Terrorists Concentrated on Torturing Jewish Victims
3. Obama Aide Wants the USA to Invade Israel
1. IDF opposes US-Obama plan for NATO in W. Bank
2. Brian Patmore: Reactions to News Items
3. Caroline Glick.
Our World: The jihadist-multicultural alliance
1. 2.16 Million Muslims in Israel, Growth Rate Slowing
2. Syria Still Working on the Bomb
3. IDF Preparing for a Bloody 2009 with Paintball Training
1. Judea and Samaria Population Growing at High Rate
2. Rabbi Abadie Booed at UN for Telling Moslems the Truth
3. Moderate and Immoderate Terrorists
1. Guysen International News: Excerpts
2. Cash sniffing dogs for Ben Gurion Airport
3. Poll of Palestinians.
Interesting Findings see Brit-Am Comment Below
1. Syrian Jews in USA Denounce Hebron Eviction
2. U.S. aviator who helped Israel in 1948 pardoned
3. Shoula Horing:
Islamic indoctrination to hate at work in Mumbai, Mideast
1. Israeli Attacks Hamas Entrenchments in Gaza
3. Israeli Official Announcements re Gaza War
1. "Only the United States and Great Britain indicated an understanding for the Israeli action"
2. "Hamas chief of staff may be dead'
3. Israel at War: A Primer from Honest Reporting
1. Hamas misled, surprised by Israeli air offensive
2. Saudi Religious Clerk Calls for Worldwide Persecution of "Israelis"
3. Yigal Walt: Answering Israel's critics.
Six cliches you are likely to hear constantly in the coming days, and why they're false
1. Czechs Back Israel
2. Israeli Forces Bomb Arab Nazi Forces
3. Update on Gaza War
1. Will the Real "Arab Nazis" Please Keel Over?
2. Steven Collins Blog:
3. The suffering that Hamas causes
1. Slain Hamas Policemen Were Terrorists
2. Israelis Attack on the Ground
3. Gaza rockets put Israel's nuclear plant in battle zone
4. Chana Sorum: Arabs in Florida Threaten Jews with Holocaust
5. The Disengagement Was a Mistake
6. Daniel Pipes: Have Israelis Finally Learned the Strategic Value of Territory?
7. Psalm Read Aloud on Army Radio
1. "Palestinians...prefer the ravages of war to the blessings of peace"
Extracts from Caroline Glick interview in National Review
2. Hamas Spokesman Calls for Killing of Jewish Children all Over the World
3. Israeli Soldiers Are Battle Prepared
Hospitalized but defiant, Israeli soldiers eager to return to Gaza battle
1. Arab propaganda Sent to Brit-Am Headquarters
2. Timely Wisdom from the Mouth of an Arab-Loving Enemy
3. Constance Fischer:
Bibi Netanyahu, the Prophet Amos, and the Present
4. Burt Prelutsky: Israel Against The Barbarians
5. IDF: Hamas built underground city
1. The Land of Miracles by Lazar Brody
2. The Gaza War Options by Yair Davidiy
3. Hamas Rockets: Recent History and Statistics
4. NY Times Article on Gaza War
5. Gaza War News Summaries from Arutz-7
1. You Tube Exposes of Hamas
2. Before You Boycott Israel
3. Saudi scholar on Hamas TV: "Jews are the enemies of Allah and should be killed"
4. Israeli Politicians Misled the Israelis about Disengagement
5. Orjan Svensson: Recent Demonstrations in Copenhagen
1. "Israel's Actions in Gaza" - Prof. Asher Susser
2. Home of Hamas Murderer from East Jerusalem to be Sealed Up
3. The Bible and the War in Gaza
4. Gas well struck opposite Haifa coast Israel's biggest energy find
5. Jewish Settler Shot by Drive-By Arab Murderer
1. New Poll: Less than One-third of Americans Support Establishing Palestinian State
2. 'Maximum 600 Palestinians died in Gaza'
3. DENIS MACEOIN: Marching for Hamas
4. Sharon Lindstrom: Abortion Industry Bailout
5. Hannah Newman: The Rainbow Swastika
1. Ya'alon: No More Retreats; Arabs Never Accepted Our Existence
2. Steven Shamrak: Turkish Jew-Hatred and Hamas Murder of Arabs
3. Journalist Pilar Rahola of Spain Defends Israel Well
4. Patriotism survey: 88% proud to be Israeli
5. Israel Versus Ishmael
1. Know the Enemy:
Nazi Criminal Became Moslem in Egypt Spoke of Jews as Khazars and of Conspiracy
2. Arab Terrorists Rape Males and Females to Recruit Suicide Bombers
3. Iranian Claims: Is Israel Occupying Saudi Islands in the Red Sea?
1. IDF Chief of Staff Offers Thanks at Western Wall
2. 1/3 of Europeans: Jews caused meltdown. Britain Least anti-Semitic
3.Suspicion: Some Australian Fires were Set by Moslem Jihadis
4. Maps of Australia and Fire Outbreak Areas
5. Israeli Election Results: An Initial Appraisal
1. Are Fictional Reports Wishful Thinking?
President Obama [Allegedly] Authorized Funds for the Immigration of Hamas Refugees From Gaza to the United States-Fiction!
2. Some New IDF Weapons
3. Terror victims sue U.S. oil companies for funding terror
1. Iraqi Kurds want U.S. help to avoid war
2. US general foresees years of war in Afghanistan
3. Gilad Shalit Injured (by Captors?)
4. EU Jewish leader: Anti-Semitism spurred by economy, not Gaza war
5. Anti-Semitism makes it to China?
1. German-Iranian Ties Strengthened
2.British Muslims suspected of sending Taliban roadside bombs gadgets
3. Britain Now Leads the World in Fight Against Jew Hatred!
Brown signs declaration against anti-Semitism
1. Unfair Anti-Israel Criticism is another name for Jew Hatred
2. German Auto Parts Company Used Auschwitz Hair
3. Confessions of a Sudanese deserter:
Arab-Speaking Black Muslims Exterminate Black non-Arab Speakers
1. Chaim Hayman: Petition Versus Dangerous Islamic Propaganda
2. Steven Collins: Despite the US Government Americans Will Not Abandon Israel
3. Majority of West Bank Arabs in Favor of Hamas
1. Muslim Official in Egypt Calls for Extermination of ALL Jews
2. Steve Collins: Vatican Overtures to Islam? China Steals US Nuclear Secrets
3. Should Israel keep giving water to Arab neighbors?
1. Paul Eidelberg: What Israel Does for the USA!
2. Iraq: Al-Qaeda damaged by arrest of 'rape and suicide bomb' woman
3. Wishful Thinking? CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years
4. Did the Conspiracy Freaks Help Obama?
5. Killing Babies: Does Obama want to enforce murder and begin the reign of Evil?
1. Jackie Mason Still Pertinent
2. German Youth Hanker After Naziism?
3. Refugees and World Double Standards
4. Israel Leads West, U.S. in Drone Production
5. UN: Israel #1 World Leader in Water Recycling
1. Afghan Strikes by Taliban Get Pakistan Help, U.S. Aides Say
2. Some Good Arabs:
Palestinians Who Helped Create Israel by Daniel Pipes
3. Israel Air Force Bombs Enemy in Sudan
IAF hits Sudan arms convoy bound for Gaza; Sudan confirms strike
1. Conspiracy Freaks Never Tire of Undermining Israelites;
Protected Obama
2. Where Does the Name Kenya Come From?
3. The Canaanite god En-Kai (Kenya?) means "Canaan"
and was worshipped in Kenya!
4. The Father of Obama from the Luo People
5. Michelle Obama: The Money Trail
6. Obama Bought a House with Iraqi Sudam Hussein Money!
7. Obama to confront Israel on 'biblical heartland?'
1. Ehud Olmet . The Outgoing PM
2. False Allegations Against Israeli Soldiers Emanated from Left-Wing Israeli Military Academy
3. Arab Maniac Axes Young Jewish Boys
4. The Alawite Pagan Rulers of Syria
5. IDF Promotes its First Ethiopian Regiment Commander
1. Palestinian Intransigence:
Making freedom the top priority by Gerald M. Steinberg
2. Left-Wing Anti-Semitisim is now Fashionable
3. USA Prevents Jews from Building Homes in the Holy Land;
Subsidizes Illegal Arab building on Jewish-owned Properties
1. No Country Could Survive Two State Solution!
2. Israeli Heroin Market Continues to Fund Hizbullah Terrorism
3. Never since the 1930s by Sarah Honig , THE JERUSALEM POST
4. Hamas killed 32 Gazans during, after op
5. Call for Pope to Reveal Hidden Holocaust Children
1. Pope to visit Bethlehem refugee camp
2. Iranian arms ship destroyed off Sudan
3. Israel's Control of Mt. Zion in Danger
1. What Israel does for the U.S
2. Israel's population grows by 1.8% to 7,411,000.
3. IDF Missile Threat Drill: Absorption of Thousands in Samaria
1. Syria: Land of Plenty?
2. Natasha Letham:
Left-Wing Hypocrisy: Pictures of "Boycott Israel"
3. Interesting Opinion Poll amongst Israelis
1. EU Legalizes Kosher Slaughter, Pro-Animal Groups Want Ban
2. No Substance To Rumors of Transfering Mount Zion to the Vatican
3. Efrat: Abortions in Israel the worst enemy!
1. David McLeod: The USA, Israel & Judah "
2. 2 men attacked while kissing on Tel Aviv street"
3. EU Funds Pro-PA Stance on Jerusalem
4. US Muslim Attempt Attack on Jewish Reform Temple
5. Saudi Anti-Terror Cartoons
1. Syria sends Suicide Bombers Against US in Iraq
3. Steven Emerson: How to Stop the Muslim Extremists Recruiting Inmates to Terrorism
4. News Item: EU Ambulances Turned into Arab Army Trucks
5. Report: Israel Remains Among Healthiest Countries in the World
1. Isi Liebler; European Anti-semitism fuelling threatened measures against Israel
2. Al Qaeda Wants to Kill All of Us!
3. DEBKA : US Backtracks on Previous Understandings with Israel
1. First Time Ever: Vatican to Consider Revealing Holocaust Orphans
2. 'Lost' Jews in Spain find Israel advocacy
3. The Israeli Contribution to its own International Isolation
4. Measure for Measure: Hillary Bends Arm of Israel and Receives a Fractured Elbow
5. El Queda Arabs Attempt to Kill Carter
6. Muslim Countries in Mideast, Africa Lead World in Human Traffic
7. Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual
1. Lebanon: Spanish UN Forces Activally Involved in Persecution of pro-Israeli Arabs!
2. Israel is the Frontline for ALL Western Nations
3. German Saviours of Jews in the Holocaust:
4. James Hardy Marks, RAF war hero.
5. The Rabbis Were Right: Back to Ancient Methods to Learn to Read
1. UN (Spanish contingent) assisted Capture of 'spies' hits Israel
2. Mossad Chief on Iran Distrubances
3. Yisrael Medad: In defense of 'settlements'
4. Gershom Gorenberg: A guide to Israeli settlements
5. Michael Rubin: The Troop Drawdown Could Be Costly for Iraq
6. Winston Churchill: "You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem"
7. Defence Costs
1. Iraqi Commentators: Saudi Arabia Is Behind Terror in Iraq ? And Will Never Accept Shi'ite Rule There
2. Iran is still supporting Attacks on US and allies
3. Jeffrey A. Tucker: Free Bernie Madoff
4. Those Mighty Gharqad Trees!
5. Al-Qaeda Leader in Afghanistan Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid Talks
About Using Pakistani Nuclear Weapons Against U.S.,
Offers Americans 'Peace Plan': Convert to Islam, or Else Be Ruled by Islam and Pay Poll Tax to the Muslims
1. Rabbinate Confronted With 60 Missionary Converts
2. In Israel, a desert plant waters itself
3. France: US has imposed deadline for settlement freeze; Israel: Really?
4.Yoram Ettinger: Can Israel Afford to Concede the Mountain Ridges of Judea and Samaria (West Bank)?
5. Guysen News Extracts
6. Technion Researchers Testing "Electric Road"
7. Israel: The best air force in the world.
1. Iraq Suffers as the Euphrates River Dwindles
2. The 9/11 Families' Case Against the Saudi Princes and Me
by Daniel Pipes
3. Is Israel Relatively Safe Financially?
How 'Safe and Boring' Investments Saved One Nation From Financial Contagion
1. The Treachery of Ephraim
2. Is the US Aligned Against Jerusalem?
3. Sarah Honig.. Another Tack: Self-exiled by guilt
1. Tal Pavel. The Power of 140 Characters: Twitter in the Middle East
2. 600,000 Jews in Yesha, Eastern Jerusalem May Stymie US Plans
3. Rifat N. Bali. Present-Day Anti-Semitism in Turkey
1. FBI Unleashes its Anti-Semites
2. Extracts from Steven Shamrak
Muslimization of the World.
Europeans are Financing Israeli Traitors.
UK Admitted anti-Israel Funding.
USA Funds Palestinian Squatters on Jewish Land
3. Yoram Ettinger:
Jewish Occupation or Roots in Judea and Samaria?
1. Survey: 64% want Temple rebuilt
2. Steven Collins: Are the Chinese Planning A Molecular Attack on the USA?
3. Extracts from Articles on the Water Crisis in Syria
(a) Syria is drying up
(b) Drought problems envelop Syria
4.DEBKAfile Exclusive Report:
Russian secret service helped Hizballah bust Israeli spy rings in Lebanon
5. Brit-Am Israel Report:
Murder of Homosexuals Hides Homosexual Crimes Against Youth
1. Most Russian Immigrants want Arabs to Leave
2. 70% of Americans See Israel as Ally
3. The Arab Slave Trade
1. Palestinians to be sent to Sinai or Algeria?
2. Sweden: No Condemnation of 'Stolen Organs' Libel
3. Sweden: Gothic Lies About Judah
1.Newspaper confirmed the involvement of Israeli Mossad in the kidnapping of Russian cargo ship
2. SS Commemoration Canceled in Carinthia (Austria)
3. Daniel Pipes: "Jewish" - Not the Same as "Pro-Israel"
4. Arab Doctor Confirms
Organ harvesting from dead bodies - Impossible
5. Conspiracy Theory Exposure: Dennis King re the Larouch movement
6. Why won't state [of Israel] combat illegal Palestinian construction?
7. History: Nazis armed the Palestine 'Arab Uprising'
1. US may put missile shield in Israel, Turkey instead of E. Europe - Polish report
2. Hizballah deploys chemical and biological weapons near Israeli border - Arab, European sources
3. Holy city twist: Arabs moving into Jewish areas
1. Libya 'will resist IRA victims' claims'
2. Lost world of fanged frogs and giant rats discovered in Papua New Guinea
3. Arabs were Never Tolerant; Islam Made No Contributions
The Twin Myths of Eurabia
1. Reconciling Rival Claims
Are the Palestinians Really Jewish or Egyptians and Others?
2. Did we get him wrong? Does the USA REALLY Need Israel?
Obama plans to replace E. European missile shield with a new system
in Israel, Azerbaijan.
3. Oslo Peace Acccords were a Criminal Tragedy
Jewish "Nakba" Marks 16 Years since Oslo Accords
1. Most Israelis Want to Expel Arabs.
New Immigrants Even More so!
2. Steven Collins: Americans Back Israel Versus Iran
3. Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews are Poorer but Happier!
1. Europe's plot to take over the world by Gideon Rachman
2. Mahatma Gandhi Enemy of Israelites: anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi, idealized by Obama
(a) Introduction
(1) Wikipedia Extracts
(2) The Gandhi Nobody Knows by Richard Grenier: Extracts.
3.IDF: 'One million [African] refugees headed for Israel'
2. Jews dominated the Holyland in 1695
3. Population exchange between Greece and Turkey (1923):
Precedent for Transfer of Palestinians
1. Tsunami waves reasonably likely to strike Israel
2. 1930s US University Academics were pro-Nazi!
3. Nearly Half of US Supermarket Foods Are Kosher
1. French FM: " Israel will not tolerate an Iranian bomb"
2. Rafi Eitan Admits Failure, Regrets on Pollard
3. Yemen's Jews. The End
1. Red Cross Helps Arabs Steal Land from Jews
2. Arabs Tell Lies about Israeli Water Usage but Highlight Genuine Problem
3. New York Times (1996) Red Cross Admits Knowing of the Holocaust During the War
1. Israeli Yeshiva Student and Aspiring Rabbi, Yuri Foreman, now World Welterweight
Boxing Champion!
(a) Mazel Tov to [future Rabbi] Yuri Foreman (video)
(b) (VIDEO) Rabbi-to-be, Yuri Foreman Becomes 1st Israeli World Boxing Champ!
(c) Aspiring Rabbi Yuri Foreman wins piece of 154-pound title on unanimous decision
(d) Wikipedia: Yuri Foreman. Extracts. Foreman studies the Talmud and Jewish mysticism
in the morning
(e) Video Interview. Boxing Rabbi! In the Ring with Yuri Foreman. Recommended.
2. Video on Islamic Menace to the West
3. Israeli wins gold in fencing: Austrian Hosts Refuse to Play Israeli Anthem
1. US Openly Interferes in Internal Afairs of Israel.
Pressure for Continued Ostracizing against Memory of Jewish Rabbi and National Hero!
2. US Trains Palestinian Terrorist Army Against Jews in Israel
3. Recommended Anti-Conspiracy Web-Site Hosted by Steven Plaut
1. UN Report Demonizes and Stereotypes Jewish Pioneer Settler Heros as Thugs
Third World Nations of the World Unite in Depicting Jewish Victim as Culprit!!!
2. Child Slavery in Gaza. Children Drugged and Killed at Work
3. German Jew-Haters in Hamburg Physically Attack Supporters of Israel
4. Hamas offers cash for captured Israeli troops
5. Lebanon Citizens Request UN Intervention Against Syrian and Hizbollah Oppression
1. Article on Contemporary Affairs no. 1
The China Problem and the USA. Three Opinions
2. Extracts from Shamrak
(a) Goldstone report Used to Harm Israel Ability to Defend Itself!
(b) Arab Name for Jerusalem Recalls Existence of the Temple
(c) Revolutionary new portable electrochemical battery developed by Israel.
3. Ben Hecht on Jews Being "Fair" to Jew Haters
1. Zulus to fight AIDS with circumcision
2. Blair: said removing Saddam was a motive for invasion of Iraq.
3. Daniel Pipes: American Taxpayer Money Spent on Eradicating Hebrew-Language Signs
4. European funding for "refusal" Popaganda in Israeli Society
5. Israel confirms U.K. arrest warrant against Livni
1. Israel-South Africa Air Connection Threatened
2. US Foreign Aid to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan
3. Aussie scientists find coconut-carrying octopus
1. CIA Linked to Palestinian Authority Torture
2. Are Pet Dogs and Cats an Environmental Menace?
3. European Money Subisidises Anti-Jewish pro-Terrorist Monsters
NGOs and the BDS Movement: Background and Funding
1. Hizbullah in Lebanon Supports Drug Smuggling to Israel
2. Help the Poor Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank!!
3. White People Do Not Get it.
Only the Bible makes them Different!
1. Honest Reporting Misrepresentation of Israel in the World Press
2. Guysen News Reports on Arab Reaction to Execution of Palestinian Murderers
Arab Assassins Were Disappointed with Level of Remuneration!
3. White People STILL Do Not Get it!
1. New Hebrew Names for Old Stars
2. Tanzania: Who is Defending Albino Killers?
3. PA, Abbas Bless Rabbi's Murderers as "Martyrs"
1. The Population of Israel in Statistics
2. The State of Israel and Abortions
3. Jordan Attempts to seize via Canada Dead Sea Scrolls from Israel
1. Amnon Goldberg: Oil & Israel, The Tragedy of Sinai
2. Still Relevant Solution to Arab Problem Remains Ignored
Options for Survival: A Solution to the War in Gaza
3. US Military Aid to Israel Increased
1. Is the US an ally of Israel?
A chronological look at the evidence
2. The Oslo Crime Against the Jewish People
The Deadly Price of Pursuing Peace by Evelyn Gordon
3.Interesting Short Video Clip: Ultra-Orthodox Settlers in the West Bank
1. Witch-doctors reveal extent of child sacrifice in Uganda
2. Who are the Palestinians and who is occupying what? by David Rushton
3. Mark Robinson: The USA "like Rivka.....two nations are at war in our belly"
4. Army Radio: Strong Religious-Zionist Presence in Elite Units
5. Jewish Pride: Prime Minister's Son Wins Bible Contest
1. Guysen International News Extracts.
Israel Electric Cars, India and Nuclear Missiles, IRA Now Working for the Mossad?
2. Daniel Pinner: Test Your Palestine IQ
3. Jewish-Arab Center Prof: No Such Thing as Palestinian Refugees
1. Lena: Ireland has helped Israel before?
2. Yair Davidiy: Egyptian Control of Sinai Means Armaments for Hamas!
3. Nazi Influence: When "Persia" became "Iran"
1. Germany: Grandson of Hitler death-plot prince loses estate bid
2. 'A writers view of today's Germany' by William E. Grim
3. Canada: Ottawa Minister: An Attack on Israel is an Attack on Canada
1. US Weapons Embargo on Israel - Flood of Weapons to Arabs!
2. Rav Peretz: The Goyim from Russia Include Murderers
3. -Semitism of USs Justice System for Spies.
1. A nap in the afternoon can boost brain power
2. Israel claims two West Bank sites for list of heritage sites
3. Early Wall Possibly From Time of Solomon Discovered in Jerusalem!
Ambassador College Students Participated in Find!
1. Chavez orders Britain to 'give Falklands back'
2. 'Irish' assassin became a killer blonde in Dubai hit
3. The Dubai "hit": Feels Insulted because HIS passport was not used!
4. Hit squad - fake Brits
5. Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East
1. History's oldest hatred by Jeff Jacoby
2. Changing Face in Poland: Skinhead Puts on Skullcap by DAN BILEFSKY
3. The Mutually Beneficial US-Israel Relations by Yoram Ettinger, Ambassador (ret.)
1. Debka Reveals: Dubai Hit Men Were Aware of Cameras and Controlled Them!
2. Why Israel is the world's happiest country by Spengler
3. Americans Love Israel Even More Than You Think by Barry Rubin
1. Michael Williams (age 14) from NZ:
Jews in Israel are a very Godly people!
2. Judea & Samaria: Emergency Refuge for the Central Region
by Hana Levi Julian
3. The Shocking Legacy of the Oslo Accords
"Peres's extracurricular clinchers" by SARAH HONIG
1. Short bursts of exercise are key to fitness, study finds
2. Arabs Want to Leave Gaza: European Gentiles Wont Let Them Go!
Gazans Are Moving Out!!! by Yoav Sorek
3. Avner Netanyahu, 15, wins National Bible Quiz
1. Toads 'able to predict earthquakes'
2. Is Brazil Preparing the Ways for Receiving Millions of Palestinian Immigrants?
3. Turkey threatens to expel 100,000 Armenianss over 'genocide' row
4. Europeans Increasingly Anti-Semitics: 'Jews talk about Holocaust too much'
5. US Acheivements in Afghanistan Thanks to Israeli Technology'
1. Guysen: Record Number of Tourists and Gadaffi's son harasses Switzerland
2. Extracts from "Amazing Facts About Israel" by Rabbi Ephraim Shore
3. Guysen: Amsterdam's Chief Rabbi dies aged 101
4. European Converts to Islam Responsible for Most of the Violence!
5. Lt.-Gen. Ashkenazi: the Bible is the IDF's Guide
1. Obama Has Shifted U.S. Policy Against Israel
2. Demography: The Present Population of Israel
3. PM Netanyahu's Yom Ha'atzmaut Message to the Diaspora Communities 19/04/2010.
# If we stand together, if we remain committed to our common destiny, there's nothing we cannot achieve. #
1. Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan's 'Dancing Boys.'
2. Goldstone Happy to Receive Award from Notorious Veteran Arab-Loving Quislings
3. The strategic foundations of the US-Israel alliance by Caroline Glick
4. Israel Sells More Drone Technology to UK
5. Israeli Security Expert to Canada: 'Full Body Scanners Useless'
1. The View from Lebanon:
Iran, not Israel will start the war. By: Elias Bejjani
2. Brazil Sends FM Amorim to Speak to Persian Nuclear Criminals
3. "the very existence of Israel is an insult to Muslims"
1. Nazi Popularity amongst Iranians, Pakis, and Indians by Hasnain Kazim
2. Iran Prepared to Block Gulf Oil and Wreck Western Economies
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
3. Religious Observance in Israel: Statistics
The International Flottilla Attack on Israel.
Reactions:A Jerusalem News Update Supplement.
Contents of Parts One, Two, and Three:
Part One:
A Partial Background
The Incident
IHH Organizers of the Flotilla have Al Quada Connections and Saudi Finances
Turkish Thugs were well-Paid Mercenaries and well-Prepared
Attackers of the IDF soldiers found to be Al Qaeda mercenaries
The Irish Shame:
Emerald Isle Activist Low-Lifes in Alliance with International Terrorists, Murderers, Jew-Haters, Opressors of Women Folk,
Drug Dealers, and other no-gooders.
Irish Left-Wingers Afraid to Talk to Brit-Am Representatives!
120 Arab Flotilla Attendants Sent to Jordan
The Solution
Part Two:
Flotilla Supplies sub-standard and unwelcome.
All the Wanna-be barbarian Invaders Already Sent Home
President of Czechia Supports Israel
Kurds to Send Flotilla Against Turkish Occupation
Dead Count May be 16!
Kurdistan - Turkey is A Serial Oppressor of Minorities
Population Transference, the Turkish Precedent
Population exchange between Greece and Turkey
International Hypocrisy: Ignoring Turkish Oppression of the Kurds and Exaggerating the Alleged Offences of Israel
Part Three
More Sources:
The Thugs Were Trained Experienced Mercenaries!
Navy: Activists tried to kidnap 3 commandos during Gaza aid flotilla raid
Part Four
1. Israeli Warriors Fought to Free Captured Comrades
2. US pressed Israel to let activists go
3. Saints In Sodom? Activists Attempted to Shield Captured Commandos on Mavi Marmara
4. "Go Back to Auschwitz": A Message From the Flotilla
5. Israel Killed More Than 9, Threw Wounded Into Sea, Witnesses Say
6. MV Rachel Corrie Ship (Yet Another Eire Dishonor) Docked at Ashdod
7. Attacks on IDF Personnel Admitted by Invading Thugs
1. Reaction by Yair to anti-Israel Web-Site Articles
2. David Jackson: "The IDF Had Every Right"
3. If Israel Is Not Evil, the World Is in Big Trouble
4. Obama Official: Netanyahu Waiting for 'President Palin'
5. Probe: [Turkish PM] Erdogan knew Gaza flotilla would be violent
1. Extracts from Guysen International News
2. U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan
3. Natural Gas Bonanza for Israel, Possible Oil Field as Well
1. Turkey Admits to Killing 120 Kurds Last Month
2. European Nations Assist Palestinians in Stealing Jewish Land
3. Helen Thomas, Turkey, and the Liberation of Israel by Victor Davis Hanson
1. "Needed: A Turkish Flotilla to Rescue the Arabs of Stockholm, Sweden" by Ben Dror Yamini
A free and rough (or rough and free') translation by Yair Davidiy.
2. Moslems Rape Non-Muslim Women!
3. Israelite Nations Betray Judah by Funding Quisling Jews
1. Counter Replies to Holocaust Denial
2. Bo Ronn: Good news from Sweden.
3. Half the Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt by Hillel Fendel
1. Rabbi Obadiah Yosef Arouses Ruckus Over Anti-Palestinian Remarks
2. Recent Major Oil Discoveries in Israel
3. Syria is Sore and Sorry: 800,000 Refugees in Syria Drought
1. Statistics:
Jews in Israel Becoming Much More Religious and Brit-Am Commentary.
2. The Straits of Hormuz: Strategic Importance in Volatile Times
by Yoel Guzansky.
3. 17,880 Made Israel Their Home in 5770 by Maayana Miskin
"Today we view the ancient world's attitude to infanticide as barbaric and incomprehensible, but perhaps future generations will look at our attitudes to abortion in the same way",
Ed West, Daily Telegraph.
1. Latma Parody: How fanatic Churchill rejected peace with Hitler.
2. Study Finds: Rise in Number of [Israeli] Religious Army Captains.
3. Health: Coffee in Moderation May be Beneficial!
4. Richard Dawkins and Atheist Crimes by Rory Fitzgerald.
5. Israeli Secular Elements Versus Jewish Faith and Ethnicity.
What the Left is really after by CAROLINE B. GLICK.
1. Isreali Military and Civilian Activity in Space.
In space the costs are high, the rewards higher By Karin Kloosterman.
2. Isreali and Arab Computer Warfare.
Welcome to the world of cyberwar By Guy Grimland.
3. Binyamin Netanyahu "a deep affinity between the two peoples" [i.e. USA and Israel].
Poll shows Israel is an important issue to US voters By HERB KEINON.
1. "Egypt seeking to grow cereals on African farmland".
2. NEC Poll: 61% Palestinians identify themselves as Muslims first 20% Palestinians first.
3. A Brit-Am Exclusive!
Iranian President Ahmadinejad Feared Being Shot by Israelis!
Backed Down from Threatened Intention to Throw Rocks at Border!
4. Bin Laden is 'alive and well and living in comfort'.
5. "The Muslim Brotherhood: Islam's Global Challenge to the West", By Moshe Dann.
1. Brit-Am News Scoop Receives Official Confirmation!
Major General Amos Yadlin, Affirms Brit-Am Report!
2. Ultra-Orthodox, Despite Poverty, Live Better.
Poll Reveals 'Secrets' of the Hareidi Community,
by David Lev
3. Israeli Historian, Benny Morris: "The 1948 War Was an Islamic Holy War"
1. Jews, not Israel, are the Islamists' target by Winston Pickett.
2. Racism the World does not Want to Know About! by Steven Plaut.
3. Girls in IDF Army are Counter-Productive!
4. Poll; Most Palestinians Aim for destruction of Jewish Israel.
5. Jewish Participation in World War-2.
'Let the Jewish people know we fought' by JOANNA PARASZCZUK.
1. Star of David Imprinted onto Iranian Edifices.
2. Israeli Jews Begin to See Arabs as Fifth Column by Chana Ya'ar.
3. Wikileaks Digest. Extracts.
1. The Fire in Israel. What Happened? News Excerpts.
(a) Israel Fire Kills Dozens of Residents by Dan Balilty.
(b) Israel fire quelled, senior policewoman dies of burns (Reuters).
(c) Rabbi: Israel's fire 'God's wrath'.
2. How did the fire start? Were Arabs Responsible?
(a) The Official Version So Far.
(b) Fire Had Several Starting Points.
(c). Fire or a Massacre' Israeli Media Downplays Arson Suspicion by Gil Ronen.
3. Press Low-Key on Wave of Arson by Israel's Arabs by Gil Ronen.
Jerusalem News is continued under the heading New Jerusalem News (NJN).
New Jerusalem News (NJN) Archive Contents.
