Yair Davidiy
![]() Lion and unicorn depicted in roof of Synagogue in Poland, built in the 1600s. The lion is kissing the horn of the unicorn symbolizing the desire for the re-union. [Zechariah 1:15] AND I AM VERY SORE DISPLEASED WITH THE HEATHEN THAT ARE AT EASE: FOR I WAS BUT A LITTLE DISPLEASED, AND THEY HELPED FORWARD THE AFFLICTION.“THEY HELPED FORWARD THE AFFLICTION” in Hebrew “azru [helped] leRa [to make worse]”. This means that because the Jews (Judah) had sinned God was angry at them and delivered them into non-Jewish hands as a punishment BUT the non-Jews took advantage of the situation and oppressed the Jews. Therefore God is angry at them. In Scripture the Jews are represented by the terms Jerusalem, Zion, or Judah. Judah, Reuben, and the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) all in their own way could claim a degree of pre-eminence: “The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (for he was the firstborn; but, for as much as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright.” “For JUDAH prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the chief ruler; but the birthright was Joseph's” (1-Chronicles 5;1 2). From the above it is understandable that a certain balance of deference was to be expected from amongst the leading tribes and when this was not achieved tensions were to result. This factor contributed to tension between the northern tribes headed by Joseph and the southern domain of Judah and so ultimately the two parts split away from each other. The modern day Jews descend from Judah, Simeon, Benjamin, Levi, and some portions of the other tribes. Historically JUDAH was the leading tribe in the south and it was around him that portions of the other tribes gathered and in Biblical terminology JUDAH represents all of the southern entity whose descendants remained faithful to the Law. “Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but JUDAH yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints”. (Hosea 11; 12). “Ephraim is the strength of mine head; Judah is my LAWGIVER” (Psalms 60; 9, 108; 90). “The scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet.” (Genesis 49; 10). In the last days the righteousness of the faith of Judah will be acknowledged: “In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you” ([Zechariahariah 8; 23). Historically, the Jews of Judah were often senselessly hated, persecuted, and despised. Isaiah had predicted this situation: “He is despised and rejected of men: a man of sorrows...he was despised and we esteemed him not...he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted..he opened not his mouth, as a lamb to the slaughter...the LORD hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah ch.53). The Jew is the servant of God and the witness to Monotheism: “Ye are my witnesses and my servant whom I hath chosen. Before me there was no God formed NEITHER SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME” (Isaiah 42; 10). Because the Jew refused to acknowledge conventional lies and deny the Truth of the Biblical Promises and the Oneness of God, he was persecuted: “...For thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter” (Psalm 44; 22). Hatred for the Jews is termed “Antisemitism“ though so called “Semitic” peoples (such as the Arabs) are often as “Antisemitic” (i.e. Jew-hating) as any others. Anti-semitism is a form of mental sickness that amongst more intelligent sufferers requires some modicum of rational justification. This justification is provided by faults, real or imagined, which reflect more on the haters than on the hated. Jewish behavior and attitudes very often are of necessity formed by reaction to the conditions imposed upon them in their host country. At all events, if the Jew or his immediate ancestors had not been faithful to the One True God he would not be now susceptible to victimization. The Bible repeats this essential truth and warns the nations: “He will avenge the blood of his servants” (Deuteronomy 32;43). “He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of his eye“ ([Zechariahariah 2; 8): also understandable as meaning; “He that touches you, touches the apple of His [i.e. God's] eye”. “I am very sore displeased with the heathen...for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction” ([Zechariaharia 1; 15). “The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee” (Isaiah 60; 14). Judah was destined to maintain the LAW and as the JEWISH PEOPLE alone out of all the TRIBES) not to transgress the First and Second commandments. He was not to admit any other God but the ONE GOD OF ISRAEL and not to accept any intermediaries between the ONE GOD and themselves. Judah was destined to suffer largely due to the faults of others but in the end Judah will be rewarded and his oppressors punished. The persecutors of Judah will be forced to acknowledge their mistake: By harming Judah it was as if they had harmed the ONE GOD HIMSELF ([Zechariahariah 2;8)! The Jewish people are an entity in its own right with its own internal characteristics. If the theory set forth in this present work is correct, and all the evidence strongly indicates that it is, it means that the JEWS and many of the peoples in northwest Europe are in a Biblical sense of the same stock and have a mutual destiny. The Lost Ten Tribes “from the north country, and from the coasts of the earth” (Jeremiah 31;8) are destined to re-unite with the Tribes of JUDAH: “They shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all” (Ezekiel 37;22). The unity of origin and destined future union of the Jews with the Lost Ten Tribes of necessity indicates a need for the two bodies even now to evidence certain empathy towards each other. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JUDAH TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE OTHER TRIBES! When the Patriarch Israel was dying he blessed all of his sons. Concerning Judah he said: “Judah you are he whom thy brethren shall acknowledge the righteousness of: your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down to you” Genesis 49; 8. The words “shall acknowledge the righteousness of” in Hebrew are “Yoducha” and are translated in the KING JAMES as “shall praise” but in this case our translation is the more literal one. The Hebrew expression “Yoducha“ even connotes “own up” or “acknowledge the righteousness of after a disagreement”! The brothers of Judah will acknowledge his righteousness!!!! [Zechariah 8:19] THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS; THE FAST OF THE FOURTH MONTH, AND THE FAST OF THE FIFTH, AND THE FAST OF THE SEVENTH, AND THE FAST OF THE TENTH, SHALL BE TO THE HOUSE OF JUDAH JOY AND GLADNESS, AND CHEERFUL FEASTS; THEREFORE LOVE THE TRUTH AND PEACE. These four fasts are the four days of mourning associated with the destruction of the Temple. When the Temple is rebuilt they will become feast days. These fasts are still kept by the present-day Jews who are descended from Judah. [Zechariah 8:23] THUS SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS; IN THOSE DAYS IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT TEN MEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OUT OF ALL LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS, EVEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OF THE SKIRT OF HIM THAT IS A JEW, SAYING, WE WILL GO WITH YOU: FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU. These “TEN MEN” probably represent all (or many of) the peoples of the world since it says “ OUT OF ALL LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS”, Even so they may also represent the Lost TEN Tribes who will also wish to re-attach themselves to JUDAH, i.e. to someone “THAT IS A JEW, SAYING, WE WILL GO WITH YOU: FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU”. “ARE THE JEWS JEWISH?” There exist some so called “Identity” movements who do not really believe in “Identity” nor do they really believe in the Bible though they sometimes pretend to. These groups claim that the present-day Jews are not descended from Judah-but rather from Edomites or other people. They claim that the “true” descendants of Judah are other peoples, some say the true descendants of Judah are the Germans, others say they are the Africans! Perhaps it was the Germans or the Afro-Americans who really killed Jesus? These claims about the Jews not belonging to Judah are stupid but they do have some influence some times. Otherwise quite well-meaning sensible people have sometimes gotten mixed up with racist groups and been misled by them. In the case of the so-called “white supremacist” groups they have sometimes been a menace to us, misled otherwise good people, and also misled the public at large as to thinking that they represent “Identity Identity”. In Proverbs it says: “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like him. “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own deceit” (Proverbs 26;4-5). In other words we do not have to reply to the claims of every misguided or deranged person. Nevertheless in some cases we should know enough to reply to them if necessary. Sometimes these people can push their opinion quite forcefully at an inopportune moment and it helps to have a ready answer. This chapter of Zechariahariah provides it! [Zechariahariah says that the Jews of Judah prior to their final redemption will have endured a long history Of having been presecuted and treated with contempt. “AS YE WERE A CURSE AMONG THE HEATHEN, O HOUSE OF JUDAH, AND HOUSE OF ISRAEL” ([Zechariahariah 8;13). That their religion will have been unique to them and that only at the latter days will it be acknowledged: [Zechariah 8:23] TEN MEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OUT OF ALL LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS, EVEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OF THE SKIRT OF HIM THAT IS A JEW, SAYING, WE WILL GO WITH YOU: FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU. And that the days of mourning and fasting that they practised will become feastdays: [Zechariah 8:19] THE FAST OF THE FOURTH MONTH, - Tammuz. AND THE FAST OF THE FIFTH, - Av AND THE FAST OF THE SEVENTH, - Tishrei (Gedaliah) AND THE FAST OF THE TENTH, - Tebeth (Tevet). SHALL BE TO THE HOUSE OF JUDAH JOY AND GLADNESS, AND CHEERFUL FEASTS; THEREFORE LOVE THE TRUTH AND PEACE. Only the Jews were treated with contempt and persecuted throughout much of their history in exile. Only they kept the fast days listed by [Zechariahariah. Only they kept the uniqueness of their belief which in the Last days will be acknowledged by everone. If someone does not want to belief in the Bible, or to deny Bible truth, that is their problem but let them come out and say so openly. Scripture itself provides the answer to every question, great or small, profound or foolish, that anybody can ever come up with. [Isaiah 11:12] HE WILL RAISE AN ENSIGN FOR THE NATIONS, AND WILL ASSEMBLE THE OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL, AND GATHER THE DISPERSED OF JUDAH FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH. OUTCASTS OF ISRAEL, = The Lost Ten Tribes who will be found gathered together in specific areas. THE DISPERSED OF JUDAH i.e. the Jews who are scattered all over the world. It is also true that in Biblical Times there was frequent tension between Judah in the south and the Ten Tribes of Israel headed by Ephraim in the north. This tension apparently was destined to continue for a degree throughout the time of exile. In the time of the Messiah or in the Era leading up to it there will be reconciliation between the two entities. [Isaiah 11:13] THE JEALOUSY OF EPHRAIM SHALL DEPART, AND THOSE WHO HARASS JUDAH SHALL BE CUT OFF; EPHRAIM SHALL NOT BE JEALOUS OF JUDAH, AND JUDAH SHALL NOT HARASS EPHRAIM. “EPHRAIM” represents all the Ten Tribes. “WHO HARASS JUDAH SHALL BE CUT OFF”: Anti-Semites will be punished. “EPHRAIM SHALL NOT BE JEALOUS OF JUDAH”: A lot of anti-Semitism is due to jealousy. “JUDAH SHALL NOT HARASS EPHRAIM”: Jewish do-gooders and hyper-active individuals etc sometimes antagonize other people. This verse speaks of “Ephraim” (the Ten Tribes) and “Judah” (the Jews) as remaining separate entities sometimes antagonistic to each other right up to the end times and that eventually they will be reconciled and re-united. [Ezekiel 37:16] MOREOVER, THOU SON OF MAN, TAKE THEE ONE STICK, AND WRITE UPON IT, FOR JUDAH, AND FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL HIS COMPANIONS: THEN TAKE ANOTHER STICK, AND WRITE UPON IT, FOR JOSEPH, THE STICK OF EPHRAIM AND FOR ALL THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL HIS COMPANIONS: [Ezekiel 37:17] AND JOIN THEM ONE TO ANOTHER INTO ONE STICK; AND THEY SHALL BECOME ONE IN THINE HAND. [Ezekiel 37:18] AND WHEN THE CHILDREN OF THY PEOPLE SHALL SPEAK UNTO THEE, SAYING, WILT THOU NOT SHEW US WHAT THOU MEANEST BY THESE? [Ezekiel 37:19] SAY UNTO THEM, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; BEHOLD, I WILL TAKE THE STICK OF JOSEPH, WHICH IS IN THE HAND OF EPHRAIM, AND THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL HIS FELLOWS, AND WILL PUT THEM WITH HIM, EVEN WITH THE STICK OF JUDAH, AND MAKE THEM ONE STICK, AND THEY SHALL BE ONE IN MINE HAND. [Ezekiel 37:20] AND THE STICKS WHEREON THOU WRITEST SHALL BE IN THINE HAND BEFORE THEIR EYES. [Ezekiel 37:21] AND SAY UNTO THEM, THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD; BEHOLD, I WILL TAKE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL FROM AMONG THE HEATHEN, WHITHER THEY BE GONE, AND WILL GATHER THEM ON EVERY SIDE, AND BRING THEM INTO THEIR OWN LAND: [Ezekiel 37:22] AND I WILL MAKE THEM ONE NATION IN THE LAND UPON THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL; AND ONE KING SHALL BE KING TO THEM ALL: AND THEY SHALL BE NO MORE TWO NATIONS, NEITHER SHALL THEY BE DIVIDED INTO TWO KINGDOMS ANY MORE AT ALL. [Ezekiel 37:23] NEITHER SHALL THEY DEFILE THEMSELVES ANY MORE WITH THEIR IDOLS, NOR WITH THEIR DETESTABLE THINGS, NOR WITH ANY OF THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS: BUT I WILL SAVE THEM OUT OF ALL THEIR DWELLINGPLACES, WHEREIN THEY HAVE SINNED, AND WILL CLEANSE THEM: SO SHALL THEY BE MY PEOPLE, AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD. [Ezekiel 37:24] AND DAVID MY SERVANT SHALL BE KING OVER THEM; AND THEY ALL SHALL HAVE ONE SHEPHERD: THEY SHALL ALSO WALK IN MY JUDGMENTS, AND OBSERVE MY STATUTES, AND DO THEM. [Ezekiel 37:25] AND THEY SHALL DWELL IN THE LAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UNTO JACOB MY SERVANT, WHEREIN YOUR FATHERS HAVE DWELT; AND THEY SHALL DWELL THEREIN, EVEN THEY, AND THEIR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN FOR EVER: AND MY SERVANT DAVID SHALL BE THEIR PRINCE FOR EVER. [Ezekiel 37:26] MOREOVER I WILL MAKE A COVENANT OF PEACE WITH THEM; IT SHALL BE AN EVERLASTING COVENANT WITH THEM: AND I WILL PLACE THEM, AND MULTIPLY THEM, AND WILL SET MY SANCTUARY IN THE MIDST OF THEM FOR EVERMORE. [Ezekiel 37:27] MY TABERNACLE ALSO SHALL BE WITH THEM: YEA, I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. [Ezekiel 37:28] AND THE HEATHEN SHALL KNOW THAT I THE LORD DO SANCTIFY ISRAEL, WHEN MY SANCTUARY SHALL BE IN THE MIDST OF THEM FOR EVERMORE. Not only will “Judah” and “Joseph” be reconciled and re-united but they will also co-operate in transferring the Palestinian Arabs to someplace in the West, as foreseen by the Prophet Isaiah. [Isaiah 11:14] BUT THEY SHALL SWOOP DOWN UPON THE SHOULDER OF THE PHILISTINES IN THE WEST, AND TOGETHER THEY SHALL PLUNDER THE PEOPLE OF THE EAST. THEY SHALL PUT FORTH THEIR HAND AGAINST EDOM AND MOAB, AND THE AMMONITES SHALL OBEY THEM. The above verse (Isaiah 11;14) concerning the Philistines as it has been translated (in the KJ and Orthodox Jewish “Koren” translation) is consistent with the simple Hebrew and with the context. Nevertheless, one of the intricacies of Biblical Hebrew is that often words and expressions may intentionally have more than one meaning. In this case the Hebrew may also be understood as saying, “THEY SHALL FLY THE PHILISTINES AWAY WESTWARD” The Hebrew says: “VeAFU BeCeTeF PLiSHTIM YaMaH..”, i.e. word for word from the Hebrew: “[veafu] And they will fly ((or cause to be flown)) [“becetef”] by wing [Plishtim] Phillistines [Yama] towards the Sea ((or Towards the west)) “: this may be interpreted to mean anyone of the following: 1.That the Phillistines in the west are being flown against, OR 2. ALTERNATELY (and more consistently with the Literal Hebrew) that they will be flown out westward, OR It is interesting to note that the word for westward is the Hebrew “Yamah” meaning literally “to the sea”, and the sea was in the west. The Palestinians used to repeatedly declare their intention of driving the Jews “into the sea” though now they use more openly that they want to kill all the Jews. On some subconscious mystical level the Palestinians may have been trying to redirect what is literally prophesied concerning their own destiny. . i.e. The Palestinians shall be transported elsewhere by air flight “towards the sea”, to somewhere in the west, perhaps to North Africa or to South America. Not only does Scripture and its connected tradition identify modern nations with their ancestral counterparts, the Bible also indicates the final outcome of ancestral struggles that were begun long ago. From the above we see that: 1. Despite whatever faults the Jews may or may not have they are still part of the Chosen People of God and they have their own God-given task to play in the world. Whoever persecutes the Jews is persecuting God and will be punished accordingly. 2. Scripture describes Judah and the religious practices of the Jews under the term Judah. 3. It was predicted that tension would always exist between Ephraim (the Ten Tribes) and Judah. 4. In the latter Days Judah and Ephraim will be reconciled and re-united. 5. Judah and Ephraim will co-operate together in transferring the Palestinians to some alternate abode in the west. They will fly them out. REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY Replacement Theology says that Israel (meaning in their terms the Jews) was originally the Chosen People but now the Christians have replaced them. Similar to Replacement Theology is the position of certain anti-Jewish Identity groups that say that the Jews are not true Israelites but rather they themselves are and that the Jews are Edomites. This doctrine is promoted with great persistency and passionate conviction. There must be an explanation for this fanaticism that derives from the pathological state of its advocates. They themselves are most likely the descendants of Esau who lost his birthright to Jacob. In both Replacement Theology and anti-Jewish Identity Doctrine you have the jealousy of Esau (Edom) trying to regain the rights of primogeniture by replacing Judah and Israel. [Genesis 27:41] AND ESAU HATED JACOB BECAUSE OF THE BLESSING WHEREWITH HIS FATHER BLESSED HIM: AND ESAU SAID IN HIS HEART, THE DAYS OF MOURNING FOR MY FATHER ARE AT HAND; THEN WILL I SLAY MY BROTHER JACOB. “ESAU HATED JACOB BECAUSE OF THE BLESSING WHEREWITH HIS FATHER BLESSED HIM”: Esau was the first anti-Semite. He cannot help hating Jacob. This explains the anti-semites in the Identity movement and Replacement Theology. Replacement Theology says that Israel (meaning in their terms the Jews) were originally the Chosen People but now the Christians have replaced them. The anti-Jewish identity people say that the Jews are not true Israelites but rather they themselves are. In both cases you have the jealousy of Esau trying to regain the rights of the firstborn. The Bible says “You shall not abhor an Edomite; for he is your brother ...the children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the Lord in their third generation” (Deuteronomy 23:7-8). The anti-Jewish identity freaks should repent. They cannot help being descended from Esau and if they repent they too have a chance of being accepted as Israelite citizens. On the same subject mentioned below we have produced below Quoted Extracts from a very important article by STEPHEN COLLINS: Stephen Collins in an article in the 6th issue of our magazine “BRIT-AM Truth” (SEVERAL REASONS WHY THE JEWS ARE “JUDAH” by Steven M. Collins) points out that there are other proofs in Scripture affirming the identification of the present-day Jews with Judah: Below we bring some extracts from the article by Stephen Collins, WHY THE JEWS ARE "JUDAH". For the full article click here. See also, "The Jews Are Judah" by Yair Davidiy. REASON 1: FULFILLMENT OF ZEPHANIAH'S PROPHECY: [ZEPHANIAH 2:1] GATHER YOURSELVES TOGETHER, YEA, GATHER TOGETHER, O NATION NOT DESIRED; [ZEPHANIAH 2:2] BEFORE THE DECREE BRING FORTH, BEFORE THE DAY PASS AS THE CHAFF, BEFORE THE FIERCE ANGER OF THE LORD COME UPON YOU, BEFORE THE DAY OF THE LORD'S ANGER COME UPON YOU. [ZEPHANIAH 2:3] SEEK YE THE LORD, ALL YE MEEK OF THE EARTH, WHICH HAVE WROUGHT HIS JUDGMENT; SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS, SEEK MEEKNESS: IT MAY BE YE SHALL BE HID IN THE DAY OF THE LORD'S ANGER. [ZEPHANIAH 2:4] FOR GAZA SHALL BE FORSAKEN, AND ASHKELON A DESOLATION: THEY SHALL DRIVE OUT ASHDOD AT THE NOON DAY, AND EKRON SHALL BE ROOTED UP. [ZEPHANIAH 2:5] WOE UNTO THE INHABITANTS OF THE SEA COAST, THE NATION OF THE CHERETHITES! THE WORD OF THE LORD IS AGAINST YOU; O CANAAN, THE LAND OF THE PHILISTINES, I WILL EVEN DESTROY THEE, THAT THERE SHALL BE NO INHABITANT. [ZEPHANIAH 2:6] AND THE SEA COAST SHALL BE DWELLINGS AND COTTAGES FOR SHEPHERDS, AND FOLDS FOR FLOCKS. [ZEPHANIAH 2:7] AND THE COAST SHALL BE FOR THE REMNANT OF THE HOUSE OF JUDAH; THEY SHALL FEED THEREUPON: IN THE HOUSES OF ASHKELON SHALL THEY LIE DOWN IN THE EVENING: FOR THE LORD THEIR GOD SHALL VISIT THEM, AND TURN AWAY THEIR CAPTIVITY. <<Zephaniah chapter two begins with statements clearly indicating it is a “latter day” prophecy. Verse two sets the time-frame of this chapter as being just “before the day of the Lord's anger,” and verse three reiterates that this prophecy applies to the time just prior to “the day of the Lord.” Verses 4 - 5 pronounce “woe” upon the cities and inhabitants “of the seacoast,” and it clear that the “seacoast” of Palestine is being discussed due to the mention of the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, and Ekron. Verse seven describes the “woe” that will befall these people (also called “Cherethites” and “Philistines” in verse 5) in the following prophecy of God: “The coast shall be for the remnant of Judah; they shall feed thereupon; in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening; for the Lord their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity.” (Emphasis added.) <<This prophecy clearly states that God will give the historic land of the Philistines (Palestine) to “Judah” just prior to the “day of the Lord.” It furthermore indicates that God was not going to “turn away [Judah's] captivity” until just prior to the day of the Lord. The phrase “turn away their captivity” is a bit clumsy; it simply means “end their captivity.” In 1948, the Jewish nation called Israel was born in the “seacoast” region of old Palestine, fulfilling this prophecy. Indeed, the 1988 Edition of the Encyclopedia Americana notes this about Israel's population: “About 70% of it is concentrated in the Mediterranean coastal strip...” This is exactly what Zephaniah 2 prophesied would occur to Judah in the latter days. <<The historic fact is that God chose to use modern Jews to fulfill this prophecy about “the house of Judah.” This is powerful evidence that modern Jews are the modern house of Judah. Zephaniah 2:6 also prophesies that agricultural pursuits were to prosper when the “house of Judah” reestablished a nation in Palestine, and much has been written documenting that the Israelis have “made the desert bloom” with their innovative, high-tech agricultural efforts. <<Zephaniah Verse 14 states: “Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem.” None of the other tribes of Israel is specifically mentioned in this prophecy, but “Judah” is there in sufficiently large numbers to warrant God's mentioning them by name. REASON 2: FULFILLMENT OF ZECHARIAH’S PROPHECY <<Zechariah 12 Verse two prophesies that God “will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege against Judah and Jerusalem.” REASON 3: FULFILLMENT OF GENESIS 49'S PROPHECY <<Genesis 49:8-12 states (emphasis added throughout): “Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion; and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: his eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk.” <<This prophecy reveals much information about modern Judah. To begin with, there is a seeming paradox in this prophecy: Judah is referred to as both a “lion's whelp” and “as an old lion.” However, this actually fits the modern Jews/Israelis very well. The term “lion's whelp” (a young cub) predicts Judah will be a young (or recently-born) nation in the latter days: a fitting description of the young Israeli nation which was founded in 1948. This prophecy is very consistent with Zephaniah 2, which prophesied Judah would found a nation in Palestine just prior to “the day of the Lord.” Yet, the Jews are also a people with a continuous history traceable for over three millennia, and they also had a nation in Palestine in ancient times (i.e. “as an old lion”). The Jews/Israelis fulfill this prophecy as they are a very young nation which was founded by a people with an ancient tradition and heritage. <<Genesis 49:8-9 states Judah's “hand shall be in the neck of thy enemies,” and refers to Judah “as a lion going up from the prey.” This prophecy foretells that Judah will be an aggressive nation and victorious in warfare during the latter days, conquering its enemies like a lion brings down its prey. This has been amply fulfilled by Israeli victories in its wars, and this prophecy meshes perfectly with Zechariah 12:6's prophecy which states Judah would “devour” her enemies in the latter days. Not only have the Israelis been successful in warfare, they have leaped out at their enemies even as a lion leaps and stretches out toward its intended prey. The Israelis do not “run and hide” like a prey animal; they attack like a predator. They leaped out to attack their enemies in the 1976 raid on Entebbe, Uganda, etc. See also: The Jews are Judah! 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