"Brit-Am Now"-1007
1. Articles on Criteria
2. Cam Rea: Simeon in Assyrian Captivity
3. Cam Rea: Interview
1. Articles on Criteria
Ephraimite Criteria
How Do You Know
You Descend from Israel?
Brit-Am Criteria
for determining Israelite Origin at the Individual and National Levels
2. Cam Rea: Simeon in Assyrian Captivity
I just wanted to note that Simeon was taken away due to the Assyrian
invasion with the Northern Tribes of Israel. Even though this isn't new news, I
only says this so others will not be confused. When the Assyrians invaded
Northern Israel they also invaded the eastern side of Israel taking the royal
road route, and seem to have pushed as far as northern Arabia, then making a
swift turn to the west they "Assyrians" came across the land of the tribe of
Simeon. From the land of Simeon the Assyrians would push till they reached the
border of Egypt. This would make Judah isolated from any independent neighbor
for Assyria now surrounded the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
3. Cam Rea: Interview
Great Interview Mr. Davidiy. You and Rabbi Feld did a great job. Will be looking
forward to the next one.
Cam Rea