
"Brit-Am Now"-1020
1. Tessa:
Ephraimites - a Mixed Bunch?
2. New Rune-Stone found in Denmark
3. Steve
Mathe: "We can start only from where we wake up!"
4. Predicted Number of Israelites
5. Articles of Interest Liable to be overlooked
(a) Bagpipes in the Bible
(b) The    Angel  of   Israel
  and   Joseph:  Is    it  MICHAEL?
6. Cannot Afford Membership and e-mail list?
7. Question existing Membership and Brit-Am Registration Certificate



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1. Tessa: Ephraimites - a Mixed Bunch?
From: Tessa in NZ
Subject: broadcast

Shalom Yair

The radio discussions with Tamar were really helpful. Just one query though - you mentioned that the numbers of descendants of Ephraim were in the 'hundreds of millions' which is a technically reasonable guess. However true Ephraimites - those who have a heart to return to Jacob - are probably only a remnant of this multitude as there is probably Edomite in our genetic mix as well which causes identity confusion and perhaps a divided heart.

Amongst Christians there seems to be a small but growing recognition of difference between those who have an 'Israelite' mindset and those who have an 'Edomite' mindset - pro or anti Israel - and this could develop into a large division in the near future as middle eastern politics heats up and Christians really take sides. Given that orthodox Church theology is based in anti-semitism, it is still a big stumbling block for Ephraim to recognise who he is and where his allegiances should lie.

It's still a guess how many Ephraimites will ultimately respond to any call.

Blessings - Tessa

2. New Rune-Stone found in Denmark
Rune-stone found near Faborg, South Funen, Denmark.
Commemorating a man called ASLAK
URL in Danish but with clear pictures.
(On the picture the runes are highlighted with chalk)


3. Steve Mathe: "We can start only from where we wake up!"
From: Steve Mathe <>
Subject: Timely Law Debate / Return with & to "thanksgiving"

Yair  and all,

It is interesting to note the "Law debate" coincided with the time of the reading of parsha Vayeitzei, Gen.28:10-32:3 and haftara Hosea 11:7-14:10, where Jacob travels to Beth El, and where Ephraim's disposition is clearly described:

"My people is unsure about returning to Me. It is summoned to the Most High One, but it does not rise in unity.......  They will follow HeShem [when He calls] like a roaring lion, for when He roars, the children will hasten form the west.  They will hasten like a bird from Egypt and like a dove from Assyria; and I shall return them to their homes, the words of HaShem."  "........ In Beth El He fill find us, and there He will speak with us." (Hos. 11:7-12:5. Stone Chumash translation)."

We truly are unsure as to how to return, and lack of unity brands us. One thing we can know for sure, we are the "first contingent" of returnees from the Valley of Dry Bones and as such we surely have a task to do. Perhaps it is to be pioneers, blazing a trail of return. To be sure, as "returnees," our overall task is to return to the full identity as "the people of the Covenant," / Brit Am, which according to the Prophets, we have abandoned centuries ago.  The precise way of return is not spelled out in the Scriptures at this time. Perhaps it is so because this is not any man's work, which would be subject to errors in our doctrinaire world.  Rather, it is the work of God, which turns the hearts of the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob toward the hearts of their latter-day alienated children, (Mal. 3:24).  It is the work of awakening and receptivity of hearts that only God can do.  The reciprocation of hearts and individual "walks" homeward to the Torah and our identity are actions only we can do.  We can start only from where we wake up.  Therefore our beginning walks will be diverse if we are to "gather ourselves together" (Isa. 49:18).  However, we can do so unitedly in the giving of heartfelt thanks.  We can all take words and seek Him with all our hearts and with thanksgiving, praises and pleas for mercy for our people.  If we do, He will steer each one of us homeward and we will all meet in Beth El, the House of God. If we seek Him and His direction with all our heart, He will restore us to Him. (Jer. 29:13-14).
This Thanksgiving, let us give thanks that we are so blessed to be living at this time, when we see the beginning of the regathering of Israel.  Let us also hasten to give "thank offerings" to the agency that He used to bring us here.

Steve Mathe
"Only prayer, Torah and repentance will unify the Tribes of Israel.

4. Predicted Number of Israelites
See, "Large Numbers"

See also,


5. Articles of Interest Liable to be overlooked
Bagpipes in the Bible

The    Angel  of   Israel
  and     Joseph:  Is    it  MICHAEL?


6. Cannot Afford Membership and e-mail list?


Sorry, can not afford.
I'm struggling with the economy for trying to keep my house.
But I would like to receive emails from you..

Lasse M

OK. E-Mails etc will continue to be sent out without regard to
Brit-Am Membership Registration though those who are registered will eventually be benefited in other ways.
Most who are subscribed to our e-mail list do not register.
God bless you
Yair Davidiy


7. Question existing Membership and Brit-Am Registration Certificate
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Membership Registration Drive and Fee

Anna wrote:

Shalom Yair.

Could I ask you some questions please?

I am a member of Brit-Am, do I need to Register again?

And where about will you have Brit-Am chapters in Australia?

Kind regards.

Anna Arnold

You do not have to register again in order to remain a member.
You are a member at all events.
New Members need to Register.
Old Members should register in order to receive the new improved Brit-Am Registration Certificate
that from  now on will be issued as authorization of membership.