
"Brit-Am Now"-1081
1. Procedural Matters. Letters to Brit-Am Might be Published! Sources.
2. Did Some of the Scythians Worship Joseph?
3. Hosea 14 Upgraded
4. Some Highlights of the Book of Hosea
5. Christians Offended? Brit-Am Clarification



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1. Procedural Matters.
Letters to Brit-Am Might be Published!
Letters to Brit-Am that contain information or a point of view likely to interest others
are likely to be Posted to our list.
If someone prefers that they be kept confidential they should say so.
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We work on a similar basis to that of all media.
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then this should be made clear at the beginning.
The onus is on the writer of the letter to make it clear, not on the editor to clarify it.

All articles, photos, etc sent to Brit-Am should have the sources mentioned.
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2. Did Some of the Scythians  Worship Joseph?
The following extracts have been edited slightly by us.
From the region under consideration emerged the
Khazars and before the Khazars groups associated with the Angles, Saxons, part of the Scandinavians, and others.
Read the extracts through if you can.
At all events go to the Brit-Am Summary at the end where we explain the links to Joseph and indications of Lost Israelite origins.

Based on Extracts (with slight grammatical adaptations) from:
Tanais, a major trading center at the Don River mouth, from IV BCE to IV CE flourished on land and sea routes (Strabo 9.2.3), connecting India and China with the western world.[13; 16,28; 38,15-23] Since VII BCE the Black Sea north belonged to Royal Scythians...In V BCE Greek colonies of the Crimea and Taman Peninsula united into Bosporan Kingdom, a competitor of Egypt in the world grain market.The Kingdom was ruled by hellenized Scytho-Thracian dynasties,with the official cult of Aphrodite Urania Apatura - Astarta...The incorporation of Tanais into the Kingdom in I CE almost coincided with the reports on the first influential Jewish communities well documented for several Bosporan cities.[6,430 fn] They are attested by their inscriptions, sometimes in Hebrew,and by menorah, ram -horn, palm branch, or citron executed on the burial stones of their cemetries. [9,59-71]
In Tanais and other cities [of the region] dedications to nameless Hypsistos [the "Unknown God" often identified with the God of Israel] were unearthed.
Theos Hypsistos [was]... the only deity in Tanais.Thus Goodenough characterized the cult as Hellenized Judaism,[12,232] Nadel as local Judaism, [29, 23] and Levinskaja as "originated in the Jewish milieu"[20] Katsarov rendered it as Baalism,[16,118] and Tacheva-Hitova suggested a local syncretism of the Judaized Zeus -Sabazius influenced by the Jews of Tanais and Bosporan Kingdom. [41, 142] Ustinova denies the Jewish influence on Bosporan Theos Hypsistos and, explaining the cult as "Sarmatian", extends the term to the creed of Royal Scythians and Saka. She sees the Bosporan guilds as military bodies introduced into the Greek milieu by the influx of Iranian [i.e. Scythian] nomads. [45, 150-180] However,contrary to literary tradition, in the Tanais Delta archaeology reveals only the scanty traces of Sauromatians/ Sarmatians - controversial terms lacking definite ethnical meaning. [39,60-65]
Our starting position is that the Tanais creed was distinct from other forms of Bosporan Theos Hypsistos, whose divine title could have belonged to Judaism and Christianity, but could also describe Baal, Zeus, or Sabazius...
 Archaeological data have shown that at all times Tanais was a non-Greek city: no features of hellenistic cultural life found up to I CE, when on the town site appeared Greek inscriptions and coins.But there were multiple figurines of Bes, Bah, frogs, phalluses, grape bunches, and the like, of Egyptian provenance. During the seven centuries the burial practices followed the same pattern: there were no coins, or inscriptions, Greek stelas, or terracotes. [38, 84 -951 Neither were there specific Sarmatian features...

[In Tanais existed the cult of Aspourgis]
...In ca. 14, King Rescuporis I son of King Asandroxos, in his lifetime, was deified as the sun-god under the cult name Aspourgos.The cult of Aspourgos is related to the religious and military organisation of the "Aspourgians" settled near Hermonassa on the Aspourgian Island. [Identified by some with the Asa ancestral "gods" who migrated to Scandinavia]....Aspourgos belonged to the Arsacides - Royal Scythian family from the Tanais River region, the other branches ruled over Parthia, Armenia, and the Kushana Empire [of Central Asia] (Strabo 11.9.2). The Arsacides worshiped Anahita/Tanit, claimed divine origin and called themselves "brothers of the Sun and the Moon". Their dynastic title, written by them in square Hebrew characters as 'arasak, means "betrothed" 126,121;33,321;14,27-29J More complex design of their dynastic tamga, as the symbol of the goddess flanked with horses [part of the cult of Aspourgis], was used by all the branches of the Arsacides.110,b7,71 tab.b,73 nos.255-58,74;43,47-48J
The name Aspourgos, for many centuries  well attested in the region, is conventionally rendered from the Akkadian -Syrian "aspuraku" for "horseman" (cf. Iranian "aspa" for "horse"). 114,43,45-47J However, Tolstoi paralleled "Aspourgians" and "Christians" as followers of Aspourgos (of Christ) and held that the original form should have been the ancient Iberian name Aspaurouxis. ...we can render this two-stemmed name [having double origins] from the Semitic roots in relation to hag ha'asif -"Festival of Ingathering" (Ex. 23:16, 34:22), the annual feast celebrated for seven days in time of the winter solstice. The second stem being bar'a - "create", as bfr'aka - "the day of your creation" in Is 43:1, or "thy self-creation" in Ezek 28:13,15 125,154 178J, the whole becomes "Asaf created"or "Asaf self-created". Thus, we can trace the Tanais creed to the Canaanite-Phoenician solar cult with the horsman as "the savior and heathen god of the Near East", 115,69) and to such names as Yasup-ilu, a place-name in the Karnak list of Thotmes III (XVI BCE), Milki-asapa, a king of Gebal (KB 2. 149, 241), Baal-iasupu, an Arvadite prince (KB 2. 173) - VII BCE. Accordingly, the established etymological relation of safah-'asaf-yasaf can be translated into genetic kinship of such solar personages as Assyrian-Caucasian Asaph/Savaz, Biblical Joseph "abreh" (Gen. 41:43), Bosporan Aspourgos, Thracian Sabazius/Attis, and Central Asian Sijawush 1431 (probably from one of the seven Greek forms of the name ). Each of deities evolved in different ethnical and historical mileu, but retained common features.122,759-774;23,827-8301The cult corresponds to practices referred to in connection with apostasy and solar rites related to horses or horse-mounting:2 Kgs 23:11 - "And he took away the horses, that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathan-melech, the eunuch, and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire"; Hos 14:4- "Asshur shall not save us; we will not mount upon horses; neither will we call the work of our hands our gods".

We suggest that the Hellenized Jewish immigrants...who embraced the Christianity, introduced Christian features into the cult having accepted an Arsacide Aspourgos as a messianic king Asaph/Joseph. The theological tradition of Israel,when the Lord stands at the head of His chosen people, then the king chosen by the Lord rules over Israel has been translated into the structure of the guilds.Thus the first category coincides with the first phase,while the second category guilds headed by the priest correspond to the selection of a king, and the third to the people as king's brothers (cf. the "adoption scene", when Joseph reconciles with his brothers in Gen 45:4,5). Thus, the tradition of the first dying messiah Ben Joseph could be rooted in the recognized solar connections of Joseph.

Brit-Am Summary: The above extracts from the short article by IRMA HAYNMAN may look confusing and if you were to see the rest of the article perhaps even more so.
HAYNMAN did the research and uses sources (in English, Russian, and German) of others who were experts in the field and familiar with the source material.
HAYNMAN may well have intended to write a complete work and the short article from which the sources were derived was merely an outline of it.
The importance of this article lies in assumptions that
Haynman seems to take almost for granted but for us are quite important.
Tanais remained a Scythian city probably of the Royal Scythians long after most of the Scythians had left the surrounding area and other peoples (Sarmatians etc) had moved in.
[Brit-Am has shown elsewhere that the original name of "
Tanais" appears to have been "Dan"].
They worshipped the Unknown God in a manner consistent with Israelite origins.
There were also pagan practices in the area but these too may be traced to the former Israelite Region (Phoenicia, Canaan, etc) or to  Egypt,
and they are not shared by neighboring peoples.
The cult of
Aspourgous was shared by the Royal Scythians and Arsacide rulers of the Parthians.
This cult may originally have been based on the figure of Joseph and even have been named after him.
At all events
Aspourgous was later identified with Joseph and Joseph being reconciled with his brothers was an important aspect of it.

3. Hosea 14 Upgraded
Israel must return to the Almighty and be reconciled with HIM. There is no other choice. The Return of the Lost Ten Tribes is symbolized by the Brit-Am Rose, official symbol of Brit-Am.

4. Some Highlights of the Book of Hosea
Three sons of Gomer (i.e. Cimmerians) represent three sections of the exiled 10 tribes who will link up with European Nations. They do not represent Judah who is separately spoken of  (1:7).
Much of Hosea is directed expressly to the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
The Lost Tribes of Israel will be rejected, then accepted (1:10) (Yebamot 17), (2:23).  They will be extremely numerous (1:10).
They will have worshipped the baal (2:8, 2:13).
Righteousness, judgment, lovingkindness, and mercy are required of us (2:19).
The Lost Ten Tribes must Return to God, to Jerusalem [reconciliation with Judah], and to the Kingdom of David (3:5).
 Ephraim represents all of the northern Lost Ten Tribes of Israel as well as the specific tribe of Ephraim.
Ephraim will have brough forth "strange children"(5:7).
Gilead and Schechem (representing the USA) were known for their murderers and violence (6:2).
Judah will be preparing the foundations of the Land for all the Tribes to Return (Hosea 6:11). The Exiles will return from the West (11:10).
Judah will have remained faithful (11:14).
Ephraim is described as a cheating merchant (12:7). cf. Terms applied to Britain, "Nation of shopkeepers", "Perfidious Albion".
Ephraim is to the west (mostly) from the Land of Israel (11:10).
Ephraim is rich.
Ephraim is a merchant (12:7).
Ephraim mistakenly puts his trust in Assyria and other "lovers".
Association with Machmad (i.e. Islam) (Mohamot) augurs not well for Ephraim and is liable to bring disaster due to Muslim terrorists (9:1).
The overall message of Hosea is rejection of Ephraim by the Almighty followed by a reconciliations. This applies to all the Lost Ten Tribes and also to Judah. 
Israel will return unto God and be blessed once again (chapter 14). ###################################################

5. Christians Offended? Brit-Am Clarification
re "Brit-Am Now"-1078
#  1. ROB SAUTON FLEET: Reflections on the Brit-Am Situation.
The Brit-Am Group is monitored.
We try not to offend Christians or any other group.
In the above message there was a passage that we let pass by  but some
Ephraimites were offended by and wrote to us.
The relevant  sentence (that was not written by us) said;
"The gospel does not really reconcile itself with Brit Am beliefs "
People wrote in saying this was not so.
We are not posting their letters since we want to close the issue.
We should perhaps have been more sensitive. ###################################################