
"Brit-Am Now"-1084
1. Thomas Malloy: No Fan of DHL!
2. Lion and Eagle Symbols in Tabernacle
3. Napoleon, France, and Biblical Precedent



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1. Thomas Malloy: No Fan of DHL!
re "Brit-Am Now"-1082
#1. D.H.Lawrence and American National Character

Dear Yair;

I just read the segment of D H Lawrence's writing. That was awful! I had this feeling in my stomach, like I was going to vomit. I had the same reaction when I drove by a reformed synagogue on a Sunday and saw them coming for services,  interesting.
Thomas Malloy

Brit-Am Reply:

It is good that you send us your reaction since it is important to us and others probably feel the same as you.
Reform Jews are doing the same as the forefathers of the Ephraimites once did long ago only the Reform Jews are perhaps somewhat not as bad as the Ephraimite forefathers were.
We said in advance that DHL in our opinion was a negative personality and his point of view was that of "England and Old Europe". We also said that, "His analysis of the American Character is negative and wrong" though we added,  "a few of his insights may be worth noting".
Consider the points that were made,
"Beginning Again" -this is a quality of Manasseh.
Lack of "aristocratic" hierarchy (as opposed to Ephraim) also a quality of Manasseh.
He saws the immigrants came to America to get away and as "a rebellion against the old parenthood of Europe".
This is fair enough since our studies indicate that until the 1700s Manasseh did not have country of his own.
He was part of Joseph in the British Isles where however Ephraim was often dominant.
He was also in France, Holland, and Germany but always as a minority, lacking Tribal Expression, and subject to other Israelite Tribes or to Edom or to other peoples.
We have pointed out (see our work "Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America")
that the great migrations to America in the 1700s, 1800, and early 1900s had in observations of contemporaries something of an instinctive Tribal Movement of descendants of Manasseh releasing themselves from dependence on others and achieving Tribal Expression of their own.
DHL almost mocks America and mentions:
"Their liberty is a thing of sheer will, sheer tension: a liberty of THOU SHALT NOT. And it has been so from the first. The land of THOU SHALT NOT. Only the first commandment is: THOU SHALT NOT PRESUME TO BE A MASTER. Hence democracy."
In the eyes of DHL this is negative so leave him to that illusion.
Brit-Am pointed out that the very name Manasseh connotes "Responsible Representation" and this is so. An American leader cannot rule without abiding by rules of the American character which are those of Manasseh.
Remember President Nixon?
He was an important President of the USA and had numerous achievements.
He also was a party to the "Watergate" scandals.
These offences though serious seemed to be particularly taken to heart by the US Public because they impugned on the principles of Representative Rulership.
Nixon was presented as having broken the consensus of Constitutional Rule. This was considered unforgivable and therefore he was forced to resign.
Articles on the Tribes of Joseph
Ephraim and Manasseh

2. Lion and Eagle Symbols in Tabernacle
The Eagle and the Lion in Tabernacle National Israelite Symbolism
With Pictures

3. Napoleon, France, and Biblical Precedent
From: forresterg
Subject: Napoleon :  Messiah like figure = Jehu
re Brit-Am Now"-1083
#3. "Becoming a Part of the Messiah Son of Joseph Movement "Napoleon was a controversial figure but he achieved much.
He served as a general in the Revolutionary armies of France, then
became dictator, made himself Emperor, conquered much of Europe and was eventually defeated. Everywhere he went he and those who served under him introduced important reforms. Many of these reforms endured after him and still remain in effect  "
 Hi Yair, Your recent reference to Napoleon as a parallel to a Messiah is quite possible true.  From my own studies it is clear to me that the French represent the Samaritans  and their Monarchy the House of  Ahab. One of the most serious transgressions of the House of Ahab was the seizure of Naboth vineyard and the subsequent promise that the Monarchy would be punished.  This event occured When the French Protestants were driven from France and the town of Le Rochelle captured. The rise of Napoleon and the French Revolution is the consequence of this act. [2 King ch 9 ] . Napoleon is  Jehu  the Captain anointed by Elijah to punish the house of Ahab. Napoleon's family ruled France for awhile just as Jehu was promised his offspring would rule fo a time.  The result was a mass migration of French protestants to America and  Britain.
I see a parallel in some ways with Napoleon.

        Best regards     George