The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1090
1. History of Phoenicia by George Rawlinson
2. New Article.  Brit-Am and Judah: Answers to Criticism against
3. Checks to Brit-Am



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1. History of Phoenicia by George Rawlinson
From: Craig Blackwood <>
Subject: History of Phoenicia - Table of Contents

Shalom Yair
 This has very good historical content on the Semite Phoenicians
Craig Blackwood
History of Phoenicia
by George Rawlinson

2. New Article.
 Brit-Am and Judah: Answers to Criticism against

Answer to Anti-Ephraimite Article
The article was written by someone calling herself
Tomar Devorah
She says:
"Recently, I was asked to submit a report on the subject of "Ephraimites" to a member of the Jerusalem City Council.
EPHRAIM EXPOSED is the result..."
Whoever wrote the article spent some time researching it and read the relevant material.
The article is well-written and sounds authoritative but who is this person?
Together with some truthful inciteful comments the article contains gross exaggeration
and paranoid observations, misleading commentary, and outright falsehood.

The authoress is a fan of arch-villain Barry Chamish.
"Birds of a feather flock together".

Apparently the person concerned is a convert to Judaism and was once interested
in the Brit-Am Explanation Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes:

She writes (elsewhere):
<<I wonder if even you know how very truly you have spoken, as Erev Rav are to be found also among the goyim where they assimilated alongside the Israelites associated with the ten so-called "lost" tribes. We know that they were never lost to Hashem and the prophets foretold that they, too, would be regathered at the end of days.

<<There is one estimate that 200,000 former xians passed through the so-called "Messianic" movement and have converted to Judaism. A spiritual 'call' went out into the world in the year 5750 and everyone with the spiritual acuity to hear it responded. In addition to the Jewish neshamas held captive among the nations who heard, so did the Erev Rav who have always been attached to them.

<<The Jewish
neshama comes humbly and submissively, requesting. The Erev Rav come haughtily and arrogantly, demanding. While the Jewish neshamas convert back into the family, these refuse and insist that they be "recognized" and "accepted" as they are. They intend to come to Eretz Yisrael and "reclaim" their "rightful heritage." They promote a new religion called Judeo-xianity. They use this symbol ...
We have quoted the article in full and replied to it on our web-site:
Brit-Am and Judah: Answers to Criticism against Ephraimites

3. Checks to Brit-Am
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From the above one may obtain the impression that we are terribly busy cashing the checks
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We are indeed often quite busy but unfortunately not exactly with cashing checks.
