The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1091
1. ROB SAUTON FLEET: Thanks to Brit-Am
2. Brit-Am Website Appreciated
Brian Patmore
: Reflections on the Return of Ephraim
4. The Blessings to Joseph and Judah
 Biblical Proofs Only an Introduction



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1. ROB SAUTON FLEET: Thanks to Brit-Am
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1090

Dear Yair Davidy. Thank you for posting the Ephraimite expose'  article.I am not a Christian but know many who are devout.
The article contains many misconceptions about both Christians and Ephraimites.
It would require a certain degree of dishonesty for a Christian to call himself a Noahide, and one thing that I have found most evangelical Christians to possess is honesty.
In light of the studies you and others have done, biblical, historical and scientific, I would say the burden of proof is on them. and the very mention of the connection to BC pretty much explains.
 Thank you for the good work, Bob

2. Brit-Am Website Appreciated
From: Daniel Noe
Subject: Wow, Your website!!!

Hello name is Daniel ....I'm from .. La,, my dear brother you are a breath of fresh air!!! a devout believer in the eternal existence of Israel...and am a devout believer that Ephraim and Mannaseh are the leading tribes of Israel...(GB & USA)....I am a Sabbath keeping have Judean roots...but first and foremost I am an Israelite, by birth right!!! can rest assure that you have a new found friend and ally!!!!...what you explain through your writings I have been speaking for years!!!...I've been labeled "a loose cannon", "divisively ignorant", "a heretic of the "Christian Faith"...even been labeled a Christian Zionist!!...Well bless God, I'll take em all!!..and may the God of all Israel indeed bless you!!!..

3. Brian Patmore: Reflections on the Return of Ephraim
From: Brian Patmore <>
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1090

Shalom Yair,

I have read the article regarding Ms Tomar.

Oh boy !!

If a family is trying to get back together, her way is definitely not the way.
(As the our Irish ancestors would say, "To be sure ! To be sure !")

Stating that children of the twelve sons of Jacob have to come back HOME is one thing, but, definitely the forcing of one school of thought over another as to the way it should be done is not on at all.

Tomar is divisive and I cannot see any spirit of brother/sister-hood in her article at all.

It may be absolutely true that the children of the twelve brothers have an absolute right to take up land in their allocated regions in Yisrael, but such processes must be done in a proper way and with proper respect for the laws of the land.

The assimilation of the children of all twelve brothers will not be necessarily easy for many reasons. Some of the countries they come from were at one times enemies at times and suspicions may be held, which must take time, understanding and patience to overcome.

We are supposed to serve Our Father in Heaven and be an example and light to the rest of the world, but such confrontationalism will not serve to arrive at such a situation as The Almighty wants of us.

What difference would it be if one is a direct descendant of David, Moses, Gideon, Elijah, Ezekiel etc if we cannot get our act together as one family and one nation. In fact if our forefathers are brought back by Our Father in Heaven we may all receive the "proverbial kick in the rear end" until such time as we do.

David ruled Israel as King, what would he suggest ? How about his son Solomon ?

I am a Christian, it is very true. I respect the New Testament. I respect the Tora and Tenach. But I must respect the wish of My Father in Heaven and the feelings and rights of others. I know that Judah by the most part are as loose as the rest of us in relation to practises, which is not good. Orthodox Judaism has several groups, but on the most part at least tries to adhere to the wishes of Our Father in Heaven. We all should and as a collective culture it is a damned shame.

We may have discussions as to whom the Messiah is or will be. We can discuss the fact that there has not been an ability to carry out the full "Feast of Atonement" for centuries as we did not have any Temple, High Priest, Red Heffer etc etc. (Interestingly in the previous times of exile this was not the case, sacrifices were carried out as prescribed.)
That we can do this and other things as brothers/sisters/mates in conversation together in good and happy surroundings is a good thing.

But, as I see it, Brit-Am is not really for this purpose, it is like a "Trumpet Call" to all the sons and daughters of Jacob to:

(1. Recognise who they are in light of scriptural prophesies.

(2. Talk to their brothers and sisters as a family.

(3. Recognise what Our Father in Heaven wants and what Jacob would want of us. Come to terms with their Almighty Father in Heaven.
  (Wouldn't you like to be able to approach Jacob and hold the father of your fathers? What would you say to him and what would he say to you ?
  How are your brothers and sisters? I wonder?)

(4. Then once all is in place, as far as can be humanly done, things will have to be looked at carefully to see what will have to be done to prepare for the eventual home coming. (This is not really the mandate of Brit-Am as at the present time but may take some part in the actual process at some time in the future.)

   Realise that most of the real land is occupied by other countries and would not be welcome by these countries, and with reason.

   Just because the name of Ephraim is labelled in the Hills of Ephraim does not give Ephraimites the automatic right to dispossess present owners !
   People purchased land and it would be most unjust to take it from them. Heaven would not look kindly upon such actions. Proper and lawful custom must be observed.

(5. The return will, as far as I can see be under the hand of The Almighty and The Messiah himself. That is not far away and he is definitely around    if you take into account the fulfillment of prophesies that is occurring as we speak.

(6. The political angle is another point in assimilation and indeed poses problems and once this is finally settled my signal the fruition of all.

Remember all, one thing is for certain and that is the events happening seem to prove that we ourselves are not very good at ruling ourselves and in fact Heaven is putting hands on things. Scripture says that The Almighty will stir things up to a point where all things will be decided once and for all time.

The point is that mankind, including and especially Yisrael, must be ruled by Our Father in Heaven and this rule must be accepted and respected by all.

I pray that the Christian movements work hand in hand with the various Jewish movements to heal the wounds and clear up misconceptions held by each other and pray together for Our Almighty Father in Heaven to put his hand on the whole process and accelerate things at the rate he sees fit.

Shalom Yair,

Brisbane Australia

4. The Blessings to Joseph and Judah
 Patrick  wrote:
RE: Brit-Am Appeal

Sure seems Europe and the U.S. fits that statement well, certainly not the so called new nation of Israel. 
It?s amazing there aren't more people who see the light.  But then for the U.S. our time of honor is passing as it has for Britain.
I may be not in line with your thinking as I haven't read a lot of your emails.

Reply: The blessing quoted above from Genesis 12:2-3 were given to Abraham.
Elsewhere we have explained why this particular blessing was especially pertinent to Joseph since receiving the blessing was necessary to fulfill their Tribal Destiny.
Nevertheless aspects of this blessing in their own way are also apparent in Judah.
Judah was persecuted throughout the centuries as was prophesied and as is one of the identifying marks of Judah.
In Christian thought there also seems to be a need in some circles to view Judah as having been made miserable.
And this is true. Judah suffered and still suffers from abuse and discrimination throughout the world.
Nevertheless, when the details are examined it is not necessarily so one-sided.
In his own way even in the Darkest Days of Exile Judah was not entirely abandoned.
Compared to the peoples amongst whom he dwelt Judah usually had a higher standard of living. Judah was usually literate and often intellectually advanced. Judah had family life and communal existence and much else. Judah was often healthier and lived longer.

The average citizen amongst Gentile Nations (even Israelite ones) was often in a worse state than Judah.
Even the visitations such as the Pogroms and the Holocaust had their parallels elsewhere.
In the Thirty Years War perhaps a good portion of the population of Germany perished.'_War
Over the course of the war, the population of the German states was reduced by 30 percent; in the territory of Brandenburg, the losses had amounted to half, while in some areas an estimated two-thirds of the population died. Germany'?s male population was reduced by almost half. The population of the Czech lands declined by a third.
In Ireland the Potato Famine is said to have destroyed millions.
Such events are admittedly not the same as the horrors of the Holocaust but their casualty rates are similar or worse.

What is more Judah suffered for a cause, because he was who he was, and would not deny the Creator.
The Almighty in HIS own time will reward Judah for this.

All families of the earth have been blessed through Judah. This is despite many aberrations and some Jews who might not always have been exactly a blessing.
On the whole in the advancement of civilized values, civilized comforts (health, science, etc) and civilization itself Judah has been a blessing.

All nations that persecuted the Jews were cursed.
All nations that helped the Jews or at least respected them were blessed.
Winston Churchill often remarked on this quoting from his father who in turn quoted from Disraeli:
The key to Churchill's Zionism, Michael Makovsky tells us repeatedly in Churchill's Promised Land, was a motto which he inherited from his beloved father, Lord Randolph: "The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews."
Nations (such as Holland, the USA, Britain) that relatively speaking treated the Jews well were blessed.
Every nation that mistreated the Jews suffered.
Russia despite a talented European population, high education levels,  and vast natural resources, has mostly been a bread-basket case.
The same applies to Poland and other nations that treated the Jews badly.
Spain despite an Empire and a once vigorous population of rulers after the expulsion of the Jews  fell in the space of about a century (though the decline began well before that) to the level of the natives it had ruled over and has never really recovered.
And the list goes on, in case after case.
The one exception appears to be Germany.
Germany did lose the war and suffered. The German population is dwindling much below its replacement level.
Nevertheless, Germany is once again a leading nation and the German standard of living is high.
Germany was always an exception in this regard and there is a reason for that which should become apparent in the Latter Days.

We have shown in our books and numerous article that the major aspects of the blessings concerning national greatness etc were to be the lot of the Ten Tribes  especially Joseph.
See our articles:
"The Predicted Role of the Ten Tribes"

The little nation of Israel in its own way is also not really doing that badly from the Israelite perspective despite everything.

5. ================================================
Biblical Proofs Only an Introduction
Just because you believe in "Ephraim" and "Brit-Am" do not assume that the issue can be taken for granted.
Brit-Am has Biblical and secular evidence to substantiate its beliefs.
Most people however will not relate to such proofs though some will.
For most people (Jew and Gentile) all non-Jews will be considered non-Israelites.
This can change but it will take time.
Evidence such as that adduced by Brit-Am will be considered by others and some will accept, others take it into consideration, while for the rest it will be rejected or put to one side.
The proofs that we do have are not the beginning and end of our argument.
They should be considered challenging facts requiring verification one way or the other.
More research and intensified study can only work to our benefit in the long run.
This is our approach.
First make the subject matter available, open up to others so that they may open up to us and take the first steps.
The Three Rs of Brit-Am (Research, Revelation of Research Results, and Reconciliation between Judah and Joseph) are not sensational but they are efficacious and enduring.
Ephraimites should do everything they can to spread the message concerning their Israelite Ancestry and at the moment very little else. Ephraimites should avoid giving people wrong ideas, confusing the issue with alien agendas, and giving cause for wrong impressions, scandals, and panic.
 Our strongest points are our Proofs of Identity and emphasizing them is the best course we can take for now. Anything else is superfluous and counter-productive.
