The Brit-Am Rose

Symbol of Israel United
Brit-Am Now no. 1092
1. New Entries to "Brit-Am and Judah" Article
2. Claim that Ephraimites are Discriminated Against and Brit-Am Reply
3. Book of Daniel: Christianity and Islam from Rome
4. Opinion that the Lost Ten Tribes are the
5. Symbolism: Different Decorations Based on the Star of David
1. New Entries to "Brit-Am and Judah"
The article has been expanded.
A second page has been added "Reflections"
It contains the following Discussions:
Biblical Proofs Are Only an
Nations, Jewish Nation
Religious Jewish Perspective: The Mixed Multitude
Personal Experiences of Yair
2. Claim that
are Discriminated Against and Brit-Am Reply
From: Constance
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1091
Shalom Yair,
Thank you for your thoughtful response to Tomar Devorah. Frankly, it is
discouraging to hear such a hateful diatribe. It seems nobody likes Ephrayim?
such is our place. Honestly, if you were to do a survey of those who know they
are Ephrayim, they have probably suffered rejection most of their lives and were
"different" and never belonged. Perhaps HaShem has allowed this so that we
would be hardened to such circumstances.
However, the meanness that is espoused in the "expose" is like throwing cold
water in the face. It is as if Ephrayim's whole heart is being drawn to Yehudah
and Yisrael and the "coming reunion" is being anticipated. We walk in the door
and a half-sister walks up and begins to scream, "Bastard!" and insists we are
thrown out because of our questionable past.
I have to tell you Yair that we are not ignorant of the "facts on the ground"
that Jews in Yisrael are accepted no matter what they believe. There are
atheist Jews and those who seek after eastern, idolatrous religions like
Buddhism, Hinduism and the rest. It seems that any Jew is accepted no matter
And yet the dreaded Y (Christian Messiah) who was a Torah observant Jew cannot
be mentioned except to be spurned and defiled by the name Y (Christian
Messiah). I have met Jews who sincerely believe that Schneerson is the true
Messiah - a man who is Jewish and deceased, but that they believe he is still
here in the spirit. The point is that there are numerous Jewish views of the
Messiah and those who reject the notion all together.
Believers in Y (Christian Messiah) study the true Tanak. We are drinking out of
the same "stream" as Yehudah, and yet this kind of vilification and assignment
of "dark motives" ushers forth with nary a contrary opinion. That is why your
article is much appreciated.
You stated Jews are never going to change. With this I humbly disagree. Both
Yehudah and Ephrayim are going to be changed. Not by debate, not by convincing
one another, but by His Ruach HaKodesh, HaShem is going to change us both. He
is grabbing Ephrayim right now and straightening us out on some things and He is
going to grab Yehudah also. None of us! none of us has it all right.
But I believe one thing is certain. Those who hate and vilify one another in
this process are going to be chastened, corrected and rebuked. May we not be
found in that number.
Blessings to you for all you do to hasten the reconciliation,
Many Ephraimites
give the impression of being "Lost Jews"
from Judah rather than "Lost Israelites" from the Ten Tribes.
They have been aroused by the Bible, religion, personal experience, instinctive
affinity for the Jewish People and a love for the Land. Understandably they feel frustrated by
the situation.
The very factor that serves as a catalyst for these emotion is their religion and this in turn prevents them from resolving the problem i.e. becoming Jewish
is not an option.
Unfortunately we have no clear solution for such people.
You should perhaps realize that in warfare usually only a small percentage of the soldiers actually fight
while the rest are "cannon-fodder". All those involved in this matter are the fighting soldiers,
the vanguard for the others and struggling on their behalf so of course it is more difficult.
Brit-Am is concerned with its own Three Rs (Research, Revealing Results of
Research, Reconciliation).
We concentrate on obtaining and spreading knowledge as to where the Lost Ten
Tribes are.
Amongst the Israelite Nations exists a phenomenon of returning to "Hebrew
This in our opinion is an expression in many cases of Hebraic Ancestral
Consciousness arousing. We consider it a positive factor and to be encouraged but it is not
something we are concerned with.
Neither are we responsible for its "side-effects".
The expression "Bastard!" which you used has a specific meaning in Jewish Law
and should not be bandied around freely.
The "half-sister" you referred to (presumably Judah) who rejects you does not
know who you are.
Neither do you have any proof apart from a "gut feeling".
For all intents and purposes you are a complete stranger.
What would you do in her place if someone walked in off the street and demanded
"their" share in your parents patrimony?
In most cases you have not even bothered to acquaint yourself with "Brit-Am"
See our article,
"The Two House Doctrine and Ephraimites"
In other words your "questionable past" is not even under consideration
since as far as your assumed "half-sister" is concerned you have yet to show that you have one.
Your "half-sister" will not scream "Bastard!" because as far as she is aware you
were never considered a member of the family!
This approach you and others have adopted, of a self-confident, self-evident
identity which demands to recognized with no questions asked, was not imparted to you by Brit-Am.
You received it elsewhere and are bringing it to us to cope with!
Judah is not the one that has to be apologetic.
Ephraim has to prove his case.
If you lost something valuable and you want it returned you should provide some
proof of former ownership.
Jews are accepted as Israeli citizens because they are Jews. Non-Jews are not
accepted because they are not.
I was born outside of the USA. If I want to become a US citizen I have to
undergo certain examinations and a set legal process and still might not be accepted.
This is despite the fact that I might know more about the US and feel more
"Yankee" than most Americans! In such a case, I could (like you) ask, Where is the justice?
There are some Ephraimites who do have "dark motives" and some who do not but
have negative attitudes. Most are OK. The same could be said about Jews but Jews are already
An international criminal may not be allowed to become a US citizen even though
many US citizens are criminals.
3. Christianity and Islam from Rome
re Brit-Am Now no. 1087
#4. Rabbinical Commentators: Both Christianity and Islam from Rome
We said that:
The famous Rabbinical Commentators Rashi, Abarbanel, and Malbim all say that both Christianity and Islam derive from Rome.
We also said that we would follow with more details at a later date.
We have since realized however that we have already covered this subject in our commentary to Daniel Chapter Two.
We do have additional sources on this same matter but for the moment have
decided not to explore them.
For those who are interested on what we already have, go to:
"Daniel and the Awesome Statue of Different Substances"
4. Opinion that the Lost Ten Tribes are
the Ashkenazic
Majority Rabbinical Opinion says that the Lost Ten Tribes are Lost but are destined to return.
There are however minority opinion:
One opinion seems to say that a minority did already return and the rest are not
destined to do so.
Nachmanides refutes this opinion:
Another opinion says that the Lost Ten Tribes became the Jews who went to
Europe, i.e. the Ashkenazic Jews.
This opinion also contradicts that of Nachmanides and other great Commentators but it does exist.
A recent work advocating this opinion is
Shlomo Koshlavski, "VeAsher Tavonah Yagidu", Jerusalem, 5764 (ca. 2004).
This work (in Hebrew) analyzes different Biblical Prophecies and has some
interesting observations.
His conclusions in several places are similar to those of Brit-Am.
The differences between us are that he applies the relevant Biblical prophecies
to Jews in Western and related regions whereas we say they pertain to the Gentiles and we quote sources to justify our position.
At all events it is worth noting that this opinion exists.
It is also interesting that even a scholar with a quite different approach to us
agrees with us as to the actual meaning and application of Biblical Verses concerning the Lost Tribes
of Israel.
5. Symbolism: Different Decorations
Based on the Star of David
From: zeevveez <>
Subject: Our Jewish Lantern film
Good for a nice, quiet under five-minute break.