The Brit-Am Rose
Symbol of Israel United

Brit-Am Now no. 1093

2. The Source of
Ephraimite Confusion: Subconscious Anti-Semitism?
3. Joan Griffith: Coming to America for Freedom of Religion
4. Japanese-Israelite Claims
The Ephraimite Movement and Brit-Am: Mistaken Identity?
6. Dave Browning: "Easier become a Chinaman"
7. The Bark of Hark on a Lark
8. Constance: Clarification
9. Biblical Laws on the Web


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2. The Source of Ephraimite Confusion: Subconscious Anti-Semitism?
Brit-Am says amongst peoples of Western European and related origin are those of Israelite Ancestry, i.e. they are descended from the Ten Tribes.
They should therefore spread this message to their kith and kin in their own countries. They should also intensify their Biblical awareness, improve their private lives, support the State of Israel, be sympathetic to the Jews and eschew Jew-hatred.  In the Last Days there will be a re-unification with Judah and all the Tribes (or at least representative portions of them) will receive their own portions in the Land of Greater Israel.
In MOST cases it is NOT recommended that they convert to Judaism
or that they move to Israel at present.
The emphasis is on moving upward and fulfilling their Israelite destiny from where they are.
 This is the position of Brit-Am and basically what we have been saying since the beginning.
Certain sects who also to some degree agree with our identifications tell their members that they are Ephraimites" or "Joes", or "Jacks", or whatever other name is appropriate.
They say in effect that this means they are the same as Jews only in some cases a little bit better since (amongst other points) they are also Christians.
They then lead their followers to believe that by rights they should be allowed to settle NOW in the Land of Israel and be treated the same as Jews but under a different name.
This is promoted as an agenda for which they should work towards achieving.
This is in bad taste.
They are saying that just because a Gentile Christian says he is of Israelite (not Jewish descent) even though he has no proof of it he has still to be given equal rights in the Land of Israel with the Jews and if not it is unfair discrimination.
No country in the world works on that basis.
Neither can the State of Israel be expected to do so.
To say otherwise is merely seeking an excuse to arouse resentment against Israel.
Not only that it is also an attempt to undermine the Jewish nature of the State.
It also suggests that the Lost Ten Tribes issue is not what these people are really concerned with.

3. Joan Griffith: Coming to America for Freedom of Religion
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1082

Re coming to America for Freedom of Religion--The state of Rhode Island was actually founded by Sabbath-observing Christians. The sect is now known as the 7th Day Baptist Church. The state of Maryland was founded as a refuge for persecuted Roman Catholics! So there have been equal opportunities for persecution and a desire to be in a new land where things can be made better from the beginning, not stay stuck in old traditions. Perhaps it did not work out quite that way, but it is surely too bad that today's citizens don't understand the sincerity of the immigrants.

Joan Griffith

4. Japanese-Israelite Claims
An interesting Japanese clip with English Sub-titles

"Are Japanese People Actually Jewish?"


We Looked at part of the clip. It contains several inn accuracies,
No Jewish festival lasts for a month.
No Jewish festival is held in January.
The Day when the Ark of Noah rested on Ararat is not sacred to the Jews, etc.
For a general refutation of Japanese-Israelite claims see:

"The Japanese are not Hebrews! "

5. The Ephraimite Movement and Brit-Am: Mistaken Identity?
Some say that part of the Ephraimite movement emerged as a reaction to the Messianic Jews.
The Messianic Jews were people of partly Jewish origin or Gentiles who had learned about Judaism, were funded by the Baptist Church, and set up a type of worship that incorporated some Jewish features.
Soon many complete "Gentiles" began to attend services but were treated as second-class citizens by the "Jewish" Messianic leaders.
In reaction they broke away to form their own movements.
At first they said that all Christians could consider themselves Jews or "Israelites".
Later some of them adopted in part the Brit-Am type beliefs of already existing movements.
The prior resentment against the Messianic Jews that had driven them and put "fire in their bellies" they now began to project against the Jewish people in general and the state of Israel in particular.
Did they not "keep" the Torah just like the Jews?
Were they not also of Israelite descent?
And so on.
This is not Brit-Am.
Brit-Am has a message of Israelite Ancestry.
This does not make they who pertain to the message Jewish or the same as Jews.
It means that they probably had Israelite Ancestry and if they feel a pull towards Israel and the Bible etc this may be the explanation.

6. Dave Browning: "Easier become a Chinaman"
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1092
Dear Yair,
and al.

What's all this bout becoming a Jew? LOL, some sort of perverted, genetic engineering goin on here? Shux why would somebody wana be other than what they are...isn't that enough? Isn't what G-d gives you enough? All that really matters is HE gave it to you, the schemes of humanity concerning its (G-d's gift...You) value will not change the value G-d gives you, and it is an awesome, glorious value.

It would be easier for me to become a Chinaman, or a Native American than it would to be a Jew. The Bible goes to great lengths to explain the origins of the families of earth, ahhhh if i could re write the Almighty's WORD...ahhh then i could be who i'm not. But then again; I can't do that.

The starting place are G-d's laws, God's "science" of love, the Ten Commands. Those who shun these laws, this science, no matter who they are... Jew, gentile, barbarian; will not survive in reality. They will not be happy, they will not be thankful. You will know the lovers, the thankful, by their deeds, and it doesn't matter who they are, or from which family they come, they are the survivors. They are the children of Israel's G-d.

What an awesome thing it is, to know you are G-d's child, let no one rob you of that joy.

Oh... and be thankful for it, it is after all...all you need.


Brit-Am Reply:

No-one is talking about becoming a Jew.
We are speaking of Israelite Ancestry, what it means, and in what ways we are obligated by it.

7. The Bark of Hark on a Lark
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1092
Hark wrote:

Jewish is NOT a religion. Religion is a term that came about after the advent of Christianity and Islam. The Jews are a nation that has a covenant with G-d. Jews didnt seek out G-d. G-d sought out the Jews. Judaism is a relatively modern term that essentially gives a title to the covenant that the Jewish nation has with G-d. Where in the torah are the Jews ever referred to as a religious group? Conversely, where in the torah are the Jews referred to as a nation? Answer: EVERYWHERE.
A Jew does not have to accept the covenant or believe in G-d in order to be a Jew. One doesnt have to accept the constitution to be an American. Even an apostate Jew is always a Jew. Not so for a Christian or a Moslem. If one stops believing in the aforementioned religions, they are no longer a part of that religious group.
As our matriarch Ruth said--"your people will be my people and your G-d will be my G-d. She first had to join the nation and then accept the covenant of the nation. A non-Jew can become a Jew by conversion (aka a spiritual immigration into the nation). And yes, a Jew can leave the nation, but is always welcomed back into the nation without a conversion since they were always Jewish in the first place.
And what ever did happen to Ephraim? Mass amnesia? LOL!!!  The only thing this Brit Am is doing is giving a forum for non Jews (aka Christians) to pretend that that theyre Jews to be "closer" to J[Christian Messiah] and perhaps even the the ultimate "conversion" of the Jews, G-d forbid. AND any Jew who thinks a dead rebbe can be the moshiach is clueless and has no idea that moshiach is only a man--never to be prayed to. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was a great man and a dedicated and remarkable Jewish scholar and loved the Jewish people and our mission to elevate this world under the auspices of G-d. He would be turning over in his grave if he ever knew that his memory was being turned into idol worship.--a true chillul haShem (desecration of G-d's holy name). I was priviledged to spend many Sabbaths in Crown Hgts in the 70's and be with the rebbe. Don't destroy his memory or his mission by declaring his messiah!!!!!
And to the people who are playing Israelite ancestry--enough already--you want to join the Jewish nation and accept our covenant (which you must accept if you were not born into the nation), then welcome--otherwise stop fantasizing--youre NOT JEWISH.
Remember, now with DNA--we all know that the DNA of Polish born Jews has much more in common with the DNA of Iraqi Jews than with Polish non-Jews. Thank G-d for science. Common belief systems dont create similar DNA--common ancestry does.


Brit-Am Reply:

How are you Hark?
We have not heard from you for a while. Still the same as always, we see.
You said quite a bit in your letter but little which really applies to us.
You asked:
<<And what ever did happen to Ephraim? Mass amnesia?
Yes. That is what the Bible says, what the Talmud and Zohar strongly imply, and what great Jewish Sages such as the Maharal said.
Are you going to contradict them, now?
What will become of you?
What is so difficult to comprehend?
Look at Jews in the USA. Very many Jews assimilate and bear children who know nothing of their Jewish ancestry.
I used to live in a country town in Australia. There were people there with surnames such as Levi etc who did not even know what a Jew was!
The Lost Ten Tribes even before their exile from our point of view had ceased being "Jewish"!.
According to Jewish sources and secular evidence they no longer practised circumcision, were largely illiterate and superstitious, practised pagan religions with a slight "Hebraic" flavor, intermarried with the Gentiles around them and adopted their culture. After that they were exiled by the Assyrians who split them and caused further assimilationist pressure to bear upon them. There followed centuries of exile, migrations, wars, mergers, several changes of language, religion, culture, and so on.  This happened not only to the Exiled Israelites but to all other peoples.
Is there (apart from the Jews)  a nation anywhere in the world today that left its native country in Ancient Times, moved elsewhere, yet still kept  its identity?
Take the Angles and Saxons for instance:
They say the Angles and Saxons came to England from Germany-Scandinavia in the 400s CE.
A few names and vague legends exist in (or concerning) Continental Europe, some archaeological findings taking us back tentatively for another 200 or 300 years and after that, NOTHING!  The same applies for every other nation. Mass amnesia!
Your DNA remark is partially correct. We deal with that elsewhere.


8. Constance: Clarification
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1092
Thanks for your reply Yair, although I felt a bit misunderstood.  However, your comments are taken as good counsel and forgive any of my frustration speaking.  We have no aim to force ourselves upon anyone and have read Brit Am and do appreciate your balanced position.  Your books have been most helpful.  We will continue to stand with Yisrael and with Yehudah who very much deserves to be in the land, of course!  It is His will and His timing.  In using the word I did, it was to indicate one who is deemed "illegitimately born" and was not used in regard to Yehudah, but strictly in response to the Tomar article.  I didn?t know it had more far reaching definition inside of Judaism.  Forgive me.  Thank you for your reproof and may HaShem continue to strengthen you to stand in what looks like a very difficult position, although I know He strengthens you because it is a call on your life.  Accept my apologies for offending you in any way.  I consider myself better educated as a result of the experience.  Always a good thing, Constance

9. Biblical Laws on the Web runs several learning programs.
Their services are open to anyone who is interested.
I myself was once enlisted on a few.
Learning, A few minutes each day can go a long way.
The information helps Biblical Studies and is quite valuable.

Here is an example of the information in one of the messages they just sent out.

(18. The Temple Tax - Shekalim
Every Jew is commanded to give half a silver shekel (the weight of at least 160 grains of barley) each year [for the support of the Temple, as it says "This shall they give, all those who are counted: half a shekel, an offering to Ha-Shem"1]; this commandment applied only when the Temple existed. The annual donation was made in the month of Adar (the twelfth month); the coins were collected in every community and sent to the Temple.a Part of the money was used to pay for the communal sacrifices, the incense and showbread, the red cow and the scapegoat, the priestly garments, the libations accompanying ownerless sacrifices, the inspection of sacrifices for blemishes, the teaching of the sacrificial laws, and scribes and criminal courts in Jerusalem. The rest was used to repair the Temple and the city; if any remained it was used to buy animal burnt-offerings.b
 1 Ex. 30:13
a 1:1,5,8-9; 2:4
b 4:1-4,7-9