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From: Fred Hendrickson
Subject: Re: 1-Kings 2: Part One (Questions from Fred Hendrickson)
Dear Yair!
I appreciate very much your email messages, however, I note that you omitted Verse 10 of 2 Samuel 7 tof Nathan's prophecy hat reads as follows: "Moreover, I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as before."
As you now, 1 Chronicles 17:9 essentially says the same thing: "Also I will ordain a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more, as at the beginning."
I call Nathan's prophecy God's "Relocation Plan" as in David's time all the 13 tribes of Israel (God's My people Israel) were living in the fullness of their Genesis 15:20-21 Promise Land. God certainly did not mean that God's My people Israel would be planted back in the fullness of their seven (7) land of Canaan Promise land--rather they were to be planted in an appointed and ordained land of their own somewhere other than back to their original Promise land.
Also 1 Chronicles 17:17 and 2 Samuel 7:19 6 state: "And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord God, but Thou hast spoken also of they servant's house for a great while yet to come."--meaning the house one of David's sons was to build was not to be built in Solomon's time, but in a future time, "for a great while yet to come."
Additionally, 2 Samuel 16:16 declares: and thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee; thy throne shall be established for ever.--as verse 13 declared, "He (a future son of David) shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
I realize that you do not want to engage in such possibilities, however, would you please explain how Solomon fulfills this prophecy in light of the revelation that such "house" building for "My name" would not happen "for a great while yet to come" Additionally, Steven M.Collins believes, as I believe you do, that the phrase "My name" applied to the birthright blessing God bestowed upon Ephraim and Manasseh in Genesis 48:11-20.
Also, later you cite Jeremiah 33 as fulfilling the return of the Jews (Judah) to their original homeland. I am wondering how 12+/-million Jews can fulfill Jeremiah 33:24 that declares of David's seed: "As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the seed of David, My servant and the Levites who minister unto me." Also, as previously related, God's promise to David was his seed would be planted in a homeland of their own--meaning somewhere other than their original homeland. While I greatly respect your insight regarding the Ten Tribes of Israel, does not the above explain why they will never return to the homeland presently occupied by the Jews?
I greatly appreciate the Jews as being part of the whole house of Israel that Ezekiel 37:11-28 speaks of. I admire my brothers. the Jews, and their return to their original Promise Land and the capturing of Jerusalem. Presently, as you know it is about 7,500 square miles which is hardly enough land to accommodate all 12 million Jews, even more of Judah that might not be called Jews, let alone the 1.2+/- Billion Israelites who are Caucasians of Celtic-Saxon/Germanic descent that probably includes a large number of the house of Joseph who according to Genesis 48:16 fulfill this promise of God that says:: ". . . and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth." Certainly, all of Ephraim and Manasseh cannot return to their original Promise Land as they have no now number in the hundreds of millions as you and Collins point out they are a major presence in the Isles of Britain, America/Canada, and Australia, as well as elsewhere in the earth!!! Do they not fulfill Nathan's prophecy as they have been planted in an appointed home of their own (in the west)???
I would appreciate you comments, if you have time! I realize that you cannot respond to all your emails.
Many Blessings upon you and your ministry!!!
Fred Hendrickson, J.D.
Redmond WA 98052
Greetings Yair,
I have a question.....
If Brit-Am (British-American??) is named as such for being the dominant places of the lost tribes, why is it that you seem to rubbish the idea that Tea Tephi ( who in most sources of info) married Herremon (one being of Phares line and the other Zerah) and that they are the lineage of the British Royalty occupying the throne? This "theory", if you will, falls in line with scripture better than any other theory out there and where else in the world is there a line of Royalty that has occupied a throne uninterrupted?
Why is it so difficult to accept that point of view?
I think also, the biggest obstacle to getting folks to accept the idea of the lost tribes is because most Christians have been brainwashed into believing that only the people of the "land of Israel" are the Israelites. Again, YHWH's divine Hand in hiding His face from us until the time is right. We truly have been lost.
Blessings, michelle b.