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From: Michelle Bowie
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1130
Hello Yair,
I hope you can clear up some confusion for me. In so many of your replies to those who are seeking their Israelite heritage, you have stated that the linaege is only recognized through the male line as in reference to Tea Tephi and the British Royal lineage.
Yet, in this very newsletter, more than once, you say that if one has a Jewish mother, then they are Jewish.
Is there a double standard here or am I missing something??
Please Clarify......Blessings, Michelle B.
First prove that Tea Tephi existed
then we can concentrate on other matters.
[If Tea Tephi existed then according to the sources she was probably an
ancestress of mine
so I have no personal objection. There are other scholars out there. Let them
make a
contribution and prove the existence of Tea Tephi!
We are head over heels in different research projects etc and Tea Tephi is not
an overriding priority
at the moment.]
Concerning Israelite heritage whether it goes through the father or mother or
both together
we are not going to decide. Our task is to minister to Judah and Joseph and tell
them what we understand
to be the truth about the Lost Ten Tribes and their present location.
That is the bottom line.
That is what we want to do and what we do.
All other matters are extraneous.
As for Jewish Mothers etc see our answer:
Brit-Am Replies to Queries: Judaism
#4. Judaism says that a person is a Jew if they are born of a Jewish mother or
have undergone a valid Conversion.
Is there any Biblical foundation for the "Jewish Mother" Law?
You asked,
Is there a double standard here?
The answer is that the Jewish Mother Law applies to whether or not someone is
obliged to KEEP THE LAW
as the Jews do. That is what it means to be a "Jew". It does not affect which
Tribe one belongs to or which
Tribal Inheritance one is to receive or whether or not one can claim to be a
direct descendant of King David
through the male line since if there was female there this would be a bit
Incidentally "the Jewish Mother Law" only applies if there was no change of
religion further back than three generations.
Most Jews are not aware of this and may deny it but that is how things are.
As usual, it takes good old Brit-Am to give you the real low-down on this and
other matters.