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The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel according to the Book of Genesis Biblical Prophecy Predicted that the Lost Tribes of Israel would be found amongst Western Nations. Biblical Verses analysed in the light of the Hebrew language, Rabbinical Commentary, and Historical Reality. A valuable educational, inspirational, and enjoyable work |
Hi Yair,
I should tell you that I have genuinely learned a lot from your books, and articles. I don't know of anyone who publishes more information, and cross references to pertinent sources than you.
Could I please ask a question I have wondered about.
In your article on the Tribes return you reference Don Isaac Abarbanel, one of the great Medieval Rabbis, who believed that Zaraphath was France (as others thought), and Britain also (which I understand was unique). Is the commentary where he says that published in English in hardcopy, or in etext where I can get a copy of it?
Thank you so much for any help locating this text.
The work will prove the Hebrew origins of the Khazars many of whom
converted to Judaism.
It will show the Khazar connection to certain European Peoples and also discuss
points proving
their Hebrew origins.
The work in style and presentation is somewhat different from our previous
We believe we have had the help of Divine Providence in writing and researching
This work contains much material important to both Judah and Joseph.
The chances are that it will be well received or at the least well-publicized.
It could well strengthen the overall positive impression Brit-Am projects
as well as bring many from Judah closer to Brit-Am concepts.
Members of "Joseph" will also find much of importance and of great interest in
this work.
The Khazars were descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes related to Western Peoples
who attached themselves to Judah. Information proving their origins should be
to all of us.
##Medieval Christianity was not favorably disposed to any Jews... Where does the colour 'red' fit in? Ruth Mellinkoff has shown that a deep-seated prejudice against red hair ran 'like a thread of the same colour through ancient and medieval culture.' People with red hair were thought to be "false, dangerous, tricky, shameless, over-sexed, deceitful, hot-tempered, unfaithful, foolish, war-like, crude, vulgar, low-class and unlucky for those who meet them" . Not surprisingly Judas was often portrayed in medieval religious art as having red hair. The Grimm brothers report that in medieval Germany, red hair and a red beard were signs of a false and duplicitous nature; a 'red man' (ein roter) was a man with red hair and a red beard. Verse 2842 of the poem Wigalois reports that 'it is said of men with red hair and beard that their heart is wicked.'
...The history of German usage leads us to the conclusion that the 'Red Jews' were in physical terms Jews who bore the mark of red hair and red beards because they were morally degenerate. As it happens, the sources support this conclusion.
Jews often were portrayed by medieval illustrations in Christian texts with red hair and in red clothes. ... the illustrations of medieval Hebrew manuscripts ...represent Jews, female and male, with red hair or red hair and beard...There seems to have been a particular link between Jews and the colour red in hair. This is a connection so widely-accepted as to be included prominently in illustrations of Hebrew manuscripts, though in such cases, these depictions presumably lacked or did not evoke the negative associations generally marked by red hair.12
[n.12 In similar fashion, Jewish folklore would later adopt the German term 'Red Jews' as a name for the Ten Tribes of Jewish legend, without adopting the hostile associations that produced and sustained the legend in Christian Germany.]
The Jews by whom these manuscripts were made and for whom they were intended seem to have attached no negative significance to the colour red. Yet as we have seen, Christian iconography `saw red' in connection with Judas. The Metzgers' manuscript illuminations suggest that to Jews as to Christians, Jews were typically red-headed and wore red clothes; it was taken for granted." ...
Only the Jews, who are here [in a 15th century manuscript German Historiated Bible] the Ten Tribes, have red hair and beards...Until the late fifteenth century, the `Ten Tribes enclosed by Alexander' typically appear under the name Red Jews in German-language apocalyptic. However, over the course of the first half of the sixteenth century, the term Red Jews is increasingly applied to the Biblical Ten Tribes, though Alexander's role never entirely disappears. These exotic eastern Jews later come to be represented as allies of the Christians against the Turks, not as apocalyptic destroyers.##
pp.66 ff.