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Brit-Am Now no. 1177
Date 23 Sivan 5768 26 June 2008
1. Brit-Am Secular Proofs: Mythology
Irish Ancestors included Israelites.
Stone of Scone is stone upon which Jacob slept and remained with his descendants.
2. Celtic-Hebrew Language Similarities
3. S: "I AM a REDHEAD!"


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Biblical Truth.
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
according to the Book of Genesis

Biblical Prophecy Predicted that the Lost Tribes of Israel would be found amongst Western Nations.
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1. Brit-Am Secular Proofs: Mythology
Proofs in Simplified Outline
Forefathers of Irish depicted as Scythians Sojourners in Egypt who included Israelites amongst them.
Forefathers of Irish depicted as Scythians Sojourners in Egypt who included Israelites amongst them.
Stone of Scone is stone upon which Jacob slept and remained with his descendants.
Coronation Stone of Britain associated with Promised Blessing to the Posterity of Israel.

Proofs in Expanded Format
Irish Ancestors included Israelites.

The first settlers of Ireland according to most accounts were the Partholians followed by the Fomorians and Nemedians.
After them came the Tuatha de Dana (i.e. Tribe of Dan) and the Milesians.
Either contemporaneously with the Fomorians or shortly after them arrived the Nemedians. The name NEMED means sanctified or separated and is synonymous with "Peresh" which name was given to the son of Gilead from the Tribe of Menasseh (1-Chronicles 7;16). The Nemedians were said to be descendants of Sru, Sera, and Isru [D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE. "Le Cycle Mythologie Irlandais Et La Mythologie Celtique", Paris 1884,
 p.89ff. ] These names and "ISRU" especially are forms of the name ISRAEL.

An Irish version says that the Dana came from the city of Dan at the foot of mount Libanus (Lebanon) in what was once the area of northern Israel [POOLE, W.H. "Fifty  Reasons Why The Anglo-Saxons Are Israelites of The Lost Tribes of  The House of Israel", London, 18## ,  p.208 quotes from Villaneuva, "Annals of Ireland", and from the "Four Masters"] .

               The Irish accounts say that whilst in Egypt, the land of Capaciront (i.e. Pi HaHerut = Goshen?) near the Red Sea was given to Goidel. Pharoah began to persecute the Hebrews and Goidel refused to participate but rather befriended the Hebrews who gave him the opportunity to unite with them [SQUIRE, CHARLES. "The Mythology Of Ancient Britain And Ireland", London 1909,  p.120 ff.]. Because of this or because Pharoah feared that Goidel would try to take over the country the people of Goidel were forced to flee. Several versions say expressly that the company of Goidel included Israelites. They were described as wandering for 42 years in Africa, then to "the altars of the Philistines", then to Syria, then again to North Africa whence they passed into Spain, whence they went to Spanish Galatia in the northwest and from there to Ireland  [D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE p.230].
They kept the Mosaic Law and did not eat forbidden foods [HYMAN, LOUIS. "The Jews of Ireland", Jerusalem, Israel, 1972 p.1].
  Their leaders in invading Ireland were Heber and Heremon [FLOOD, J.M. "Ireland: Its Myths And  Legends", New York, 1970, ch.2].  These are both Hebrew names like much of Irish  nomenclature...
               "Roberts" [ in what is described as "one of the oldest histories in the English language" in "The Brut or The Chronicles of the Kings of Briton", quoted from McNAIR, RAYMOND F. "Key To Northwest European Origins", Unpublished Thesis, California, U.S.A.  1963, p.240] speaks of Israelites led by a certain Bartholome (also known as "Erain"? cf. Numbers 23:36: Eran son of Ephraim son of Joseph) who were driven from Spain and settled in Ireland:
 "Gwrgan(r)t....directed them [Bartholomew and company]..to go to Ireland, which at that time lay waste and uninhabited. ...and there they settled..; and there their descendants are to this day in Ireland."
Bartholome .. had his name from a river of Spain called Eirinnal, on the banks of which they had lived.....they had arrived from Israel (Palestine) their original country, and ...their ancestors dwelt in a retired part of Spain,  near Eirnia, from whence the Spaniards drove them to sea.. "
"Bartholomew" or "Partholomew" is also mentioned in Irish accounts as leader of one of the first groups who settled in Ireland. In the account of Roberts above it says expressly that "Israel (Palestine)" was "their original country".

 In 1581 Vincenzio Galilei (father of the astronomer, Galileo Galilei) wrote that the Irish believed themselves descended from David, King of Israel, and that was why they used a harp as their symbol.

"It is stated in very old copies of The Book of Invasions and other ancient documents that it was the Mosaic law that the Milesians brought into Errin at their coming; that it had been learned and received from Moses in Egypt by Cae Cain Beathach, who was himself an Israelite, who had been sent into Egypt to learn the language of that country by the great master Fenius Farsaith, from whom the Milesian brothers, who conquered Errin, are recorded to have been the twenty second generation in descent; and it is stated in the preface to Seanchas Mord [i.e. "The Great Tradition",  the central compilation of the ancient Irish Law] that this was the law of Errin at the time of the coming of St.Patrick". 
[HYMAN, LOUIS. "The Jews of Ireland", Jerusalem, Israel, 1972 p.1].

               Keating says that the Invaders of Ireland were Partholanians, then Nemedians, Fomorians, Fir Bolg, Tuatha de Danaan (who came after being defeated by "Syrians"), and finally Milesians (descendants of Niul) whose ancestor had been an associate of Caei the Eloquent from Judah (sic.) also known as Iar son of Nemha, i..e Caei the Nemedian from the earlier settlers of Ireland!. Niul befriended the Children of Israel under Moses and was offered a portion with them in the Promised Land but declined and so was given by Moses a thousand men and a fleet of ships and so on. He begat Esru and Esru begat Sru. Due to the resentment of the Egyptians they left Egypt and went to Scythia. Fifteen generations later under Batha son of Degatha their descendants migrated to Spain. They were called the sons of Miledh. From the heart of Spain they were driven into the northwest and from Galicia in Spain they launched their invasion of Ireland.
 [KEATING: "THE HISTORY OF IRELAND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD  TO THE ENGLISH INVASION", by Rev. Geoffrey Keating (ca.1570-1646), translated by J. O'Mahoney, New York, 1866.] 
"Nemha"  (i.e. in "Iar son of Nemha" above) is from the same root as "Nemedian" and means sanctified the same as the Hebrew "Paresh" who fathered a group in Menasseh with whom the Iari were associated! The Iari were a mixed group group from Judah and Manasseh prominent in Anicent Israel and the sorrounding areas and later also in Scotland and Ireland.

 "The Chronicles of Eri, being the history of the Gaal Sciot Iber, or the Irish People, translated from the Phoenician dialect of the Scythian language", by Roger O' Connor were published in London in two volumes in 1822.
  The Chronicle says that the Gaali had been in Armenia, and the Caucasus. They were traders and metallurgists, and archers. Oppressed by the Assyrians they fled via Hamath in northern Syria [-Which incidentally was known later as "Daphne of Antiochia" and was considered one of three regions through which the Lost Ten Tribes were taken into exile (Numbers Rabah 1;6, etc. "Ephraim" p.91, p.150).
[The Jewish historian Nahum Slouschz (1909) regarded the exile of Daphne of Antiochea to represent that of Israelites associated with the Phoenicians]. The Chronicles of Eri tell how the Gaali sail to Spain which was then ruled by the Phoenicians who in turn were directed from (Assyrian-controlled?) Hamath. In Spain they moved from the southern area of Tartessos to Galatia in the northwest and shaked off Phoenician control. Together with the Phoenicians from their base in Spain they established mining operations in Cornwall, in Britain. Some of them moved to Aquitaine in Gaul. Due to war and famine, those in Spanish Galatia emigrated to Ireland. Though not Phoenicians they worshiped God under the form of baal, received instruction in Phoenician ways, bore Hebrew-sounding names and seem to have had Israelite-values such as an aversion to images and other characteristics. 

Stone of Scone is stone upon which Jacob slept and remained with his descendants.

The Milesians are said to have brought with them to Ireland a sacred stone on which their kings were coronated (W.Stewart ca.1532).
William Rishanger (early 1200s) and other versions had earlier said that the Dana (and therefore not the Milesians) brought the stone.
This manner of coronation over a stone is believed to have been an Israelite custom hinted at in the Bible. Later this same stone which the Milesians had brought was carried over to Scotland and there it was known as the Stone of Scone. It was afterwards taken from Scotland and placed under the Coronation Chair of the monarchs of Britain and at present has been returned to Scotland.  Legend states that the stone brought by the Milesians was that on which Jacob slept (Genesis 29;11-19) [Hollinshed's Chronicles ca.1577, John Toland (1670-1772)] and dreamt of angels ascending and descending a ladder reaching up into heaven. According to the Midrash (Genesis, Tanchuma, VaYaetse) this dream concerned the potential future rule of the world and the saving of Jacob's seed from afar and from the land of their captivity (Jeremiah 30;10) meaning from Galia (i.e. Gaul) and from Espania (Spain) and from their neighbors.

2. Celtic-Hebrew Language Similarities
Supplied by Shmuel James
Middle Bretonic (West France): Mah= What?
Hebrew: Mah=What?
Middle Bretonic (West France): Me= !

Scottish and Irish: Cean (pronounced: She-an) =old
Hebrew: yashan= old (from root: yiShan, ShNH
Welsh and Bretonic: Hen =old

Welsh and Bretonic:  Pen =head, extremitiy, face
Hebrew:  panim=visage, face, pan=face, aspect

Irish: Ceann (Pronounced: shean)=extremity, head
Hebrew: sin=tooth, extremity

Irish: Mor=big
Welsh: Mawr=big
Bretonic: More= big
Hebrew: Mra (as given in Klein Etymological Dictonary)=fat

Gaulish: Kabir=big, great
Hebrew: cabir=big, great, mighty

Irish: Mor=sea
Hebrew: Mar, mor=drop of water

Irish: a=a
Welsh: ey=a
Hebrew: ha = the

Irish: ard=high
Hebrew: har=mountain

Irish: assal=donkey
Hebrew: aton=ass (t=s; n=l)

Irish: innu=yesterday
Akkadian (Old Assyrian): nu=time

Irish: am=time
 Irish: amanannr=time
Akkadian (Old Assyrian): nu=time

Irish: caillin (pronounced "kaylin")=girl
Hebrew: calah=bride

Irish: sasta=satisfied, pleased
Hebrew: sasson= joy, sass=take joy in

Irish: scian (pronoounced: "scean")=knife
Hebew: sacin=knife

Irish: tarb =bull
Aramaic: tor =bull
Hebrew: shor=bull

Irish: aois (ou-is)=age, century
Hebrew: aet=time

Irish: solas=light
Hebrew: tsel=shade

Breonic, Welsh: other
Irish: eile=other
Gaulish: allos=other
Assyrian: allus=other
Hebrew: ela=but, otherwise

Irish: ach=but
Hebrew: ach=but

Irish: doin=man
Weskh: din=man
Bretonic: den=man
Hebrew: adon=sir, lord, master

Bretonic: sofar=great noise
Hebrew: shofar= ram's horn trumpet

Bretonic: amalaik=dark, sinister
Hebrew: amalek= Amalek (the arch-enemy)

Welsh & Bretonic: ie=she
Hebrew: hi=she

Welsh & Bretonic: walcih (pronounced "walc'h") = to be able, capable of
Hebrew: yacol= = to be able, capable of

Welsh & Bretonic: kara=to love
Hebrew: yaKar= to hold dearly, greatly respect

Welsh: fill=elephant
Hebrew: pil=elephant

Welsh: levod=lion
Hebrew: leviah=lioness

Welsh & Bretonic: wez=wood
Hebrew: aits= wood

Bretonic: benuni=firstborn
Hebrew: ben=son,
Hebrew: oni=my strength, my power

Hebrew: cos=cup

Welsh: gwedi ("g" euphonic and not part of word-root)=to pray
Hebrew: hodayah=prayer, adoration

Gaulish: on=spring
Welsh: ein=spring
Hebrew: ayin=spring

Bretonic: eol=sun
Hebrew: hilel=shine
Hebrew: hila=shining

Old Irish (Orghamic?): uar=earth
Aramaic: ara=earth

Gaulish: holam=doctor, healer
Hebrew: cholom=health, recovery

3. S: "I AM a REDHEAD!"

Dear Yair,
Artists have ALWAYS been in love with Redheads.
I HAVE noticed that people have been on their toes around me,
even though I've just entered the room & nobody knows me. 
I believe it is because, like in nature, RED spells "DANGER".
(I'd like to believe that I am dangerous.)
Hopefully, in PRAYER I AM.

{*"The WEAPONS of our warfare are MIGHTY through God, to the pulling down of stongholds."}

See also:
The "Red" Jews and the Lost Tribes

'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the Bible.'
  George Washington

Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.