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================================================I have questions concerning the Moshiach ben Joseph from the Brit Am perspective. This person will obviously get his authority from the Almighty. I have learned he will ultimately suffer death, and this will be a very sad event, but during his tenure will he be recognized by both Judah and Joseph? And will He also be anointed to perform miracles?
My Jewish friends have told me they must do certain things in order to merit Moshiach, Must we also merit his coming, if so, what can we do to bring this about more speedily, if anything?
My opinion, right or wrong, has been one of frustration towards Christianity, but at the same time I am sympathetic. I feel there has been ample evidence to explain the purpose of Christianity to the adherents of Brit Am beliefs on your web site.
I have found the Brit Am site to be an uplifting and encouraging place to visit, and we are thankful for it.
##Our Sacred Sages had a tradition that in the beginning [of the End Times] there would arise a Messiah [i.e. Anointed Saviour] from the House of Joseph who will reign over the Ten Tribes. He will wage wars and all of Israel will be gathered together under his banner. [This will continue] until later on, a descendant of David will appear and he will reign over them....Various verses in the Prophets concerning the Ten Tribes and Joseph in the End Times are associated with MBJ.
##A transformation will take place. The Ten Tribes and the stick of Joseph will draw themselves closer unto the stick of Judah, and this too, will be through the agency of a Prophet and by miracles##. The Commentary of "Malbim" on Ezekiel 37:15
1-Kings:8 The Supplication of Solomon on
Behalf of Israel
Non-Israelites were never expected to keep the Torah.
It was for Israelites only.
The question remains as to how good is the proof that you are an Israelite?
How applicable is it to you on an individual bases?
Read our article:
"Joseph and the Law.
Do Ephraimites
have to Keep the Law of Moses in our time as distinct from the End Times?"
Regarding sacrifices etc I did not quote follow you.
We do not offer sacrifices at present because we cannot. If we could we would be
obliged to do so.
There are reasons for everything and we are commanded to try and understand what
we can.
Nevertheless even if our understanding fails us we are still obligated to obey.
You imply that you would be open to keeping the Law if you could do so without
having to deny
the Christian Messiah.
Fair Enough.
In the Messianic Era things will sort themselves out.
In the meantime we all should do what we can according to our own understanding.
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