.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1407
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
4 November 2009, 17 Cheshvan 5770
1. Contrary to Report,
Yair Davidiy Still Lives! Or so he claims!
2. Richard Atwood: Rachel Cries for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes
3. David and Lynda Crawford: Visit to Ireland and the Prophet Jeremiah


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1. Contrary to Report, Yair Davidiy Still Lives! Or so he claims!

The article:
British Israelism Exposed

refers to:
# Brit-Am's late author Yair Davidy #

"late" is usually taken to mean deceased.

Maybe they know something I do not?

When did I pass away?
It seems they forgot to tell me?

Is this heaven?

The article is dated from June 2009.
it is now November.
What have I been doing in the meantime?

Anyway it was news to me.

The article in question is a pdf document.

Yesterday I had computer problems and today felt put off by the style of writing so I did not read it all.

From the little we did manage to download our impression is that:
It attempts to deny the truth of Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement doctrine by associating belief about the Lost Ten Tribes being amongst Western Peoples with Nazi-type Identity groups.

Notice that they who would disparage our humble selves usually prefer to do so indirectly by associating us with disreputable identity groups etc.

This is an underhand dishonest method about as reliable as relying on their description of myself as the # late author Yair Davidy #.

I may be an author and I may sometimes be slow but I am not yet "late" in their sense of the word.

Our opponents appear to be incapable of coping with the Biblical Sources, Rabbinical references, historical evidence and hard facts we adduce.

The author of the article seems to be anonymous as is the owner of the site who however is evidently a Conspiracy Freak and therefore a nut case of bad character and reprobate attitude.

The article itself is written from a pseudo-Christian perspective but is full of historical falsehood and simple drivel.

The web site owners present themselves as friendly to Torah observant Jews but are in effect propagating Conspiracy Doctrine which is basically anti-Jewish .
Maybe that is what Conspiracy Freak Theory really is?
Wishful thinking?
Like referring to my revered self as a "late author"?

2. Richard Atwood: Rachel Cries for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes

Since Rachel was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, isn't she crying for the return of these 'children', the tribes of Joseph (Ephraim, etc).  The ones commonly know as the Lost Ten tribes who would be under the leadership of Ephraim?  If she is crying (& praying) for their return, shouldn't we also? 
The books of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel indicate that these tribes will return.  Now seems to be a good time for their return to replant & populate the Land with HaShem's people.  I believe this can only be accomplished when Judah welcomes them back.
Richard E. Atwood

3. David and Lynda Crawford: Visit to Ireland and the Prophet Jeremiah
Dear Yair,
  Thank you for all your hard work which we so look forward to. Hope that your efforts will bring forth the desired results that you have worked so diligently to accomplish.
We have just returned from a gift holiday overseas which included Scotland and Ireland. While in Ireland we visited Meath and the Hill of Tara. We had traveled from Moone , the weather was dull and when we arrived at Tara the rain was pouring down. We saw a man with his Umbrella tied to his window of his van and ended up with an interview which I have videoed. His main concern was the damage of Tara by a road that is being built by the help of EU. This has caused great concern as to the damage to this historical part of Ireland. During the filming the question was asked concerning the suggestion that Jeremiah might be buried here . To our surprise the answer was that just three weeks before an 80 year old Rabbi had come from Jerusalem and told them that Jeremiah was buried in this vicinity...of course the intellectuals' would argue. Then when we started climbing towards the mounds the sun came out and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Sadly we did not have time to visit the place where the Kings are buried the place where Jeremiah is thought to be buried.
Shalom from David & Lynda Crawford


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