"Brit-Am Now"-575
"Brit-Am Now"-575
: 1. Joan Griffith: DNA Irregularities
2. "The Tribes" to be used as College Reference Text
3. Web-site on the Anglo-Saxons
4. Brit-Am Meeting in Jerusalem
5. Updates to Website
6. Web-Site on the Clans of Scotland
7. Brit-Am Meets Ephraimites from Oregon and Idaho

1. Joan Griffith: DNA Irregularities
From: Joan Griffith
Subject: DNA on TV
Hi Yair,
This is interesting on a couple of levels. I was watching TV the other night & saw a show called "I am my own twin." It happened that a woman was about to lose custody of her children because their DNA was different than hers, and she had no way to prove they were hers. She was pregnant, however, and so the Judge assigned someone to watch her give birth, then take a sample of the infant's DNA. Sure enough, the child's DNA was NOT that of the mother! However, since the assigned watcher could verify that the child did indeed come from the mother, she was able to keep her children.
In another odd case study (I missed the reason for needing the DNA), a woman's children apparently had the DNA of her two brothers! It was as if they had 2 fathers instead of a father and mother.
What happened was that these women apparently had a fraternal twin whose DNA became mixed into hers. In the second case mentioned, the mother had this odd DNA in her thyroid gland and her ovaries, but seemingly nowhere else. The only way to discover this is to take samples from every body part, quite an invasive method.
This opens the door to a lot of difficulties, such as the freeing of a murderer who has different DNA and so on, although usually there is more evidence than DNA, which seems to be a clinching factor.
So along with that discussion about DNA that changes upon death, here is another anomaly. I have not looked for it yet, but there could be a transcript available.
Thankfully, even with that, G-d will know who we are.
In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent.--Kathleen Norris

2. "The Tribes" to be used as College Reference Text
From: Ron Fraser
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-574

Greetings Yair!

Imperial College of Edmond, Oklahoma, at which I lecture in the subjects History and International Relations, teaches the origin of nations from a biblical perspective. Also, the subject of racial origins is a constant work in progress to which our history department is regularly adding knowledge from a plethora of sources, biblical, secular and archaeological.
I feel obliged to tell you that your work on the identity of the nations of Israel has been invaluable in our continuing studies in this area. We do, of course, always acknowledge Brit-Am as the source of any of your material which we use.
We are placing an order today for two copies of your book, "The Tribes", one to be used as a reference text, the other as a library resource at our college.
Ron Fraser

3. Web-site on the Anglo-Saxons
containing short but useful notes of interest

4. Brit-Am Meeting in Jerusalem
On Yom Rishon (Sunday Week) at 6 pm (1800) 26.07.05
HaRav Chaim Berlin 23/7
All Welcome
Light Refreshment
Short Talk on Prophecy and the Identity of Israel Today
"The Lost Ten Tribes in the West According to the Prophets"
followed by friendly discussion.
Queries: Yair at 0546-423196

5. Updates to Website For those who missed different postings or forgot to save them and wish to do so, our Website Archives for the Books of Samuel and Psalms and for "Brit-Am Now" Postings have been updated.

Samuel: http://britam.org/samuel.html

Psalms: http://britam.org/psalms/Psalms-Index.html

"Brit-Am Now" Archives (updating still in progress) http://britam.org/now/now.html

6. Web-Site on the Clans of Scotland Short article gives an interesting introductory overview: http://heritage.scotsman.com/clans.cfm?id=41872005

7. Brit-Am Meets Ephraimites from Oregon and Idaho
Brit-Am representatives Rabbi Avraham Feld, Shmuel James, and Yair Davidiy met a group of Ephraimites led by
Judy F. Brown (lib144@msn.com).
Judy has been a follower of Brit-Am for several years and is well-versed in Biblical, Brit-Am, and related literature.
Judy prays daily for the success and welfare of Brit-Am and its leaders.
The group led by Judy consisted of families from Oregon and a couple from Idaho.
Shalom Pollack (shalompo@yahoo.com)
is the tour leader for the group and helped set up the meeting.
Shalom due to frequent contact with 'Ephraimites" has become a long-term sympathizer of Brit-Am.
The meeting was held in the Courtyard of the Mount Zion Hotel in Jerusalem.
It was very successful and a good impression was received all round.
Shmuel James is a Linguistic Researcher and frequently assists us on such occasions.
Shmuel is originally from France but has much experience with Continental Europe in general [An article by Shmuel should be appearing in a coming issue of our magazine].
After the meeting Shmuel commented to Yair Davidiy about the fine quality of the people we had met and how at such meetings he does not feel any difference between Jew and non-Jew whereas when meeting people from Continental Europe a consciousness of differences on both sides is palpable.
Rabbi Feld said the meeting was a great success and he is pleased that he was enable to attend and speak at it.
We also understood that the people we had met with were very pleased with the utcome.

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"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
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Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
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"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).
