"Brit-Am Now"-601
1. New Year's Blessings
a.Stephen Spykerman
b.Thomas Gray.
c. Tim Murray
d. Ted Dornan
e. Sally

2. Craig Blackwood: Numbers?
3. Diane: Need for more Direct Meetings
4. Question on Italy
5. Question on Hebrew New Year's Day
6. Bob Davis: Rabbi Avraham Feld's work is very useful
7. New Article on WebSite
Brit-Am is the True British-Israel Movement!!

a.Stephen Spykerman <sspykerman@supanet.com>
Subject: Re: Brit-Am New Year's Message

L'Shana Tova Yair

Wishing you many blessings and best wishes for another exciting and productive year for BRIT AM and its indomitable leader.

God bless you from your friend and fellow co-worker

Stephen Spykerman

----- Original Message ----- From: "Yair Davidiy" <britam@netvision.net.il>
Subject: Brit-Am New Year's Message

Jewish New Year
The Hebrew New Year falls next week. It lasts for two days from Monday Night to Wednesday night.

We take stock of the past and make resolutions for the future.
Last year
On the whole Brit-Am improved especially in its e-mail and web-site services
though much room for further improvement still exists.
We hope to increase our Biblical based output as well as publishing more historical studies.
These are areas where we intend to place our immediate emphasis.

Betty Rhodes hopes to greatly increase the scope of the Brit-Am Genealogical Section.

The magazine did not come out as often as it should have. There is a problem with funding that
may be resolved and if we can in the future we will publish the magazine once every two months or more.

Brit-Am Branch activity was in most cases almost non-existent but we will take steps to
re-invigorate this field. The same applies regarding all related activity, lectures, meetings,
badges,  videos, etc.

We will endeavor to involve more people in our activities. We made several false starts in this direction in
the past but have now  begun to make some progress.

Last year, Financially we went from near-crisis to near-crisis but looking back we were enabled to operate fairly well
and meet most of our obligations.

Last year some of our followers dropped out of sight but less than had done so over comparative periods
in  the past and many more joined our ranks or watched encouragingly from the sidelines.
The impression is that on the whole those who are with us are pleased with us though most
know  of aspects in which they would like to see improvement. Please send us your input.

Regarding research some important breakthroughs were made but greater effort should
have been made in this direction.

All of the above is important but not the main point.
The main thing is that the message of Brit-Am regarding the present-day identity
of the Lost Ten Tribes is a true message and needs to be made known.
This is what we believe the Almighty wills of us and what we should all keep in mind.
It is for the good of both Judah and Joseph.
We all have a stake in this.
Brit-Am exists to do its duty and to bring a message to, and a blessing on, all our peoples
meaning all of us.

The Three Rs of Brit-Am
Research: Searching for the Truth of Israelite Brit-Am Identity
Revelation: Propagating the knowledge obtained through Research and
working for its internalization.
Reconciliation: Working with the aim that the Results of  our Research
and Revelation will lead to a Reconciliation between Joseph and Judah which is a pre-requisite for
ultimate re-union.

We bless all of you and your families
Yair Davidiy
on behalf of
Jerusalem, Israel


b.Thomas Gray.

Dear Yair,

I hope that you and your family have a very refreshing Rosh Hashana and a
profitable year ahead.

Thomas Gray.

c. Tim Murray
Greetings, Yair!

Thanks for this fine message, and I look back over the year with
thanksgiving that you have been enabled to keep going.  Your  (and our)
work is important, and I rejoice at every sign of divine help and

Personally, I applaud your focussed emphasis and straight-forward
approach, refusing to get derailed by either attacks or extraneous
observations.  Keep it up!  And may God's mercy and grace and concrete
provision be with you--

Tim Murray

d. Ted Dornan

Shalom, and Shana Tovah!

Ted Dornan

e. Sally
Hi Yair, thank you for the New Years message and may you and your family be healthy and well in the coming year. You no doubt have seen the news regarding the Sanhedrin and the B'nei Noach in Arutz 7. I think this news is a reason to celebrate Brit - Am and your work. How often events seem to move slowly when behind the scenes the hand of the Mighty One is moving to bring about change. And then in retrospect how quickly it all appeared to become reality. Perhaps that is what is meant by " wait on the Lord"  to be patient and believe.
Shalom, Sally

2. Craig Blackwood: Numbers?

Subject: Re: The death of Europe?

the 6 million jews who died would probably have multiplied to 20-30m

3. Diane: Need for more Direct Meetings
From: healingforthenations <healingforthenations@mail1.myexcel.com>
Subject: 3 R's

Yair shalom,

In addition to Brit-Am's stated 3 R's I would like to suggest 3 more; relationships, relationships, relationships. E-mail is convenient but impersonal . Re-invigorating 'the field' I believe would help build personal relationships in the nations leading to deeper commitments of Joseph to Judah and vice versa .

A special gathering in Jerusalem for the purpose of establishing relationships would have lasting benefits to all.

Suggestion for would be reps. in the nations: Establish an e-mail address for Brit-Am correspondence.eg. britam-USA@......com.    More than one rep per country, no problem add your city/state/province etc... to the e-mail address.

GOd's dearest New Year's blessings to all, Diane, USA

4. Question on Italy
Shalom Aleichem Mr. Davidiy,
I hope that this quick e-mail finds you well.
I have followed this web-site for the past three years.
And what your research has to say does make sense to me.
I have a question about the Ten Lost Tribes ever being in Italy.
My ancestors came from Benevento Italy as my mother's maiden name was Benevento.
How does this fit into the scheme of origins of the Ten Lost Tribe's??
Thank you for your time in this matter, and answering this question.
(Please hold back on my last name)

Yevarekh Otkha HaShem~

The L-rd bless you and keep you; the L-rd make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the L-rd lift up His countenance upon you, and give you Shalom!
Numbers (B'midbar) 6:24 to 26...

A lot of Israelites passed through and settled in Italy
but on the whole their influence was not dominant.
Benevento is in Southerin Italy in the Province of Campania of which Naples is the capital.
We have written about Italy in our work
"The Tribes"
and also in previous postings
Please see
what we have posted in the past concerning Italy.
"Brit-Am Now"-147
#6. Question on Lombardy and Italy:

"Brit-Am Now"-251
#4. Question on Southern Italy

"Brit-Am Now"-329
#6. More on Italy

"Brit-Am Now"- 436
#2. Samnites, Italy: Addition to chapter on Simeon

"Brit-Am Now"- 458
#2. E-Mail Lists discusses ancestry of Lost Jews from Spain, Portugal, and Italy
#7. Question on Central and Southern Italy

5. Question on Hebrew New Year's Day
Subject: Sabbath

Greetings from England. To help me understand, please explain the difference between Shabbath ( as in the weekly 7th day Sabbath) and Shabbation (as applied to the Day of Trumpets, Lev 23:24)

Many thanks

The verse says:
<<A SABBATH, A MEMORIAL>>: Hebrew, "Shabaton Zicron" which can be explained to mean "A Day of Rest For Remembering".
Understood to mean a Day on which the deeds of the past year are remembered  and one's needs and future for the coming year
are also brought to mind, i.e. A New Year's Day.
<<A SABBATH>>: Hebrew "Shabaton" connoting "day like the Sabbath" though even if it had have read simply
"Shabat"  it would not necessarily have meant the Seventh Day.
Shabat in Hebrew means to rest, to cease from work, etc.
The term Shabat is therefore applied to the seventh day because on the seventh day we are commanded to rest.
The term however is sometimes used to refer to other days of rest
and it is necessary to consider the use of the term in  its proper context.

The verse is referring to the Hebrew New Year.
Why therefore does it say the 'Seventh Month"?
Because it is the seventh month as months are counted from the first month which is the month in which the
Passover is held.
Nevertheless it is the day of "Shabaton Zicron" on which certain  matters that are very important to us are determined
for the coming year and so from that point of view it is a NEW YEAR DAY.
On the first day of the Seventh Month you shall cease from work. You shall blow shofars and make a truah-noise
(produced by a shofar). This has been mistranslated as "TRUMPETS".
"Truah" in Hebrew connotes "breaking. It is a breaking noise and implies breaking bad degrees and making a new beginning.
Normally I would avoid answering your question since our policy is not to get involved with matters beyond the
direct issue of Hebrew Ancestry. This is an exception and I hope it is sufficient. I am not an authority on these matters.
If you have any doubts or additional questions on the matter you would do better to find someone who can be more
authoritative and certain on  the subject.

6. Bob Davis: Rabbi Avraham Feld's work is very useful
From: Bob Davis <bdavis@paxkom.net>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-600

Oral Law

Dear Yair

Rabbi Avraham Feld's work is very useful in that it explains to many of us
why you believe what you do, and this has always seemed perplexing.


Bob Davis

7. New Article on WebSite
Brit-Am is the True British-Israel Movement!!
British-Israelite Ideaology in the Light of Reality
