"Brit-Am Now"-623
1. The Weekly Portion and its Significance for Brit-Am
2. Brit-Am Tour of Israel
1. The Weekly Portion and its Significance for Brit-Am
This weeks section is called "Toldot" (Generations)
in Hebrew.
It is from Genesis 25:19 to Genesis 28:9.
The Brit-Am Commentary has been updated with additional
insights and explanations.
This portions deals with several theme of special significance
from a Brit-Am perspective:
Some themes touched upon in the present portion:
Who is Edom?
What are the characteristics of Edom?
Are there Edomites (as well as Israelites) amongst the British and kin?
What does the name "Jacob" mean?
Israel will be a blessing to all humanity.
Gentile anti-Semitic actions against Jews indicated by attitude towards Patriarchs.
Jacob had the title "firstborn" legitimately.
Replacement Theologians and anti-Jewish Identity freaks have the qualities of Esau.
English words from Hebrew.
Moral exhortations and advice.
Mixed marriages are not in all cases forbidden but neither are they encouraged.
2. Brit-Am Tour of Israel
The proposed Brit-Am Tour of Israel is well worth joining. The prices are very reasonable,
the itinerary interesting and promises a valuable life-time quality experience.
The planners and tourist guide are
professionals of good repute and valuable experience.
Some details of the Tour are repeated on our web-site at:
For questions and queries please contact
Shalom Pollack at:
Shalom has his own web site (also accessible from our site) at:
A minimum number of participants is needed to make the tour feasible.
Even if you cannot join the tour now but may be interested in the
future please contact Shalom and send a Cc: copy to us as well.
Apart from giving a couple of lectures Brit-Am is not involved overduly in this tour
but we rely on Shalom and the organizers and we would like to know
your responses and needs.
9adapted from "Lost Israelite Identity. The Hebrew Ancestry of Celtic Races"
by Yair Daviidy (1996), opening section of chapter 14.
[Since writing "Lost Israelite Identity" a great of additional information confirming our initial conclusions
has been received. We hope to shortly publish a work containing the said knowledge.]
The Greeks called the Celts "Galatae" also rendered as "GALADI" which is another way of pronouncing "Gilead" son of Machir son of Menasseh. Some authorities distinguish the Galatae from the rest of the Gauls and identify them with the Belgae in the north of Gaul.
Galadon was the mythical ancestor of a group in Britain related to the Caledoni of Scotland whose name may also be derived from Gilead. In southern Gaul existed a people named Gebali. "Gebalk" was a name applied by the Arabs to western Europe apparently especially to Gaul. The Sons of Moses in folklore were often spoken of together with the Lost Ten Tribes. They were reported by Arab-related sources of Jewish origin to be in "Gebalk" meaning in Gaul and its region. They were also said to be together with the Sons of Ad in the "Islands of the Happy" meaning the British Isles. "The Sons of Ad" was a Jewish-Arabian term for the Lost Ten Tribes who because of their sins had been blown across the sea and were to be found in in the British Isles.
"Aed and Israel"
The Jewish sage Rashi (1040-1105) in his commentary on the Biblical Book of Obadiah reported the tradition that the Lost Ten Tribes were in France while Don Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508) emphasised that the term ("Tsaraphat" in Hebrew) understood by Rashi to mean France included both France and Britain.
In the north of Gaul were the Belgae. The Belgae included the Venetes who displayed Phoenician cultic and cultural influence. The Venetes were a powerful maritime people. At Gwynned in north west Wales there was colonisation of peoples who were of Venete origin. The Venetes may be related to the Venni or Fenni who were an ancient people in Ireland though later the term was applied to the landowning class and maybe also to warriors.
The Venetes of Gaul were famous for their skill with the sling-shot which has a longer range than the bow and a straighter projectory. Though highly valuable militarily it was rare for peoples to develop a national skill in sling-shot use. In Biblical times the Tribe of Benjamin had made expertise with the sling-shot their Tribal speciality*12.
The firstborn son of Benjamin was Bela whose name could be pronounced as "Bela(g)". Ptolemy records Belagea and Belginaea in lands bordering the Euphrates River in former Israelite territory where some Benjaminites probably settled even though it should be noted that amongst the Tribe of Reuben there was also a clan-head named Bela (1-Chronicles 5;8) and a group of Reubenites may also have been named after him and these may have been those besides the Euphrates indicated by Ptolemy. At all events, the Clan of Bela (in ancient Hebrew "Bela-gh") eventually gave their name to the Belgae.
In league with the Venetes of Gaul were the CALETES. The Caletes were a people in northern Gaul (near the Parissi) whose name has been understood to be a version of Galati. They were extensive traders whose medallions or coins have been found over a wide area including Britain, Gaul, Switzerland, Bavaria, and Bohemia. They used symbols considered to be typically Phoenician, such as the wheel, half moon, triangle, anchor, sacrificial knife, etc., as well as figures of stylised men and animals in a manner characteristic of Babylonian cylinders. The Caletes were one of 6 peoples in the northern Belgae confederation. Other Belgae inhabited the mouths of the Rhine River, traded with amber and brought British tin to the interior of Europe. The Rhine was then known as the ERIDAN which name is derived from that of the River JORDAN (Hebrew: "Yardan" explained as "Yored-Dan", i.e. Eridan!) in the Land of Israel! A Roman poet, Avienus, quoting "the secret annals of Carthage" reported the Oestrymnis in Brittany (France) and a similarly named entity in Britain. Borchart understood this term, in Hebrew, to mean "the hidden people", based on the root "Sater" to hide.
A type of boat known as "Coracles" was used in Britain and was once also known on Lake Malar in Sweden. Coracles look similar to the still-used "gufas" of the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers which are portrayed on many Assyrian monuments. They were also used in Armenia. In Armenian "kur" (cf. coracle) means boat. In Britain the Celts used wheat silos extensively and for a long period of time even though they are now considered to have been unsuitable for British climatic conditions. Wheat silos were unknown in Gaul except for the land of the Caletes who traded with Britain. Silos were known in the Atlas mountains of North Africa, in Thrace for a limited early period, in southern Scythia, and in Cappadocia. The same type of silo was also used in Ancient Israel from the 1000s b.c.e., i.e. prior to the exile.
The Celts of Britain wore trousers reaching to the knee and then tucked up. This manner of dress had been the fashion of Homeric Greece and ancient Egypt. Excavations in Samaria, the capital of the northern ten tribed kingdom before the exile, revealed a highly developed Phoenician type of culture heavily permeated with Egyptian themes.
Britain, said Julius Caesar, was the centre of the Druidical religion. Strabo reported that Ceres and Proserpine were worshipped in Britain according to the Samothracian (i.e. Phoenician) rites. In Britain the Canaanite god Baal was worshipped and was called Bel. The name "Bel" for "baal" is also found as a root in some of the names of British kings e.g. "Cassi-belin", "Cuno-belin"; one of the names of the sun in Gaul was Belis and Baal (or "Bel") was a sun-god. There was a feast known as "Beltane" which in Scottish means "Fire of Bel". The custom in Britain, Sweden, and northern Europe of jumping over fires and leading cattle, etc. through the smoke and flames at the feast of Beltane is a pagan Canaanite custom still practised until very recently in northern Europe, in Celtic and Scandinavian lands. Bel god of the Britons was also known as Belus or Belinus similar to Bel or Belus the Assyrian form of "baal". The Syrian Belmarcos had altars in the region of Paris; many Gallic peoples worshipped the sun god Belenus who became equated with Apollo; in Brittany (Armorica) a priest is still (even today) referred to as a BELEC meaning "servant of Bel" and BEL was an alternative pronounciation in the Middle East for Baal!
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