"Brit-Am Now"-696
1. Ephraimite Criteria in French
2. The House of David web-sites
3. Brit-Am: "A wonderful message"
4. British Israel Actually Pro-Jewish?
5. Why do "You need to know"?
1. Ephraimite Criteria in French
Translated and Prepared by
"Claude BOISSEAU" <claude.boisseau@free.fr>
2. The House of David web-sites:
We have not yet examined these sites but they look of potential interest:
The Kingship of Israel
3. Brit-Am: "A wonderful message"
Shalom, since I have found this website it has been a constant source of information and amazement. The volume of historical evidence that supports the theory that the British, Americans and western Europeans in general are descendants of the house of Israel is overwhelming. I was brought up to believe in the true origins of our people ( my father was a member of the World Wide Church of God) and I feel that you are continuing to spread this foundation shaking revelation, I only wish the world would see with clear eyes that the rampant hatred of Israel will only lead to their utter downfall...
J. MacDonald
ps I speak Gaelic which has many similarities to Hebrew which is another reason I am so interested in the language.
4. British Israel Actually Pro-Jewish?
Letter Received by John Hulley
To: jonhully@netvision.net.il
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:22 AM
Subject: Hello John
Hello John....looking forward to your book being published. I definitely want a copy when the press is done.
I found your website thru Yair Davidiy weekly email announcements. Looking over your website, I noticed that you label British Israel as a false doctrine that replaces the Jews. I am a British-Israelite and do not support that view at all, nor anyone else I know. Maybe the so called "Christian Identity" doictrine does this which is pure heresy in my oponion....but not the British Israel I know, nor any of the pastors I listen to do this.
I believe my dear brother, that the Jews are a part of Israel consisting of 2 of 12 tribes. They are our brothers that must come together and be joined into one stick, one kingdom, ....
Anyway I just wanted to say my peace on this and let you know that the majority of British-Israelites do not believe this and we are supportive of our brothers, the Jews.
God bless you and your efforts, David Hill.
5. Why do "You need to know"?
Dear Yair,
I am convinced that I belong to one of the lost 10. I live in Australia and have been searching for some meaning to my life for 6 years since coming away from churches.
I am interested in your statement that starts with
... but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated a the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, The British Isles, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Australia ...., to be the richest nations on earth and to control major international strategic bases.
The correctness of our interpretation of the relevant verses, and your destiny, may depend upon this information. You need to know!!"
Well I want to know. I have an urgency inside me to know. ..
Would you please explain for me the statement "your destiny may depend upon this information"?
Many regards,
M Shalom
Our intended meaning was:
If you are of Israelite origin (and the chances are that you are) then
after receiving the necessary information you would know that God
has a plan for you beyond that which you assumed previously.
This information would therefore be important to you and to your
descendants and nearest of kin.