
"Brit-Am Now"-727
1. Shaul Suhr:  New Zealand in Bible Codes
2. Arabic Words in English?
3. South Africa in Brit-Am Biblical Codes

1. Shaul Suhr:  New Zealand in Bible Codes

From: Shaul Suhr <>
Subject: New Zealand in Bible Codes

Shalom Yair,
I was reading about NZ in the Biblical codes on the Brit Am website, and was thinking.
New Zealand supplies one third of all the worlds Dairy exports, New Zealand, is a very safe haven for many Israelites feeing countries that are in a state of social and political decline.
Also, New Zealand troops seem to have been associated from the very begining with British involvement in the British Mandate.
In 1917 the Kiwis fought alongside their Aussie ANZAC counterparts at Bersheeba, and other Battles against the German commanded Turks, thus freeing then (Palestine) from Muslim rule, and enabling Jews to begin returning to our land.
Kiwi troops fought the Germans in Greece, and although eventually overcome, held the Germans long enough, though poorly armed and supplied compared to the Germans, for most of the British and Commonwealth troops to evacuate to Crete.
In Crete, the biggest airborne invasion up to the time was launched by German Falllshimjager (Paratroops), and was meet on the ground by Kiwi and Aussie (ANZAC) troops, who gave the Germans such a hot reception, that they never attempted to use Paratroops again on such a scale, their losses being so many.
But also, the British failed to resupply our troops, and the men had to fight with what they had brought with them from Greece, and were after much of the most bitter combat, lots of it hand to hand, of the war , again driven off the Island by the Germans.
Off to Egypt, and our troops smashed the Italians, drove them almost out of North Africa, so the Germans sent Rommel, and the Afrika Korps to help., thus followed more bitter years of fighting, the great battles of Alamien, Tobruk, Sedi Rziq, and Mersa Matur, being but some of them.
Eventually, Rommel and his very well trained and equipped army were soundly beaten, and driven forever from North Africa,. the first allied land victory of the second world war.
This victory, not only destroyed the German armies in North Africa, but stopped the huge massacre of the Jews of (Palestine ) that was planned by the Germans. In Greece, was waiting the German SS Einsatzgruppen Grece,who were waiting to enter (Palestine), and begin the Holocaust in the holy land itself.
Someone once posted in the newsletter, that it was a Jewish Kiwi, who first flew the Magen David over Jerusalem, after such a history of NZ involvement with the holy land doesnt that just make sense ?
Not only had NZ been a safe haven for that Jews family, but NZ was partly to thank, for him even being able to set foot in His land, fiught for it, and win !
I say partly, because really, its HaShem we have to thank, He gave us victory then, and will again.
Baruch HaShem !
Sha'ul , NZ

2. Arabic Words in English?
peter salemi <> wrote:
HI YAIR I ENJOY YOUR WORK. I WAS WONDERING CONCERNING THE LANGUAge of the english with the hebrew. some say that the english have some arabic in it, does that mean we are arabic? obviously the english are not arabic in origin how would you respond to this, peter


Peter Shalom,
Maybe English does contain Arabic words. If these words are indeed found in the old Anglo-Saxon base of the
language I would like to see examples.  Anglo-Saxon does contain very many Hebraic words (between a fourth to a third) whose presence can only be explained through historical origins or at the least very close contact.
The same applies to Gaelic and Welsh.
Claims have been made that Gaelic and Welsh also contain Arabic words and Hamitic Arabic-like
linguistic features.
I do not know Arabic though perhaps I should have made an effort at some stage or other to learn it.
My former father-in-law was from Yemen which is an Arabic-speaking country. He was a scholar in his way
and in his opinion Arabic could in effect be described as a dialect of Aramaic.
The Ancient Hebrews spoke both Hebrew and Aramaic dialects and sometimes a mixture of the two.
An example of such a Hebrew-Aramaic admixture is to be found in the inscription from Biblical Succot east of
the Jordan (in the territory of Gad) which is transliterated and explained in an appendix to our book
Our knowledge of Hebrew in practical terms is confined to our working use of the Hebrew Bible
which is only a fraction of the whole. In addition according to Maimonides the Biblical Hebrew in our possession is only
a small portion of the original language.
Scholars agree that Arabic and Hebrew are closely related.
Some Biblical Commentators (such as Iben Ezra and Rashi) explained difficult Hebrew
expressions though parallels in Arabic.
We are suggesting that parallels between English and Arabic or between Welsh, Gaelic, and
Arabic to the extent that they exist could well be explained as remnants of the
Ancient Hebraic tongue.
This explanation would be even more pertinent when and if it was realized that Ancient Hebrew is indeed a dominant
component of these languages.

3. South Africa in Brit-Am Biblical Codes
An article on South Africa in Brit-Am Biblical Codes
is in preparation and should be ready within a few days.
This will leave only Switzerland from Brit-Am Israelite
nations whose identity to some degree or other has not yet
been confirmed by the Brit-Am Biblical Codes.
Some of our results so far have been astoundingly supportive
of Brit-Am conclusions.
This will be confirmed by anyone who has engaged in similar
