"Brit-Am Now"-749
1. DNA
(a) Ancient DNA of Denmark different from present?
(b) Normans not Norwegians?
2. Question and Comment on the Kurds and the LTTs.
3.The Hebraic bond by Ilana Mercer

1. DNA
(a) Ancient DNA of Denmark different from present?
One of Denmark's earliest Christian cemeteries is Kongemarken, dating to around AD 1000-1250...A surprising amount of haplogroup diversity was observed (Area 1: 1 U7 (male), 1 H, 1 I, 1 J, and 1 T2; Area 2: 2 H, 1 I, and 1 T, with one H being male); even the three subjects of haplogroup H were of different subtypes. This indicates that no subjects within each area were maternally related. The observed haplogroup, U7, while common in India and in western Siberian tribes, was not previously observed among present-day ethnic Scandinavians, and haplogroup I is rare (2%) in Scandinavia. These observations suggest that the individuals living in the Roskilde region 1,000 years ago were not all members of a tightly knit local population and comprised individuals with genetic links with populations that were from much farther away.

(b) Normans not Norwegians?
R1b frequencies for Ireland when different type family names are compared to regions gives us:
English, 62.5%; Scottish, 52.9%; Norman/Norse, 83.0% versus  Gaelic Irish
samples Leinster, 73.3%; Ulster, 81.1%; Munster, 94.6%, Connaught, 98.3%.
Norman/Norse  (83.0%) here is very high which perhaps could be explained by the Normans
coming to Ireland at an early stage and Norman names being adopted by Irishmen
but Norman names in England are also reportedly high and in Normandy.
On the other hand in Norway today one has only 30%.
Several explanations are possible but these figures do lend support to the Brit-Am contention that the Normans were a separate group in Scandinavia before moving to Normandy, France, and from there to the British isles.

2. Question and Comment on the Kurds and the LTTs.
Timothy F Murray
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-748
#3.  Robert Jones: Kurds and Moab

Greetings, Yair--

Regarding the identity of the Kurds, don't they themselves have a
tradition of descent from the Medes?  I've spoken with an American
teacher who spent time among them in recent years, who told me this.  I
can't verify it beyond that, but it would bear investigation.

God bless you and God bless the IDF in these terrible days.

Tim Murray

Sources and Brit-Am Comment:

<<The area was referred to as the land of the "Karda" or "Qarduchi" and the land of the "Guti" or "Gutium".>>

<<The Babylonians called these people "Gardu" and "Qarda". In neighbouring area of Assyria, they were "Qurti" or "Guti". When the Greeks entered the territory, they referred to these people as either "Kardukh", "Carduchi", "Gordukh", Kyrti(oi), Romans as Cyrti. The Armenians called the Kurds "Gortukh" or "Gortai-kh" and the Persians knew them as "Gord" or "Kord". In the Syriac, Hebrew and Chaldean languages they were, respectively, "Qardu", "Kurdaye" and "Qurdaye". >>
The Kurds speak an Indo-European tongue.
Genetically they are close to the Jews:

<<the Ashkenazi Jews showed a closer relationship to the Muslim Kurds than to the Semitic-speaking population further south in the Arabian peninsula, while the Jewish Kurds and Sephardic Jews seemed to be closely related to each other.

<<Genetic distance comparisons have revealed that the Turkic and Turkmen speaking peoples in the Caspian area cluster with the Kurds, Greeks and Iranis (Ossetians). The Persian speakers are genetically remote from these populations, they are, however, close to the Parsis who migrated from Iran to India at the end of the 7th Century A.D.[33]

<<According to the CIA Factbook, Kurds comprise 20% of the population in Turkey, 15-20% in Iraq, 9% in Syria, 7% in Iran and 1.3% in Armenia. In all of these countries except Iran, Kurds form the second largest ethnic group. In other words about 55% of the world's Kurds live in Turkey, 22% in Iran, 16.5% in Iraq and 6.5% in Syria [37].
There are other sources which report a higher population for Kurds than mentioned above.>>

<<The campaign of Iraqi government against Kurds in 1988 was called Anfal (Spoils of War). The Anfal attacks led to destruction of 2,000 villages and death of 300,000 Kurds [40].>> [Mostly killed by mustard gas.]

<<The Kurdish population welcomed the American-led invasion in 2003. ...Kurds now have effective control in Kirkuk and parts of Mosul.>>

<<Kurds have always been among the more moderate Muslims and as a result Kurdish women have enjoyed more freedoms than Arab and Iranian women. For instance they do not cover their faces and are less restricted in terms of hijab and do not wear all covering garments such as Iranian chador or Arabic Abaya.[72] [73].>>

The Medes also arrived in the region and one of the areas to which Israelites were exiled
is referred to as "Cities of the Medes" (2-Kings 17).

The Kurds in Ancient Times inhabited some of the areas to which Israelites were exiled.
It may be that the Kurds represent in part remnants of the native peoples of these regions
who were there before the Israelites arrived and remained after the Israelites left
though perhaps absorbing something from Israel in the interim stages.
It may be that a small remnant from the Ten Tribes remained in the Kurdistan area
and joined up later with Jews from Judah with whom they assimilated forming Kurdish Jewry.
Some Kurdish Jews believed they were descended from the Ten Tribes while others
claimed descent from the Tribes of Benjamin or from the Jews of Judah.
Amongst the Kurds there exist descendants of Jews who were forced to become Muslim.
Contrary to what has been claimed Muslims frequently compelled under threat of death
whole Jewish communities to join Islam apart from frequent persecution, severe discrimination,
and the kidnapping of children and women.

3.The Hebraic bond by Ilana Mercer
 The article quoted from in Jerusalem News-481
#2. The Shawn Report
(a) The Hebraic bond by Ilana Mercer
contains much that is pertinent to Brit-Am Identfication,

<<The American colonists, who were heavily influenced by "John Calvin's Hebrew scholarship," saw in the children of Israel and the story of the Exodus a metaphor for their own quest. In 1630, on the ship sailing to the New World, Puritan leader John Winthrop "preached a lay sermon to remind his fellow-voyagers how they made a covenant with the God of Israel."

<<"Because freedom from slavery and oppression were dominant themes in the Old Testament," wrote Kirk, "the legacy of Israel and Judah nourished American liberty." The Torah, or the Law "the moral commandments revealed to Moses upon Mount Sinai" were guiding principles to early Americans. According to Kirk, "The American moral order could not have come into existence at all, had it not been for the legacy left by Israel."

Brit-Am Now 705

