"Brit-Am Now"-814
1. New idea concerning origin of "Star of David"?
2. English Words in Modern Hebrew
3. Silver from Tarshish
4. James Wright: Dolmen in Bible Codes
5. Question on Saturn and the British Isles
1. New idea concerning origin of "Star of David"?
From: barkans@zahav.net.il
Subject: Re: Kosher butcher origins?
I published it on
2. English Words in Modern Hebrew
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-813
#5. Richard Clarkson: Learning Hebrew
Dear Yair,
Regarding Richard Clarkson: Learning Hebrew
I prepared a list of English words that are used in Hebrew with slight modifications. It is meant to prove to English Speakers who are sure they don't know Hebrew what so ever that they know at least a few hundred words.
See: http://www.geocities.com/zeevveez/GuestBook.html
3. Silver from Tarshish?
The "House of Yahweh" ostrakon, ca. 9th-7th c., findsite unknown, with Hebrew text: According to your order, Ashyahu the king, to give by the hand of [Z]echaryahu silver of Tarshish for the house of Yahweh 3 shekels
Proven to be Fakes?
Scroll down to the section titled:
The Moussaieff Ostraca
4. James Wright: Dolmen in Bible Codes
From: James Wright <jdubzz@earthlink.net>
Subject: dolmen Bible Code - now online
Greetings Mr. Davidiy
My friend Andy McCracken in England has put the dolmen code online.
This was searched in Jeremiah 31.20+21 only.
Brit-Am Explanation
Jeremiah 31:20-21 speaks of megalithic monuments such as dolmens
forming a pathway that Israelites in the future will be called upon to examine in
order to prove their Israelite ancestry.
"Dolmen" is an English word of probable Celtic origin
and means something like "table".
Dolmens (also known as "cromlechs")
were two or more upright stones with another stone
laid across them in table-like fashion.
Piles of stones were frequently piled over or around the dolmens.
Dolmen-type monuments appears to be those described by Jeremiah
according to the Hebrew text as we explain.
James Wright has taken the English word "dolmen" and checked
it for Biblical Codes in the very text of Jeremiah that speaks
of them.
He found that "dolmen" (marked in red) transliterated into Hebrew letters
intercepts the Hebrew word (TaMRUR marked in blue)
which is translated as "High Heaps" such as those that frequently
accompanied dolmens.
Tamrur in Hebrew also connotes "sign-post" for instance in
colloquial Modern Hebrew "tamrur" means "road sign" or "traffic light".
5. Question on Saturn and the British Isles
Ilkka Olander <ilkkaolander@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Yair,
I read in some of your articles:
"Kronos, whom the Egyptians call Thouth, excelled in wisdom among the Phoenicians ...Kronos then, whom the Phoenicians call ISRAEL, who was king of the country and subsequently after his decease was deified as the star Saturn had an only begotten son ..called Jehud...he arrayed his son ...in royal apparel and sacrificed him".
This same passage is circulated around the Internet.
However, I checked the original on:
It goes:
"For Cronus, whom the Phoenicians call IL, and who after his death was deified and instated in the planet which bears his name, when king, had by a nymph of the country called Anobret an only son, who on that account is styled Ieoud, for so the Phnicians still call an only son: and when great dangers from war beset the land he adorned the altar, and invested this son with the emblems of royalty, and sacrificed him.Euseb. Pr p. Evan. lib. I. c. 10.lib. IV."
There, very interestingly, the word "Israel" does not appear, instead the word "Il", which is the simple variation of the name El. Of course, one could argue, this is the G-D of the Hebrews, but it is much more likely that it is simply what is appears to be, the pagan deity of the Phoenician pantheon.
Is there yet some other authentic translation with the Israel appearing, or is that just a gross misunderstanding?
Ilkka Olander
Your question concerns (a) the correctness of the quotation we used and by inference
(b) whether (as we have claimed) or not the Ancients identified Israel with Saturn and with inhabitants of the British Isles.
(a) Our version is taken from "Cory's Fragments".
CORY, I.P. "The Ancient Fragments", London, 1828
What we have of Sanchuniathon is a quotation from Eusebius who in
turn is quoting a quotation from Philo.
In the same way as we sometimes have to be wary of "British-Israel" type writers
becoming over enthusiastic and perhaps misrepresenting the sources
so too do we find the same phenomenon amongst "academics".
I have come across cases where archaeological findings, inscriptions, classical records,
etc could have lead support for our case but the "scholar" responsible
went out of way to understand them differently.
It is some time since I did the research that lead me to accept the version of Cory.
It appeared at the time to be the most authentic.
(b) The point of which version to accept is to determine whether or not
Sanchuniathon said that the Phoenicians identified Cronos with Israel.
Irrespective of Sanchuniathon it seems that they did.
Numerous sources and scholars of the Ancient World including the Egyptian,
Greek, and Roman spheres testify to this. It is not a research revelation
unique to ourselves.
Cronos-Saturn-Baal Zephon-Typhon- were identified as the God of Israel
in the eyes of foreigners and maybe in the eyes of Israelites themselves, e.g.
The Greeks (and after them, the Romans) said that Uranus was the first god. Uranus begat the Titans from his wife Thera (i.e. earth). Amongst the Titans was Saturn also known as Kronos and Typhon. In other words Saturn was also known as Kronos and as Typhon and as Baal Zephon. "Typhon" is another form of Zephon
which means "Hidden" in Hebrew (from the root Ts-F-N) and so does Saturn mean "Hidden" (fromt he root S-T-R).
The Egyptians identified Baal Zephon (i.e. Kronos) with Seth who figured in their own mythology as representative of the Hyksos and/or Israelites, cf. Martin Bernal ("Black Athena. The Afro-Asiatic Roots Of Classical Civilisation", Vol.1, London, 1987, p.66) from an Egyptian point of view:
"The Hyksos Seth was the Israelite God".
A source used by Plutarch (Isolde and Osira 31, no.259) says that the Titan, Typhon, fathered "Hierosolymus" [i.e. Jerusalem] and "Iudaeus" meaning Judah: Cronos and Typhon were originally the same.
Tacitus (Hist.v.4) also identifies Saturn as being amongst "the founders of the Jewish nation" .
The god baal was frequently depicted as a two horned deity and the name "Kronos" derives from the Hebrew "Keren" meaning "horn " in Hebrew. Similarly a horned god of the British Celts was known as "Cernunnos".
Saturn (i.e. Kronos) deposed Uranus and became king of the gods in his place. Saturn, in his turn, was also deposed by his son, Jupiter called Jove by the Romans. Jupiter expelled Saturn (from the east) who went to Italy and after a sojourn there continued to Britain where he and the Titans established a kingdom and lived happily ever after.
"Cronus..and all the defeated Titans, except Atlas, were banished to a British island in the farthest west (or some say confined in Tartarus..."R.Graves, "Greek Myths", London 1958, p.40
Other traditions located the Titans and Saturn in the west. One version said that the Titans had been thrown into Tartarus meaning an underground region located (said Homer) in the Atlantic Ocean. Strabo understood Homer as connecting Tartarus with the vicinity of Tartessus (i.e. Tarshish on the Spanish Atlantic coast) and the west.
Schulten quotes Kallimachos (Hymns of Delos, 174) as referring to the GALLI (of Gaul) as Titans. A similar source (Etym.Magnum 220,6) states that Cyclops (one of the Titans) was the father of Galatos (i.e. the Galatians) and ancestor to the Galli. The Galli (Gauls) are also known from Irish sources as settlers in ancient Ireland and are referred to as Galion.
The same root "sater" (to hide) as that found in the name Saturn was also employed by the Prophet Isaiah in connection with Israel:
"Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself [Hebrew:"miStaTeR" derived from the verb-root STR which is also the root of Saturn without the vowels], O God of Israel, the Saviour" (Isaiah 45;15).
Isaiah continues:
"They shall be ashamed, and also confounded, all of them: they shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols" (Isaiah 45;16).
Pagan religions (especially those of the Northern Israelites) took Hebrew Biblical concepts and confused them with idolatrous ones. The God of Israel was in some cases identified with pagan idols or represented in idolatrous fashion.
This was forbidden but happened:
Whatever the forces of idolatry seemed to offer was only at the very best a weak reflection of the One God who is directly reachable by those who acknowledge him. This truth will ultimately be clear to all and all those who took another path will be confounded.
If your heart turn away, so that you will not hear, but shall be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them.
I denounce unto you this day, that you shall surely perish, and you shall not prolong your days upon the land which you are passing over the Jordan to go to possess it.
(Deuteronomy 30;17-18).
The Lost Tribes of Israel were exiled because they worshipped other gods (2-Kings 17;7 22), they confused Baal with the God of Israel (Hosea 2;16). This confusion was transmitted to foreigners who identified Baal (i.e. Typhon= Kronos= Saturn) with the god or progenitor of Israel. The foreigners also equated him with the god or progenitor of the western Celts especially those of the British Isles. The pagans believed that Kronos and his followers (i.e. the ancient Israelites) had been deposed from the east and had gone to Britain and the west. To some extent these equations were peculiar in application to the Jews and to the Western Celts and were based on fact: Bel (i.e. Baal) and Cernunnos (i.e. Kronos), or Bel in the guise of Cernunnos, were worshipped in the British Isles. The Jews and the western Celts did have a common ancestry and once worshipped the same God. The identification of the Western Celts with Israel is proven by the Bible and through history and so these facts are echoed in Mythology.
In Ancient Pagan thought the god of a nation was identified with that nation.
Saturn (Cronus) being expelled from Israel and going to Britain
represented Northern Israel being exiled and reaching the British Isles.
We quoted Sanchuniathon as identifying Cronos with Israel.
We based this identification on one particular version which we consider correct.
Nevertheless we may have been mistaken.
Even if we were mistaken in accepting the version of Cory in place of alternate
renderings the point we were trying to make still stands.
The Ancients identified the Israelites and the God of Israel with
Saturn. Saturn was expelled and found himself in the British Isles.