"Brit-Am Now"-819
1. Teeth unravel Anglo-Saxon legacy
2. Who are the Gentiles?
3. Brit-Am Personal Testimony: I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE
4. Isaiah Summary chs 41 to 45
1. Teeth unravel Anglo-Saxon legacy
By Paul Rincon
BBC News Online science staff
History books say Anglo-Saxons replaced the Britons in England
New scientific research adds to growing evidence that the Anglo-Saxons did
not replace the native population in England as history books suggest.
The data indicates at least some areas of eastern England absorbed very few
Anglo-Saxon invaders, contrary to the view in many historical accounts.
Chemical analysis of human teeth from a Medieval cemetery in Yorkshire
found few individuals of continental origin.
Details of the work are described in the scholarly journal Antiquity.
Researchers from the University of Durham and the British Geological Survey
looked at different types of the elements strontium and oxygen in the teeth
of 24 skeletons from an early Anglo-Saxon cemetery at West Heslerton, North
Yorkshire that spans the fifth to the seventh centuries AD.
These types, or isotopes, of oxygen in local drinking water vary across
Europe and locally within the British Isles.
The differences are influenced by latitude, altitude, distance from the sea
and, to a lesser extent, mean annual temperature.
This characteristic isotope composition gets set in people's teeth before
they are 12 years of age, and can therefore be used by scientists to
pinpoint a person's geographical origin.
Of the 24 individuals sampled, a possible four had oxygen isotope values
outside the range for the British Isles. Following improvements in
calibration, the group now believes only one individual was from
continental Europe.
The results support the view of other researchers that the introduction of
Anglo-Saxon culture and language into Britain did not occur through
large-scale replacement of native populations by invading tribes.
The isotopic composition of teeth can pinpoint geographical origin
It seems more likely that there was a small-scale immigration from
continental Europe and that the existing British population adopted the
customs of these outsiders as their own.
"There are practices that are being adopted from continental Europe. To
what extent is that a movement of people (into Britain)? Probably not that
much," Dr Paul Budd of the University of Durham told BBC News Online.
But the team did find evidence for migration into the area from other parts
of Britain during the period. While the isotopic composition of Bronze Age
remains from West Heslerton matched local drinking water isotope
compositions, the early Medieval group were more varied.
Of the 20 locals, 13 had oxygen isotope signals consistent with an origin
west of the Pennines. Dr Budd puts this down to upheaval amongst the
British population after the Romans withdrew their armies and
administrators from the country in the fifth century AD.
"At the end of the Roman period there was a huge collapse of a
centuries-long organisation, in government and in how the landscape was
used. The population moves off elsewhere to exploit the landscape for
The Anglo-Saxons supposedly began migrating into Britain en masse from the
fifth century. Their culture and language has long formed the basis for
English national identity.
The findings broadly agree with a large genetic survey of the British Isles
published in 2003. The study, led by Professor David Goldstein of
University College London, found that the genetic stamp of the Anglo-Saxons
on the British Isles was weaker than expected.
Professor Goldstein attributes less than half of the paternal input in
England to Anglo-Saxon migration.
"I don't think there ever was evidence for a massive population
replacement. From the genetics, it's pretty clear there was not complete
replacement on the paternal side in England," Professor Goldstein told BBC
News Online.
"Studies like this suggest that the number of individuals that came over is
small and even in burial sites that are Anglo-Saxon culturally, they're
actually natives."
However, Dr Neal Bradman, also of University College London, suggested
that, since the teeth of immigrants' descendents would take on the isotopic
composition of the local area, it was impossible to know whether the
burials were of Britons or not without conducting genetic analysis.
2. Who are the Gentiles?
Hanah Hawkins wrote:
>So -- who exactly are the Gentile nations?
"Gentile" means "Nation" and parallels the Hebrew "goi"
which could be applied both to Israelites and to non-Israelites.
Even so, a commonly accepted usage is to apply the term
to non-Israelite nations.
The Lost Ten Tribes are technically related to as "Gentiles" since their
religious obligations
under the Law have been suspended.
This suspension however is temporary and eventually will be removed.
The Lost Ten Tribes are therefore not Gentiles but Israelites.
Anyone who identifies with the Lost Ten Tribes is probably also
of Israelite origin.
All the rest of the world are non-Israelite meaning they are Gentiles.
This includes all non-Israelite nations along with a significant proportion of
the populations in nations identified by Brit-Am as having Israelite
The best definition of a "Gentile" nation would be any country or group
that does not fit
the Ephraimite Criteria.
The prophets repeatedly say that in the end times only a minority will
return and they who will be saved are they who set their minds to seek
the Almighty.
Both amongst the Israelite nations and amongst the non-Israelite nations
there will be those (mainly with at least some Israelite heritage) who will
return and be saved even though most of their family may not be.
3. Brit-Am Personal Testimony: I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE
From: S
You can post this or not post this. I like to say that G-d really
does Bless those who blesses his work. Here my story, during the feast I
donated a small amount of money it wasn't much but it was truly all I had.
G-d knows these things and knows people heart. Well, to make a long story
short I have fertility problems and have been unable to have children and
have given up on that but there was always a sad place in my heart about
that. I didn't have the money to afford all that expensive stuff that
doctor wanted to do and so I have just given up. Well, went I sent the
money I don't know why but I prayed about having a child or could G-d just
remove that sad place in heart about that and asked for his will not mine.
Well, you could imagine my shock when in Nov to find out that I was
pregnant and the doctor made me run a blood pregnancy test and ultrasound
just to make sure there really was a baby in there and there was. My doctor
told me that he ran every test that he could think of and there is nothing
wrong and he would see me in Jan. I was truly shocked about all this and
G-d did answer my prayer. If you knew my history you be shocked too and no
one but G-d himself could of made this happen.
Anyway, I do feel that he wants Brit-am supported or at least that what he
showed me and we all could give a little more or what ever we can afford
and perhaps with G-d answering my prayer proves were the lost tribes are. I
not saying that everyone will get a prayer answer the way mine was but I do
believe that all would be blessed more by giving.
G-d bless,
4. Isaiah Summary chs 41 to 45
Isaiah Prophecies:
Israel is at the ends (geographical extremities) of the earth and in the
island. Israel must return to the Almighty. God is pleading with us to
return to Him (Isaiah 43:26). Israel will return. Israel will have
transported African slaves in chains, possessed the Suez Canal and India
and vast resources. Israel will be called names derived from Jacob such as
Yank, Union Jack, Jock. By returning to God all the Seed of Israel shall be
justified and find glory.