"Brit-Am Now"-826
1. The Gates of His Enemies
2. Missing Persons
3. Early Arab Accounts of the British Isles
4. "Germania and Magog" in Iran??
5. Isaiah Summary chs 61 to 66
1. The Gates of His Enemies
Brit-Am Biblical Proofs Verified by Contemporary Reality
In our Biblical Proofs we pointed out how the
Blessing of the Almighty to the Patriarchs that their descendants would possess
strategic points of potential hostility was fulfilled historically ONLY by Britain and the
[Genesis 22:17]
The selections below from News Commentaries serve to complement our Biblical Proofs article.
They show that the possession of "gates of his enemies" was not a thing of the past
but on an ongoing characteristic of present behavior.
Some of the articles quoted below are pro-American while others are critical.
Take little notice of the criticisms but DO pay attention to the importance that possessing
such "gates" has in present US policy.
The acquiring of bases in potentially troublesome areas of importance means
gaining control of the "gates of his enemies".
This is both a blessing and also an IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTIC OF
ISRAELITE ORIGIN that was found to a limited degree amongst the French and
Dutch for a limited period of time, then brought to a peak by the British,
and today carried to even greater heights of sophistication by the USA.
New US strategy: 'lily pad' bases
By Ann Scott Tyson | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
"It [MANAS AIR FIELD, KYRGYZSTAN] looks permanent, but it could be unbolted and unwelded if we felt like it," says Col. Mike Sumida, vice commander of the 376th Air Expeditionary Wing here, underscoring the military's new expeditionary mentality.
Indeed, in many ways, the US air base here models the future posture of the 1.4-million-strong American active-duty forces as they prepare to undertake their biggest global repositioning since the Korean War.
Under dramatic changes envisioned by the Pentagon, tens of thousands of US troops will leave sprawling, citylike cold-war bases in Germany and Korea to return home in coming years. Meanwhile, smaller numbers will shift to austere yet strategically located new bases such as Manas, expanding the military's reach into world trouble spots.
At the heart of the strategy is the Pentagon's desire to take the offense in a post-Sept. 11 world where future threats are unpredictable, although broadly seen as emanating from lawless or less developed regions. The goal, therefore, is the fast, flexible, and efficient projection of force - with "lily pad" bases like Manas playing crucial role as staging points.
In fact, the Pentagon's sweeping Global Posture Review, now under consideration by the Bush administration, is less focused on specific troop deployments than on extending broad military capabilities, US defense officials say. Especially vital is the "forward basing" of air and sea power able to skirt national boundaries and political sensitivities as well as the prepositioning of large, off-shore stocks of tanks, armored vehicles, weapons, and other military equipment that incoming troops can readily draw upon.
"We are not focused on maintaining numbers of troops overseas," said Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith at a recent House hearing. "Instead, we are focused on increasing the capabilities of our forces and those of our friends."
Apart from creating a network of smaller bases closer to projected hotspots, the shift into regions like southern Europe and Central Asia could also ease environmental restrictions on US forces and facilitate training with new allies.
The American foothold here and elsewhere in Central Asia has troubled erstwhile US foes China and Russia...
While the former Russian airfield - complete with old Soviet missile launchers painted red and converted into fire trucks - is a somewhat funky, yet valuable, asset for the Air Force, the US presence here is also a boon to Kyrgyzstan.
US bases pave the way for long-term intervention in Central Asia
By Patrick Martin
<<The US government has acquired basing or transit rights for passage of warplanes and military supplies from nearly two dozen countries in Central Asia, the Middle East and their periphery, a projection of American power into the center of the Eurasian land mass that has no historical precedent.
America's Empire of Bases
by Chalmers Johnson
As distinct from other peoples, most Americans do not recognize -- or do not want to recognize -- that the United States dominates the world through its military power. Due to government secrecy, our citizens are often ignorant of the fact that our garrisons encircle the planet. This vast network of American bases on every continent except Antarctica actually constitutes a new form of empire -- an empire of bases with its own geography not likely to be taught in any high school geography class...
Our military deploys well over half a million soldiers, spies, technicians, teachers, dependents, and civilian contractors in other nations. To dominate the oceans and seas of the world, we are creating some thirteen naval task forces built around aircraft carriers whose names sum up our martial heritage -- Kitty Hawk, Constellation, Enterprise, John F. Kennedy, Nimitz, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Carl Vinson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, John C. Stennis, Harry S. Truman, and Ronald Reagan. We operate numerous secret bases outside our territory to monitor what the people of the world, including our own citizens, are saying, faxing, or e-mailing to one another. ..
At Least Seven Hundred Foreign Bases
...According to the Defense Department's annual "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2003, which itemizes foreign and domestic U.S. military real estate, the Pentagon currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and HAS another 6,000 bases in the United States and its territories...
These numbers, although staggeringly large, do not begin to cover all the actual bases we occupy globally. The 2003 Base Status Report fails to mention, for instance, any garrisons in Kosovo -- even though it is the site of the huge Camp Bondsteel, built in 1999 and maintained ever since by Kellogg, Brown & Root. The Report similarly omits bases in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, and Uzbekistan, although the U.S. military has established colossal base structures throughout the so-called arc of instability in the two-and-a-half years since 9/11.
For Okinawa, the southernmost island of Japan, which has been an American military colony for the past 58 years, the report deceptively lists only one Marine base, Camp Butler, when in fact Okinawa "hosts" ten Marine Corps bases, including Marine Corps Air Station Futenma occupying 1,186 acres in the center of that modest-sized island's second largest city. (Manhattan's Central Park, by contrast, is only 843 acres.) The Pentagon similarly fails to note all of the $5-billion-worth of military and espionage installations in Britain, which have long been conveniently disguised as Royal Air Force bases. If there were an honest count, the actual size of our military empire would probably top 1,000 different bases in other people's countries, but no one -- possibly not even the Pentagon -- knows the exact number for sure, although it has been distinctly on the rise in recent years...
Marine Brig. Gen. Mastin Robeson, commanding our 1,800 troops occupying the old French Foreign Legion base at Camp Lemonier in Djibouti at the entrance to the Red Sea, claims that in order to put "preventive war" into action, we require a "global presence," by which he means gaining hegemony over any place that is not already under our thumb. According to the right-wing American Enterprise Institute, the idea is to create "a global cavalry" that can ride in from "frontier stockades" and shoot up the "bad guys" as soon as we get some intelligence on them.
In order to put our forces close to every hot spot or danger area in this newly discovered arc of instability, the Pentagon has been proposing -- this is usually called "repositioning" -- many new bases, including at least four and perhaps as many as six permanent ones in Iraq. A number of these are already under construction -- at Baghdad International Airport, Tallil air base near Nasariyah, in the western desert near the Syrian border, and at Bashur air field in the Kurdish region of the north. (This does not count the previously mentioned Anaconda, which is currently being called an "operating base," though it may very well become permanent over time.) In addition, we plan to keep under our control the whole northern quarter of Kuwait -- 1,600 square miles out of Kuwait's 6,900 square miles -- that we now use to resupply our Iraq legions and as a place for Green Zone bureaucrats to relax.
Other countries mentioned as sites for what Colin Powell calls our new "family of bases" include: In the impoverished areas of the "new" Europe -- Romania, Poland, and Bulgaria; in Asia -- Pakistan (where we already have four bases), India, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and even, unbelievably, Vietnam; in North Africa -- Morocco, Tunisia, and especially Algeria (scene of the slaughter of some 100,00 civilians since 1992, when, to quash an election, the military took over, backed by our country and France); and in West Africa -- Senegal, Ghana, Mali, and Sierra Leone (even though it has been torn by civil war since 1991). The models for all these new installations, according to Pentagon sources, are the string of bases we have built around the Persian Gulf in the last two decades in such anti-democratic autocracies as Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
Most of these new bases will be what the military, in a switch of metaphors, calls "lily pads" to which our troops could jump like so many well-armed frogs from the homeland, our remaining NATO bases, or bases in the docile satellites of Japan and Britain...
2. Missing Persons
The following were sent mail by us which was returned
apparently due to change of address:
Klapwijk, H.
Somerset West
South Africa
Peacock, Mel
Langfield, Kathy
United States
Dubbelman, Dr Ing. H.
3. Early Arab Accounts of the British Isles
In the Brit-Am article
Aed and Israel
The Lost Tribes in Celtic and Arabic Lore
we show how early Arab traditions derived from Jewish ones said that the
Children of Aed meaning the Lost Ten Tribes had gone to the Western Isles of
the Blessed. This in effect meant either Ireland or Ireland and Britain together.
Even if one holds that it meant Ireland alone (as some sources could imply)
historically major movements back from Ireland to Britain did take place
apart from other sources of like nature that deal with Britain.
This is a Brit-Am "first" and we have been posting it for quite a while now
as well as writing about it in our work "Ephraim".
We were the first (as far as we know) to come across the sources
quoted in the article, to bring them together, and to realize their significance.
I am surprised that other people have not picked it up
and started pushing it.
More Old Arab sources on Britain and Ireland.
22. Having admitted the notices of Britain in the Persian Hudud al-
' allam ( 16), we may also include here "26" a notice from the Jami` at-tawarikh of the celebrated Persian historian Rashid ad-Din "27" especially since it qualifies for admission as having appeared in Arabic as well as Persian."28" The passage has been taken over practically as it stands by Banakati,"29" whose Raudat uli'L-albdb, usually simply Ta'rikh-i Banakati, appeared in 717/1317, i.e. a few years after the,Jami` at-tawarikh itself (completed by Rashid ad-Din in 7I0/1310-11). It runs as follows: `Opposite this land (Spain) in the midst of the Encircling Ocean are two islands, of which one is Ireland (Ibarniya). From the special nature of the earth of that country poisonous reptiles die, and mice are not born there (tawallud na-mikunad). The men there are long-lived, red-complexioned, of tall stature and powerful frame, and brave. In this country is a spring of water, in which if one places a piece of wood, in a week its surface becomes petrified. The name of the larger island is Anglater (England). In this country are many remarkable mountains, innumerable mines of gold, silver, copper, tin, and iron, and different kinds of fruit. Among the marvels of that land is a tree which produces a bird as fruit, in the following manner. In the time of blossom a bag like an apple forms, within which is a thing shaped like a bird. When it grows big, it becomes alive and comes out. They keep it and eat the fruit, till it is the size of a large duck. The meat of the people of that land is mostly from that bird. They relate that among the Christians, who at the time of the fast eat no animals, there is a disagreement in regard to eating it. Some consider it as one of the plants, since it is the fruit of a tree, while others regard it as an animal, since blood comes from it. In those two islands there are sheep from whose fleece come "Jerusalem wool" (suf Q,udsi ) and exceedingly fine scarlet cloth. The ruler of both islands has the name Squtlandyah (Scotland) [sic], and they pay tribute to Anglater."30" . . . The ruler of that land (France) they call Riddfrans (Rol de France) and Anglater, the ruler of the isles, is tributary to him.'
24.. Al-Maqqari in his celebrated work .Nafh at-lib (completed 1039/1638) has a passage as follows."33" `And in the Encircling (Ocean) are the Eternal Isles, seven islands west of the city of Sala. They appear to the observer on a clear day, when the air is free from thick vapours. On them are seven idols of the likeness of men, which point out that there is no passage and no way beyond them. In (the Ocean) in a northerly direction the Islands of the Blest, where are cities and villages uncountable.
20. Ibn `Abd al-Mun'im al-Himyari in ar-Raud al-Mi'tdr, a work which in its final form was completed as late as 866/1461,"12" but which was drafted in a version already in the seventh or beginning of the eighth century A.H., has a passage on the Ocean, as follows:"13" `Ocean is the name of the Sea of Darkness, and it is called the Green Sea and the Encircling Ocean, whose end and extent are not known. There is no creature therein . . . . There risked his life Khashkhash of Spain, who was a young man of Cordova, with a company of other young men of the same place. They embarked in ships which they had equipped and entered this Ocean. They were absent in it for a time, then came back with rich booty and well-known stories sic].
For early Arab testimony that the Lost Ten Tribes were in the British Isles see the Brit-Am article:
"Aed and Israel"
4. "Germania and Magog" in Iran??
From: thomas malloy <temalloy@usfamily.net>
Subject: Re: Germany and Iran
Dear Yair;
I found the page I was looking for. The providence can be transliterated as Germania, which is, I assume, why it didn't come up in the search engines. This is a rare opportunity to try it and see. I'm sending this link, and the sfgate link that you sent me to several eschatologists, I'm mentioning your URL too.
Note Brit-Am does not agree with the said article but it is worth looking at
and contains information about areas important to Brit-Am studies.
5. Isaiah Summary chs 61 to 66
There will be a restoration of Judah and Israel. The bad will be punished and the good rewarded. They who did the best they could will be saved. Members of the Tribes of Israel will be informed who they are and what Tribe they belong to. Their Israelite Ancestry will be acknowledged. The Temple must be rebuilt and Israel restored for our own sakes. Those who were lost amongst the Gentiles will be brought back. The good amongst the Gentiles will be rewarded. Nature will change. A Resurrection of the Dead will take place.