"Brit-Am Now"-834
1. Were Many Early Russian Communists Jewish?
2. Martin van Wieringen: New Jerusalem
3. Anti-British Empire article
4. The British Empire: List of possessions
5. Niall Ferguson and The British Empire
1. Were Many Early Russian Communists Jewish?
(1 Russian Jewish Communists in general
(2 Jews in Russia
(3 The Russian Revolution
(4 How Many Communist Jews were there?
(5 Anti-Semites in Poland
2. Martin van Wieringen: New Jerusalem
From: Martin van Wieringen <mvw@dcca.nl>
Subject: new jerusalem
Dear Yair Davidiy,
Source Internet; DBNL. Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde. See Bijlage II. Dr. J. te Winkel. (in Dutch)
Dr. J. te Winkel points out in this article that the group of languages of related people in west Europe according immigrations of earlier tribes from the Alps regions (Swiss-Pannonia) are; Bretagne in France, Wales, Scottish Highlands, Ireland and the Netherlands. He said that the Dutch connection is from the people among the west coast of south and north Holland, mouth of river Rhine. From Rotterdam to Den Helder, mouth of Rhine to plain of Marsicii in the middle of the Netherlands. Not Frisian or Germanic. Mr. Winkel identified this people as the tribe of Marsici. This tribe is important to the Wales and Irish connection, to their tree of live, their sanctuary, council of twelve and the holy temple in the Netherlands. It also explains our first war of the tribes with the Assyrian Jotun the German giant Thazi. We noticed the eagle above us and destroyed him. They killed the German leader in the battle; Idunas apples lost in this conflict, never returned home to our tree of live in the Netherlands. Today they belong to a rich German collector. ...
From my backyard we can see a tree,
It is a beautiful tree,
It is the tree of live,
It is called New Jerusalem.
With regards,
Martin van Wieringen
The Netherlands
3. Anti-British Empire article
The article below criticizes the British Empire.
The article must contain inaccuracies since the total population and general well being
in India increased more than a hundred fold under the British according to statistics.
Nevertheless a darker side could also have existed and if so it is worth being aware of
and that is what this article provides:
The Good Empire
Should we pick up where the British left off?
Vivek Chibber
4. The British Empire
List of possessions
5. Niall Ferguson and The British Empire
'How did Britain come to rule the world?' asks Niall Ferguson in Empire. What would today's world be like now if it hadn't? Could such an organisation run by, according to Winston Churchill, 'the greedy trader, the inopportune missionary, the ambitious soldier and the lying spectator' ever have been a force for good?
Niall Ferguson:
By contrast, for much (though certainly not all) of its history, the British empire acted as an agency for imposing free markets, the rule of law, investor protection and relatively incorrupt government on a roughly a quarter of the world. The empire also did a good deal to encourage those things in countries which were outside its formal imperial domain but under its economic influence through the 'imperialism of free trade'. Prima facie, there therefore seems a plausible case that empire enhanced global welfare was, in other words, a Good Thing.
Many charges can, of course, be levelled against the British empire. I do not claim, as John Stuart Mill did, that British rule in India was 'not only the purest in intention but one of the most beneficent in act ever known to mankind'; nor, as Lord Curzon did, that 'the British Empire is under Providence the greatest instrument for good that the world has seen'; nor, as General Smuts claimed, that it was 'the widest system of organised human freedom which has ever existed in human history'.
For better or worse fair and foul the world we know today is in large measure a product of Britain's age of empire. The question is not whether British imperialism was without blemish. It was not. The question is whether there could have been a less bloody path to modernity. Perhaps in theory there could have been. But in practice?