"Brit-Am Now"-836
1. Thomas Gray: Kipling's Poems
2. DNA: Redheads in Early Britain
3. Stephen Ray Hale: Personal observations on Racial Color
4. Ark of the Covenant in France?
5. Kevin Opp: Karaites no Good
1. Thomas Gray: Kipling's Poems
From: Thomas Gray <tgray@supernet.com.bo>
Subject: Kipling's Poems
Just in case you haven't seen these, I think that Kipling puts things in a
good perspective in general, being raised in British India. I don't think
he should have said "White Man's" Burden, however.
by Rudyard Kipling
Fair is our lot -- O goodly is our heritage!
(Humble ye, my people, and be fearful in your mirth!)
For the Lord our God Most High
He hath made the deep as dry,
He hath smote for us a pathway to the ends of all the Earth!
Yea, though we sinned -- and our rulers went from righteousness --
Deep in all dishonour though we stained our garments' hem.
Oh be ye not dismayed,
Though we stumbled and we strayed,
We were led by evil counsellors -- the Lord shall deal with them!
Hold ye the Faith -- the Faith our Fathers sealed us;
Whoring not with visions -- overwise and overstale.
Except ye pay the Lord
Single heart and single sword,
Of your children in their bondage shall He ask them treble-tale!
Keep ye the Law -- be swift in all obedience -
Clear the land of evil, drive the road and bridge the ford.
Make ye sure to each his own
That he reap where he hath sown;
By the peace among Our peoples let men know we serve the Lord!
The White Man's Burden
By Rudyard Kipling
McClure's Magazine 12 (Feb. 1899).
Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
Take up the White Man's burden--
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain,
To seek another's profit
And work another's gain.
Take up the White Man's burden--
The savage wars of peace--
Fill full the mouth of Famine,
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
(The end for others sought)
Watch sloth and heathen folly
Bring all your hope to nought.
Take up the White Man's burden--
No iron rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper--
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go, make them with your living
And mark them with your dead.
Take up the White Man's burden,
And reap his old reward--
The blame of those ye better
The hate of those ye guard--
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
"Why brought ye us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"
Take up the White Man's burden--
Ye dare not stoop to less--
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness.
By all ye will or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent sullen peoples
Shall weigh your God and you.
Take up the White Man's burden!
Have done with childish days--
The lightly-proffered laurel,
The easy ungrudged praise:
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers.
2. DNA: Redheads in Early Britain
From: surfer11 <surfer11@iprimus.com.au>
Subject: [origin of nations] First Brits were redheads
The Sunday Times January 07, 2007
Flaming heck, first Brits were redheads
A genetic study has revealed a surprise about our ancestors, says Robin
There is a small, windowless room on the ground floor of Oxford's Radcliffe
Infirmary that can be reached only by walking through a maze of narrow
This is the base of the People of the British Isles project, which is using
the power of modern genetics to show how people in different regions
interacted over the past few thousand years, how they subjugated one another
and how they passed on ideas, inventions and art.
Blood was collected from 11 sites for the project's pilot study: Orkney,
northeast England, Cumbria, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Oxfordshire,
Pembrokeshire, Kent/Sussex, Devon and Cornwall. The researchers then used
centrifuges to isolate the white cells, which are stuffed with DNA. Using
the DNA - and thanks to advances in molecular biology - the team has begun
to build up a pattern of different genetic variants for different parts of
the British Isles.
From the moment they started to pull data from their machines, their
findings produced fascinating information about one of the most conspicuous
aspects of the British and Irish population: our redheads. Whether they are
called carrot-tops, ginger-heads or "Titian blondes", these people are
blessed - or cursed, according to some of them - with flaming locks that
have been a feature of people for millenniums, from Boudicca to Prince
The underlying causes of the condition were recently disentangled by a team
led by Professor Jonathan Rees, a dermatologist based at Edinburgh
University. It was discovered that hair colour is controlled by a gene
called the melanocortin 1 receptor, or MC1R. Genes come in different
variants and there are about 70 different versions of MC1R. Rees discovered
that a subgroup of about half a dozen is closely involved in determining if
a person will be red-haired or not.
"If you have one of these variants, your chances of having red hair are
increased four or five times above the average," said Rees. "However, if you
have two of these variants - one inherited from your mother and one
inherited from your father - your chances of being red-haired increase to 30
to 40 times the average."
(This is exploited by forensic scientists when testing blood left behind at
crime scenes. If they find two MC1R variants, police know there is a strong
chance the culprit will be a redhead.)
Red hair today is generally associated with the Scots and Irish, but there
have been no consistent efforts to establish the prevalence of the
Enter the scientists of the People of the British Isles project: thanks to
their efforts, this most distinctive characteristic is now opening up its
mysteries for the first time. Testing their white cell samples for two of
the half-dozen red-hair versions of the MC1R gene, they were able to show
their frequency in each area of the British Isles. The results were
Where one is the maximum value, they got figures of 0.16 and 0.23 for the
frequencies of red-hair genes in Cornwall and Devon. The frequency in
Oxfordshire was 0.07; in Sussex and Kent 0.13; in northeast England 0.11; in
Lincolnshire 0.07; and in Cumbria nil. In Wales the figure was 0.21, and in
Orkney a high 0.26. But the highest was in Ireland. Using data from other
research studies, the team got a figure for Ireland of 0.31, confirmation of
the stereotypical image of the red-haired Irishman.
The results are remarkable, as Sir Walter Bodmer, the Oxford geneticist
leading the project, acknowledges: "I was amazed at them. I didn't expect to
see something like this."
The research gives us, for the first time, an insight into the startling
numbers of native people who have been described as having red hair in
ancient times.
Famous British redheads include Queen Boudicca, who rebelled against the
Romans and sacked London in AD60. She was described by Dio Cassius, the
Greek historian, as being "tall and terrifying . . . a great mass of red
hair fell over her shoulders".
Over the centuries there have been many other famous red-haired Britons,
including Elizabeth I, Oliver Cromwell, Nell Gwyn and Winston Churchill.
Nevertheless, today red locks are mainly associated with only certain areas,
with Scotland being the principal focus in mainland Britain. Prominent Scots
"ginger-heids" include Gordon Strachan, manager of Celtic, and Charles
Kennedy, former leader of the Liberal Democrats.
But why do we have such numbers in these parts of the British Isles today
and not others? The answer, says Bodmer, is that red-hair genes were common
among the first Britons and that populations in the archipelago's fringes
still carry their bloodline.
Redheads therefore represent the land's most ancient lineages.
Why did those early Britons have so many redheads in their midst in the
first place? Is there an evolutionary advantage to having red hair in this
part of the world? According to Rees, the answer may be yes.
The MC1R variants that cause red hair also have an effect on the skin. As a
result, redheads do not make enough of the dark pigment melanin to protect
them against the sun's powerful ultraviolet rays. Their skin rarely tans. It
just burns or freckles.
In Africa... this would
have been fatal. In northern Europe, however, melanin-free skin could have
provided an advantage because we make vitamin D in our skin when sunlight
shines on it.
Dark-skinned people were protected against the African sun, but their
ability to make vitamin D would have been badly affected in relatively
gloomy northern Europe. This could have caused rickets, resulting in weak
bones and curved legs - bad news for a hunter-gatherer. Rickets is
particularly damaging for women, as it increases pelvic deformations,
raising the risk of death in childbirth. So, the theory goes, we evolved
white, melanin-free skin that has no dark pigment to block sunlight and
cause rickets. Red hair was a side effect.
So there it is: being a redhead could mean you possess an evolutionary
advantage over non-red-haired people. Or it could simply be a matter of
luck. Those MC1R variants may have appeared by chance and survived in
northern Europe where they caused no harm.
Scientists in the United States and Britain have uncovered another
surprising aspect to having ginger locks. Researchers have found that
red-headed women are better able to tolerate pain than anyone else,
including red-headed males. This is due to a protein produced by MC1R that
does one thing in the skin and hair and another in the female brain.
At the human genetics unit at the Western general hospital in Edinburgh,
Professor Ian Jackson has launched a study of redheads in the hope of
developing new painkillers in the wake of this discovery and has found that
redheads are better able to tolerate intense heat.
3. Stephen Ray Hale: Personal observations on Racial Color
From: Stephen Ray Hale <Filiramin@cox.net>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-835
Dear Peter,
I think Yair has pretty much hit it on the head about color. My
grandfather, who was half Cherokee and half Irish, looked Mexican in color,
a light brown complexion. My father, a quarter Cherokee, who could get a
decent tan, looked terribly pale when outside of the sun, though he
maintained a brown, actually hazel, colored eyes. Though my sister was
brown eyed and even looked Indian concerning her nose, she was very white,
and like me, could never attain a decent tan. I had blue eyes and the
inability to tan right.
I married a Filipina who was light brown complected, but our
children, (extremely beautiful for boys) were light colored and both boys
started out with blue eyes, though the older one ended up with darker brown
eyes and the younger one had the hazel colored eyes. They got a beautiful
My granddaughters (even more extremely beautiful than one can take)
had the pure white skin at birth. The older one took on a light colored
brunette hair, and green eyes. She actually could tan, though it was as if
her white skin held out and after the summer, the very light creamy tan that
was of the type some call olive colored prevailed.
BUT my second grand daughter was WHITE with red hair. She had a
hint of the oriental in her eyes that, as the older sister, made her look
exotic. Her red hair is that auburn not carrot top color. She has a will,
though otherwise, a very pleasant disposition and sweetness. Poor Baby, she
burns so easy under the sun.
I am not an anthropologist but a Geologist, yet, in that Geology is
an eclectic science dealing with multiple disciplines in order to interpret
the complexity of this earth of God's creation and maintenance (I do not
believe in Evolution), I had come across the understanding that every named
race, even that which could be designated by color, actually had a range of
color from dark brown to almost black to extremely fair in skin. For
example, the oriental, designated yellow, has a range from a very dark brown
of some Japanese or the Negrito of the Philippines to an extremely pale
(with a yellowish cast) of some Chinese. Of the Indo Europeans, we seem to
have the black skinned Indian people to the very white Germanic types not
contemplated as being part of the ten tribes. The American Indian, though I
have heard it said they were red, really look like the people from the
Philippines in color which is actually brown...perhaps the cast of brown is
reddish as opposed to the burnt yellow of an oriental dark person.
In that I am no believer in Evolution, I believe like the Creation
Research Society people do that Adam had not only a high viability but a
very high adaptability. This adaptability was found within Noah, who was
not that far from Adam. When men were again commanded to go throughout the
earth again after the Flood, under the newer extreme conditions of
post-Flood conditions, the genetic pool and adaptability, even viability
factors, diminished as each family became isolated in the wilderness and
intermarried. The viability of man really plummeted due to this isolation
so that even near recently men would live to only about 35 or 40 years old.
When, as men did obey the scattering directive of God, each extremity of
mankind began to meet at the farthest ends of the earth from Eden, they
began to intermarry as "racial" boundaries passed through each other, and
the viability and adaptability of men began to improve, not so as much as
one could expect a hundred or so generations from their beginning, but
enough to remedy the defects caused by an extreme inbreeding with high
genetic load.
It is interesting, and I think that Yair had brought up something
like this in one of his newer books or on this site, that what was right in
customs or laws about the time of Abraham, and Isaac and Joseph, about the
time of Moses such things were forbidden in the statutes. For example,
where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were allowed to marry close kin, this was
discouraged in the Torah. When Jacob married sisters, the trauma
demonstrated by such experience seemed to justify the Torah prohibition,
even as the Torah suggested as reasons for the prohibition. Where Judah
married his daughter-in-law, though there is no real genetic problem here,
the Torah forbids it...though I think if this was due to the son still
living. It appears that the Torah also begins (after about four hundred
years of being in Egypt) to discourage marriage to close kin...the genetic
diseases even now found among Jews who tend to marry within the community
when such tends to be small, has become a problem with the Jewish people
today. Hey Yair, perhaps this could be evidence of the nearing of the
return of the Messiah, as is also anticipated by the types of weapons that
could actually end all of mankind being available. The Jewish people cannot
stand too much intermarriage even if found necessary according to
traditions. The return of the Messiah should remedy this defect of genetics
in all peoples, in that the Millennial kingdom would have both Israelites
and Gentiles going alive into the kingdom, bearing children though life
expectancy will be great again, even after the near multiple decimations
brought about due to the crisis that occurs toward the end of the age.
Stephen Hale from Midland, Texas
4. Ark of the Covenant in France?
From: j099@webtv.net
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-835 (Ark of the Covenant)
Shalom Yair:
According to Laurence Gardner, the Ark of the Covenant resides in
Chartres Cathedral in France and was carried there from Jerusalem during
the middle ages around the time of the Crusades. I will not elaborate
I noticed in last week's Torah Portion that Joseph's corpse was placed
in a coffin. Interestingly, when I looked up the Hebrew word used for
coffin, I saw that this was the first time in the bible that it was ever
used. Otherwise, the Hebrew "Aleph Resh Vav Nun" is used to refer to
the Ark of the Covenant and also for a money chest placed in the Temple.
An English word that seems close to the Hebrew is "urn", usually a
container for created remains although I understand that Jewish law
forbids human cremation.
5. Kevin Opp: Karaites no Good
From: Kevin Opp <kevinopp01@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-835 - Karaites
Yair is 100% right about Karites.
They are a dangerous entity to Ephraim, because they offer the appearance of knowledge and help for people attempting to return to Torah. In recent years they have made it their point to attempt to convert those in the Christian and Messianic world to up their numbers in their strife against the Orthodox Jew. And you couldnt be more correct, if an Orthodox Jew says one thing, the Karaite will turn it into a controversy. It is very easy for those lacking in biblical knowledge to fall into their deceiving doctrines through there strong missionary tactics. Here is a link to exerts from "The Kariite Encyclopedia." BY Nathan Schur, using Karite recources he reveals their shady history.
Including simple facts of how in history they have joined sides with Muslims against Jews, they have become quick to convert to Islam through threat of death. They have had sects that were a strange mix of Islam and Judiasm.
During WWII most of them convinced Hitler's Army that they weren't Jews and hated Jews and escaped the gas chambers, and even given protection by the nazis. And many other shocking things.
I am sure some are good people, but there main goal in life seems to bring discord to the people of Israel, which is unacceptable, and according to Solomon an Abomination. It is hard enough to bring Ephraim and Judah together without the problems that the Karaites can cause, especially to niave Ephramites.
Simply put they are just the offshoot up the Sadducees of first century Judaism. They only belive in a literal interpretation of the BIble. In other words if it doesnt say it word for word it is not true. So No PaRDeS. No ressurection of the dead, no after life, no point to much of anything but this world and its struggles. They are against everything Judeo/Christian in thought. And anyone who knows much about Sadducees fom 1st century Judaism knows that they were just a Roman puppet priest system who dominated the people, while the Pharisees stood up for the people and died for it, the Saducees helped the Romans kill the people. It seems history has repeated itself during the holocaust with the Karaites and the Orthodoxy.