"Brit-Am Now"-853
1. Elaine Knight: GI Joes and Messiah son of Joseph?
2. Messiah son of Joseph and Brit-Am
3. Steve Coneglan: Gad, Succoth and Scotland
1. Elaine Knight: GI Joes and Messiah son of Joseph?
From: Elaine Knight
Subject: Concerning Joseph /MESSIAH
Hello Yair, As soon as I read the info.about Joseph to be a messiah.I suddenly remembered
watching US ARMY films showing when our troops liberated our people in the death camps.
And some of our people had signs that read [GI JOE OUR MESSIAH] and fell to the ground and kissed the boots of the GI's many were shouting PRAISES to G-D for sending messiah!!
Is it not possible that this was a fulfilment of prophecy? Shalom
The ETERNAL creator of heaven and earth says:(Isa.43:10)
Before ME there was NO GOD formed, Neither shall there be AFTER me(Isa.43:11)I even I am the LORD;and beside me there is NO SAVIOUR(Isa.42:8)I am the LORD:that is{{MY}}name,and my glory I will{{NOT}}give to{{ANOTHER}}
2. Messiah son of Joseph and Brit-Am
In Jewish Tradition in addition to the Messiah son of David
there also exists a belief in the Messiah son of Joseph.
This is an old tradition but it was developed and expanded upon from existing sources
over the last few centuries.
The Messiah son of Joseph by definition is connected with
the return of the Lost Ten Tribes.
Brit-Am pointed out that attributes associated with the Messiah son of Joseph
may be used to confirm the identity of the Lost Ten Tribes.
We did this in our book "Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America" (2001)
and in a shorter form in the article on our website
"The Two Messiahs"
by Yair Davidiy
Amongst the sources we employed was the book
"Kol HaTor" which was written by followers of
Eliyahu of Vilna and based on his sayings.
Lately a lot of study has been done and new insights concerning the Messiah son of Joseph
brought forward. It may be that someone else either inspired by us
or working parallel to us has come forward with something similar.
Rabbi Yoel Shwartz reports that every day in Israel
20 to 30 new books (mainly in Hebrew) on Torah-Judaism are published.
It would be quite easy for a new important work to come out and to escape our
Even so,
As far as we know we are the first and only ones who have applied
this source and the principle of Messiah son of Joseph to identifying the Lost Ten Tribes.
We are always interested in new insights in this field, however, and if anyone has knowledge
of additional sources we would like to know of them.
3. Steve Coneglan: Gad, Succoth and Scotland
From: Steve Coneglan <swaggerz@hotmail.com>
Subject: Gad, Succoth and Scotland
Dear Yair,
Quite some time ago I submitted evidences relating to my firm belief that the tribe of Gad is found today in Scotland, and as the Scots. One such piece of evidence concerned the national motto of the Scots, and its fundamental meaning being found in the blessing of Gad by Israel at Genesis 49:19. In fact, if one looks at the Hebrew of this blessing, one can see that it might even conceivably sound Scottish:
Gawd, gedood y'goodnoo, wahoo y'good aqeb.
This blessing relates to the ability of Gad to defend himself when attacked. The Scottish motto echoes this blessing exactly, Nemo me impune lacessit meaning, 'no one provokes me with impunity'. The following link is a good example of this very blessing, and appears to combine with the blessing given by Moses over the tribe of Gad at Deuteronomy 33:20,21.
The royal connection of the Scots seems to be implied in Moses' prophetic vision for the tribe of Gad. Indeed, it was a king by the name of James - Latin Jacobus, the root of which is found in the last word of Israel's blessing of Gad at Genesis 49:19 - that united the thrones of Scotland and England.
More evidences have come to my attention of late, and these appear to offer conclusive support to my firm belief that the Scots are, indeed, the tribe of Gad. The first piece of evidence concerns a town that we first meet at Genesis 33:17. After having just faced a life-changing situation, Jacob came to a place in the region of the Jordan valley. There he built himself a house and a cattle-station for his herds. He named the place Succoth.
In biblical Hebrew, Succoth is spelt: samech - kaph - vav - tau. This transliterates as: S - K - O - T. This is very close to the way Scot is spelt in modern Hebrew, where kaph and qoph are nevertheless interchangeable. Thus there is every reason to believe that the original pronunciation of the town of Succoth could permissibly have been Scot.
Having noted that Succoth started out as a cattle station, we are reminded from Scripture that the tribe of Gad, like their progenitor Jacob, were renowned sheep-keepers. For this very reason they asked Moses and Joshua that their inheritance be to the east of the Jordan river, where abundant pastureland was to be found (Numbers 32).
Later, we read that the tribe of Gad inherited the town of Succoth as part of their allotment of the land (Joshua 13:24-28). This town undoubtedly grew to become the largest population centre in the territory of Gad. At one stage it was said to have had seventy-seven elders, and this leads us to further evidence that the Scots are the tribe of Gad.
At Judges 8 we read of Gideon's pursuit of the Midianites. Weary from days of fighting and pursuing the Midianite kings, Gideon came to the town of Succoth and implored its men that they might succour his soldiers and provide them with food. The elders of Succoth refused to help Gideon, and so Gideon promised them he would take out retribution upon his return. Thus it came to pass that, after having defeated the Midianites, Gideon took thorns of the wilderness and with them he taught the men of Succoth a lesson (Judges 8:4-16).
Clearly, it was a lesson they never forgot! The thorns (Hebrew: quwts, meaning 'prickle') that Gideon used are likely to have been thistles growing in the wilderness, and the Scots to this very day represent their nation with the Scottish thistle. It is this symbol you will see on the left breast of the Scottish rugby jersey. In fact, the Septuagint version of this story translates the Hebrew word for elder - zaqen - as presbyteros. And everybody knows that the Presbyterian Church has its roots in Scotland, going back to the Scottish Reformation.
Another link in the story of this wonderful town of Succoth and the Scots relates to the geography of the land allotment of the tribe of Gad. The western part of Gad's inheritance stretched from north to south alongside the Jordan river in the rift valley. This land was the lowlands of Gad. The eastern hinterland was dominated by the peaks of Gilead and the highlands. A different type of Gadite would have lived in the high country, one adept at fighting in the mountains (1 Chronicles 12:8). Indeed, this description in the Book of Chronicles mentions the lion (arieh) and the roe (tsebiy) as symbols of the tribe of Gad. These remind us of the supporters of the Scottish royal coat-of-arms, the unicorn quite possibly being equivalent to the unknown tsebiy.
The eastern Gadites who inhabited the highlands may well have been the progenitors of the Gaels. The words Gilead and Gaidheal are very similar, several writers suggesting that they may be related. The Gaels of Scotland are associated more with the Scottish highlands, while the lowlanders are generally referred to as the Scots. An etymology suggested for the word Gael, or gaidheal, is the Welsh gwyddel, originally meaning 'raider'. This would be an apt description for the tribe of Gad, both in their military character and in the semantic field of the name Gad.
A final piece of evidence for the Scots being the tribe of Gad can again be evinced from the town of Succoth. We read that in the time of Solomon, the brass foundries were erected in the area of Succoth, meaning it became a thriving industrial town (1 Kings 7:40-46). Much later in history, we learn that the Scots were a vital contributor to the Industrial Revolution. The Scottish Enlightenment thinkers were the precursor to many of the scientific and chemical advancements that accompanied the sudden industrial growth that propelled Great Britain to the forefront of the nations. Scottish inventors contributed greatly to industry, and the land itself contained large deposits of iron ore in its rocks. Much has been written on the Scottish impact on the Industrial Revolution, and I'm sure your readers are well aware of this without me needing to supply examples.
It is my firm belief that the accounts of the tribes in Scripture give us grounds for identifying their whereabouts today. It has been argued that the Hebrew concept of time is circular, that history repeats itself on several levels. Prophecy is said to follow this same rule, in that one prophecy might have several outworkings over a great length of time. This is a view I subscribe to, having spent much time in pondering the Scriptures and having observed God's great love and care for His people. The history of the tribe of Gad is but one example of a people retaining to the present day their scriptural character.
A footnote to the story of Gad concerns that curious Scottish culinary contribution to the world: the haggis. Haggis is basically sheep's guts cooked in the stomach of the sheep. It is quintessentially Scottish, so much so that a Scot is often referred to as 'haggis'. The origins of this word probably lie in the name of Gad's second son, Haggi (Hebrew: Chagiy), who would almost certainly have been a keeper of the flocks.
Another possible footnote concerns the special relationship Scotland has enjoyed with France over the last thousand years. If France were identifiable as Reuben - a connection I don't particularly endorse - then we would have a repetition of the close biblical relationship that existed between the tribes of Reuben and Gad (Numbers 32). A great part of that special relationship involved the trade in wine. Wine was a favourite of the Scottish nobility, whereas the common man imbibed whiskey and beer. The trade in red wine, in particular, was savoured by the Scots, who delighted in circumventing their English enemies who could not get their hands on French wine. Interestingly, red was the tribal colour of Reuben. In return, the Scots exported their military prowess to the French, and fought on their behalf against the English.
I hope these evidences might contribute to the knowledge of where the tribes are today. Perhaps others might have more to add to this, or might like to offer their comments. In all events, keep up the excellent service you are offering to us all, Yair.
Stephen Coneglan