"Brit-Am Now"-855
1. Stephen Spykerman:
2. History: Israelite Nations and UN Voting
3. KJETIL TANGEN: Gadites and Asherites in Norway
4. Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Finland
by Stephen Spykerman
From: Stephen Spykerman <sspykerman@supanet.com>
The Christian church for over 1,700 years has embraced 'Replacement Theology'.
According to this doctrine the Church rivals Israel by claiming that she is
the "New Israel of the Spirit" superseding the "old Israel of the flesh".
This claim of the Church found its legal expressions in the "Codex
Justinian", with the Inquisition, Crusades, various pogroms, and today it
has manifested as the so-called "even-handedness" in the Arab/Israel
Conflict. According to this theory all of God's promises to 'physical'
Israel have been cancelled, as they have been transferred to 'spiritual'
Israel - i.e. the Church. Thus they have tried to make this theory fit with
literally hundreds, if not thousands, of prophecies and inspired statements
in the Bible that refer to the ultimate "Restoration of Israel". Even though
the contexts in which many of these inspired statements are set clearly
indicate reference to a 'literal' and 'physical' restoration of Israel, they
have tried to rationalize this by spiritualizing them away. For centuries
the church has tried to impose its own interpretation on scripture. The
Bible, however, is a book about Israel, and Israel alone! The reason
Christianity has largely ignored the prophecies about the House of Israel is
because they totally mess up her theology. While Christians have a concept
of 'personal redemption', 'national redemption' is something that is foreign
to them. Yet nearly ninety percent of the prophetic books of the Bible are
about the redemption of the House/Nation of Israel. If the Church today were
to recognise that all these prophecies refer to a 'literal' and 'physical'
Israel after all, her entire theological card house would collapse. With
this crucial vested interest at stake, it should not surprise us that their
leaders are wholly opposed to any idea of a physical, literal Israel playing
any role in end-time eschatology.
There is a great deal of irony attached to this 'Christian' doctrine
of 'Replacement Theology', as by usurping the position of the Covenant people
of Israel, they are unwittingly associating themselves with the ancient
Hebrews. Whereas the original impetus for their replacement teaching was to
steal the spiritual clothes of the Jews, they have in practice paid them a
backhanded compliment. The early proponents of this Replacement Theology
clearly thought that Israel's spiritual heritage was worth stealing!
point here is that people often tend to believe instinctively in something
that they feel to be true, no matter how irrational. Their heart tells them
that Israel's covenant heritage belongs to them, yet they cannot justify
their entitlement with their head. It is something that they intuitively
feel in their subconscious mind. Intuition has frequently served as a
powerful tool for discovery and invention, and many scientific and other
research breakthroughs have their origin in just such intuitive feelings.
The question is why do these Christians want to equate themselves with
Israel? Why do Christians want to make that connection?
Could it possibly be
that, even in this very widespread theory of Replacement Theology that the Christian Church has replaced Israel in God's scheme of things, we are in fact seeing a further subliminal indicator of the Israelite origins of many of its believers?
2. History: Israelite Nations and UN Voting
In November 29, 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181by the General Assembly with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, and 10 abstentions. This vote had symbolic significance in Jewish since a tradition existed that only with permission of the Peoples would the Jews be allowed by Heaven to create an independent State in Israel. The UN Resolution was that acceptance. The Ambassador of Iceland Thor Thors tabled the resolution and thus helped make it possible. The nations voted in alphabetic order: The first country to vote against was Afghanistan. The first country to vote in favor was Australia. The UN General Assembly Resolution 181 served as the foundation for the Israeli Declaration of Independence (on May 14, 1948).
Also of importance was the
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, of November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". The resolution was revoked by Resolution 4686 on December 16, 1991.
This anti-Jewish Resolution was sponsored by Afghanistan and the Arab States.
It was opposed by Australia followed by
Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Swaziland, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay.
In other words it was opposed by ALL nations identified by us as predominantly Israelite
together with others many of whom at that time considered it within their interests to be on the same side
as the USA and her allies.
3. KJETIL TANGEN: Gadites and Asherites in Norway
From: KJETIL TANGEN <ktang@c2i.net>
Subject: Gadites, comment. You are free to publish this if you desire..
Recently a writer claimed Gadites being in Scotland, and Orjan Svensson in accordance with Brit-Am think they mainly are in Sweden. I agree with the last view, Sweden is the main area where most descendants of Gad are present. I am also open to portions being in Scotland if sufficient evidence can be produced. However, there are also portions of Gadites in Norway, at least two clan names have been preserved, and one should not overlook that. Interestingly, they live adjacent to Asherites, thus confirming at tendency seen so often; that full Israelite brothers dwell next to each other.
I suppose most readers are not familiar with Norwegian and Scandinavian geography, but Gadite clan names are reflected in the name of the province Hordaland on the west-coast, and in the landscape Hardanger which is situated within the same province. This is the dwelling-place of the clan of Arodi,son of Gad. Furthermore another clan, (G)eri, is represented in the landscape "Grenland" which forms the southermost municipalities of the province Telemark, but originally constituted a larger part of that province. (G)eri might also be dwelling in the province Vestfold, next to Grenland. All of these names are recognised by many modern historians in Norway and abroad to reflect tribal names, especially Hordaland.
This is what modern encyclopedias have to say about them: "Haruder, germanic people beaten by Caesar at the Rhine 58 B.C. The same people have probably given name to the province Hordaland and the landscape Hardanger". About 150 A.D they have moved to Denmark, the province known as Hardesyssel. From there they eventually moved to Hordaland. The Haruder were also known as "Hreidgoter", preserving the name of Gad.
The Grenii, which have given (at least in my opinion) name to Grenland were the descendants of (G)eri, son of Gad. They also had dwelled in central Europe, before finding out that is was more peaceful without Roman influence in the north. Possibly there are also other pockets of Gadites in Norway.
In Rogaland, bordering Hordaland to the south, and west of Telemark/Grenland, lives "Ryger", regarded as the "germanic" tribe which were the latecomers to Norway. They are descendants of Asher, and one of his grandsons were indeed named "Rohga". The northern areas of Telemark, that is the area which not constitues Grenland (which today is part of this province), are regarded by historians as having been populated by Ryger from southwest. They are thus also Asherites, and they indeed look and behave the same! That is, many are heavily built, with a broad face and a cheerful good-humoured nature. If you look at at map, you will see that they (Asherites in Telemark) border on Gad/clan Geri in the south, and Gad/clan Arodi in the west.
Stavanger, the capital of Rogaland, is the oil capital of Norway. Asher was said to "dip his feet in oil. The same can be said about Scotland on the other side of the North Sea, for according to many, the Scottish are mainly from Asher. Additionally, Rogaland is the most productive and fertile agriculural area in Norway. Asherite Telemark is also a very rural area without towns, thus reflecting the Asherite pattern of a rurally inclined population, preoccupied with agriculture. Grenland on the other hand is the most heavily industrialized area in Norway, with an industrially minded population, like in many ways the Swedes are. Some years ago there was an interesting article in a local newspaper in Telemark, which featured the differences between the populations in the south and north of the province,that is, Gadites and Asherites. It provided a picture taken at the turn of the last century, showing local leaders from both areas gathered in the local assembly. The journalist claimed it was quite easy to distinguish which person was from each area just by the features of their faces. Likewise the article stressed the difference in mind-set between the two populations; inclined to agriculture/forestry and industry respectively.
Speaking for myself, my mother is from Hordaland (Hardanger), and my father from Grenland. It could therefore be that I am a Gadite myself, but such questions should not be stressed to much in the present situation in my opinion. In the end we will all know which tribe we belong to..
Sincerely, Kjetil T., Norway
4. Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Norway
From: Jorma Larinkoski <jorma.larinkoski@saunalahti.fi>
Subject: History of Issachar - Gad relationship?
Mr. Davidiy,
I have been studying your articles with interest and pleasure for about half a year now. Your research has yelded convincing facts.
If I understood it right the history repeats itself to an extent in the relationships of the tribes. Finland has been identified as the tribe of Issachar. However our nation is less than hundred years old. 1808 - 1917 Finland was part of Russia with some autonomy, but before that until 1808 Finland was just an oversea province of Sweden. Mr. Orjan Svensson referred to this period in his posting (Gad mainly in Sweden), and what he says about the past of Sweden also applies to Finland.
As Sweden fought its wars and rose to its greatness it happened on the cost of Finnish peasants, who were drawn to military heavier than the swedish ones. So it isnt only the swedes who are to thank for the victories in the east and to blame for the devastating of Middle-Europe in the 30years war, mostly only the officers were swedes. Upon losing Finland to Russia Sweden became peaceloving and didnt want to pay the price of war any longer. Later Finland worked as a bufferzone for Sweden against the east.
And almost everytime these two nations meet on ice nowadays the swedes manage to win! Unbearable ; ) !
But the question is: is this kind of relationship an echo of the past before captivity? I cant regognize anything the kind in the scriptures, and my general knowledge outside of them is lacking. Can such a close relationship with clearly distinct natures and fates be traced back to history? If Ephraim and Menasseh are closely related (yes because of
Joseph) are there anything the kind between other Tribes. Sweden surely plays a bigger role for Finland as vice versa but perhaps this could also bear to the identification?
With Greetings from Helsinki, -17degrees centigrade
Jorma Larinkoski