"Brit-Am Now"-856
1. Stephen Spykerman: The Royal Thistle
2. Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Finland
(not Norway)
3. Third Temple Model
4. DNA Conundrum: Ashkenazi Jews-Irish-Brits
5. Available Soon: "Proof"
1. Stephen Spykerman: The Royal Thistle
From: Stephen Spykerman <sspykerman@supanet.com>
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-854
#3. Steve Coneglan: Gad, Israel, Scotland, Succoth, and the Thistle
Dear Yair
Re: Brit Am Now - 854
I was struck by the entry of my good friend Steve Coneglan re the Thistle,
which in Scotland is known as the Royal Thistle. I would like to add what
may be a further insight into its undoubtedly Israelite origins.
The 'Thistle' has for many centuries been associated with the Kings of Scotland. The emblem was first shown on silver coins dated 1474 during the reign of James III of Scotland. There are indications that it had been used as the personal badge of the Scottish sovereigns during previous reigns. Then in 1540 the Order of the Thistle was created, and ever since that time the 'thistle' has become uniquely associated with the Royal House of Stewart. As with most other royal emblems the authorities of heraldry are at a loss to explain the origin of the 'thistle' as the pre-eminent heraldic device for Scotland.
Once again it is only when we turn to the Bible that we discover the answer to the mystery. Israel's history book records furious animosity between King Amaziah of Judah and King Joash of Israel in which the King of Judah challenges the King of Israel to battle. King Joash responds by sending Amaziah, the King of Judah a sarcastic and most arrogant reply in which he refers to himself as a Cedar of Lebanon (the king of all trees), whilst at the same time referring to the King of Judah as a 'Thistle!' He goes on to say that a wild beast is going to trample the 'Thistle.' (2Chronicles 25:18 & 2 Kings 14:9) Subsequently, in the inevitable battle that ensued, Amaziah, the King of Judah was taken captive and his armies suffered a terrible defeat at the hands of Israel. His enemy King Joash broke down the walls of Jerusalem and took all the articles of silver and gold from the Temple and the King's treasuries in Jerusalem. Somehow, from that time forth the epithet given to the King of Judah has stuck for evermore and it has thus ended up in Scotland. The likelihood therefore is that the origin of the Royal Thistle of Scotland may well have been derived from the above incident. It seems that ever since that time the kings of Judah ended up with a new nick-name and it appears they turned the 'thistle' epithet, which was meant as an insult, into a badge of pride instead. Might we thus in this emblem find an indication that the kings of Scotland are descended from that same illustrious Davidic line of the kings of Judah? There are quite a few people with some knowledge of the subject who would certainly say so. The Royal Scottish Thistle currently also features in the official Royal Arms of Great Britain.
This is not to take anything away from the comments of Steve Coneglan. Me thinks it only serves to strengthen his case about the tribe of Gad being predominant in Scotland. However, there is considerable evidence that the tribe of Judah also has more than a minor presence in Scotland. We have all heard the expression of the 'canny Scots,' and certainly much like the Jews the Scots have a reputation of being awfully good with their money. Banking, Insurance and Investment Management are major industries in Scotland, with Edinburgh being an important financial centre in the British Isles second only to the City of London.
With Best wishes,
Stephen Spykerman
2. Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Finland
(not Norway)
"Brit-Am Now"-855
#4. Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Norway
this entry should have read:
"Jorma Larinkoski: Issachar-Gad in Finland"
We apologize to Jorma.
3. Third Temple Model
This site is well worth a visit.
It shows interesting pictures of a model of the Third Temple.
It is based on the work of
Rabbi Chaim Clorfene (Path of the Righteous Gentile, The Shabbat Experience)
who was a friend of Yair Davidiy in the "old days".
4. DNA Conundrum: Ashkenazi Jews-Irish-Brits
The following notes are a bit complication and may not really be saying much.
On the other hand they indicate a close genetical link between
part of the British and Ashkenazi Jews.
From: William Hurst <wrhurst_17@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [DNA] New Ashkenazi DNA paper
<<I've not only looked at the three Ashkenazi subclade, I've looked at their
"parent" subclades. Assuming that Behar's Rhine Valley location of the
founding of the three Ashkenazi subclades is correct, their parents appear
to have stayed in Western Europe. I find it interesting that the nearest
relative to K1a9 is the very Irish [K]16048A cluster. But looking closer I
worked out that instead of being "sibling" subclades, they were "first
cousins." Then I was surprised to find the parents of both concentrated in
England and Scotland. Behar's K chart has K1a9, but I've had to make up
names for the other three groups.>>
Bill Hurst
What does this mean?
It is speaking of female-transmitted mtDNA.
32% of Ashkenazi have mtDNA K ,
K is related to Pre-HV which is Arabian and
Middle Eastern and which gave rise
to HV which in turn gave rise to
H and V which is strong in Europe especially
in the British Isles and the west.
D.M. Behar and co. claim that ca. 70% to 40% of European (Ashkenazi)
Jews descend from four maternal ancestors
the results of a Genetic "bottleneck"
These women lived within the last 2000 years.
Behar thinks they lived in Europe but they could just as well
have come from the Middle East according to M. Hammer.
32% of Ashkenazi have mtDNA K , mainly K1a which is also found in small
percentages in Jordan, England, Austria, Spain, France and Ireland.
"Oetzi" the Iceman had mtDNA K.
The type of K found amongst non-Jews is however different from that found
amongst Jews.
<<The origin of Jewish mtDNA Haplogroup K is unclear at this time. The most common haplotypes, as distinguished by HVR1 mutations, are as follows: 223T-224C-234T-311C (33%); 224T-234C-311C (24%); 093C-224C-311C (19%); and 224C-311C (16%). The first two haplotypes are almost completely restricted to Ashkenazi populations, perhaps an indicator of pronounced genetic drift (Behar et al. 2004a). Shen (2004) found that the majority of Ashkenazi K lineages also shared transitions at nucleotide positions 11470 and 11914, which are specific to clade K1a. Except for the Ashkenazi, this particular K1a motif has only been reported in one Palestinian, one Romanian, one Czech, and one Basque (Shen, et al. 2004). Because of their near absence in non-Jewish populations, the most common Ashkenazi K1a haplotypes can be used as indicators of Ashkenazi ancestry.>> Coffman
The 13 Ashkenazi complete mtDNAs clustered into three distinct branches in the phylogeny: K1a1b1a, K1a9, and K2a2a (fig. 1). Behar
41 out of 113 K samples were K1a9 which is ca. 28%.
What however applies to K1a9 by implication is probably also pertinent
to all Jewish mtDNA K.
Bill Hurst is in effect suggesting that K1a9 originated from the type of
K native to the British Isles or rather unique to the British Peoples.
5. Available Soon: "Proof"
New Book in Preparation: "Proof"
"Proof" brings together much of the Biblical and related secular evidence proving where the Lost Ten Tribes are today. "Proof" was originally based on a collection of articles on our Brit-Am web site. This in itself would have been a worthwhile enterprise but we merited to add to it, rewrite it, and reveal new dimensions. "Proof" presents the evidence viewed as a whole with each point leading into another and forming part of one comprehensive incontrovertible statement of fact .
"Proof" ties everything together and presents it all as a readable fast-flowing succinct and enthralling narrative.
"Proof" is solid evidence.
"Proof" is something you cannot do without nor will you want to.