"Brit-Am Now"-869
1. New Article: "From Parthia to Gothica. The Moving of King David's Throne"
by Cam Rea
2. Albert Einstein: On Research
3. Question on Davidic Ancestry of Royal Family
and Star of David on Albert Memorial
1. New Article: "From Parthia to Gothica.
The Moving of King David's Throne"
by Cam Rea
Develops theme of Steven Collins. Parthians overthrown by Sassanian Persians flee to Armenia and from there to Scythia. Parthians become Goths and move into Dacia overturning the Roman Empire. Parthian-Goths move westward. Parthian Arasacid Royal House from the Clan of King David.
Brit-Am sympathizers and fellow-travellers are encouraged to send in similar articles.
2. Albert Einstein: On Research
From: dailyquote@thequoteboard.com
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
Albert Einstein.
3. Question on Davidic Ancestry of Royal Family
and Star of David on Albert Memorial
barkans@zahav.net.il wrote:
Re: Prince Albert Memorial
Dear Yair
Athol Bloomer wrote on his blog on
Friday, February 16, 2007 an article titled
Davidic Ancestry of Prince William
Do you think the Star of David on Prince Albert Memorial in Manchester shows this Davidic connection?
All the Best
(a) Athol Bloomer makes interesting claims concerning the
Davidic Ancestry of Royal families
but he should be more open with his sources.
(b) ON the URL you mentioned there is indeed
a Star of David on Prince Albert Memorial in Manchester
though the photo is a bit dark and one has to make an exertion to see it.
The same series of photos also shows a Star of David on the clock face of
St. Ann's Church. I guess St. Ann was Jewish.
The so-called Star of David (as we have said several times)
is in fact no more than a conventionally symmetric attractive easy to draw
geometric form.
It looks good or can be easily made to look good and one need therefore seek
for no other reason for it to be depicted.
On the other hand it has come to be associated with the Jewish People.
It can therefore be assumed that anyone using this symbol in the present Era
would not be anti-Jewish. It could be said that anyone in our time using this
symbol does not care if other people identify them with Jews or not.
In this respect we may say that though historically the symbol could have
been employed without any Jewish or Hebraic connection being intended
its continued usage or new application in a public context
is significant and does make some kind of statement.