"Brit-Am Now"-903
1. Question on Biblical Proofs
2. Question: What is "Junk" DNA? and the Brit-Am Understanding
3. Ancient Anglo-Saxon Usage of Magen David Symbol
4. Welsh "Curing Stone" derived from Ancient Egypt?
5. Important New Article Concerning the Assyrian Exile from Cam Rea
1. Question on Biblical Proofs
Nickie wrote:
re "Brit-Am Now"-902
#1. Question on the Stone of Scone
In reference to Jacob's stone pillow from Bethel.
What are those "We do however have Proofs that can be proven and that are
difficult to deny. These should be concentrated upon."
Sincerely ... Nickie
The intention was to the Brit-Am Biblical Proofs
If we were to be engaged in a full-scale polemic we would insist that ALL the
proofs be considered together as one interconnected package.
If however one merely wishes to quickly impress another that there is something
to what we say then two or three of any of the proofs should also be sufficient.
In addition to Biblical Proofs our evidence from Secular Sources is also significant.
At some stage we should perhaps draw up a list of "Secular" Proofs for
quick reference and revision.
2. Question: What is "Junk" DNA? and the Brit-Am Understanding
Recently you referred to URLs with attacks concerning
"Junk" DNA.
Jerusalem News-618
#3. DNA. "Junk DNA Plays a Purpose"
What is "Junk" DNA?
Is it not all Speculation?
What Relevance does it have to Brit-Am?
Answers: For technically correct answers look up the relevant entries on
Wikipedia or something of the like.
(a) According to our understanding,
DNA in general means certain chemical links that determine hereditary features.
A string of DNA responsible for a particular function is the equivalent of a gene.
"Junk" DNA is DNA which has no known function. Theoretically (for those who believe
in Evolution) it is explained that "Junk" DNA may have had a function in the past
but it no longer has.
Since "Junk" DNA has no function it is less liable to be influenced by the environment
or by "evolutionary" processes, i.e. it is more stable.
"Junk" DNA is the DNA that is used to distinguish between different peoples etc.
Recently however scientists have began to change their minds and state that
"Junk" DNA does fulfill specific functions and may be more "ACTIVE" than other DNA.
(b) The new understanding of "Junk" DNA is based on accepted studies
and a new conceptual approach.
This is already beyond "speculation" and approaching general acceptability.
(c) All these developments confirm suggestions that Brit-Am has been making from the
It means that DNA divisions (haplogroups etc) used to determine ethnic
and hereditary distinctions may well have ONLY a limited applicability.
If "Junk" DNA intereacts with physical functions it would therefore be susceptive to
influence from the environment the same as all other physical features that are also
determined by DNA) such as color of skin, hair, headshape, etc
since the environment may activate a "trigger".
by DNA researchers.
On the other hand on the whole some of the leading figures amongst these researchers would not necessarily
dismiss it out of hand.
3. Ancient Anglo-Saxon Usage of Magen David Symbol
Mercia was an interdependent Kingdom in England after the Anglo-Saxon
For background on Mercia see:
The most famous and succesful of the Kingds of Mercia was
King Offa
Offa minted his own coinage and in at least one case he imitated
a gold dinar from Baghdad in what is now Iraq.
Zeev Barkan (whom we have cited several times in the past)
has an interesting web-site discussing the Magen David symbol.
On one of the coins of King Offa there appears a Magen David.
In the question below Zeev asks our opinion as to the source of this
symbol: Coincidence? imitation of Arab design? Israelite heritage?
Personally I cannot say since we do not know enough about the case.
We have however noticed that the Magen David was a known element
in the designs of accoutrements to the weapons of northern warriors:
see illustrations at:
From: zeev barkan
Subject: King Offa of Mercia
Dear Yair,
Do you or one of your readers know if King Offa of
Mercia minted the coin with the six-pointed star
because he was somehow connected to King David or did
he copy it from Ymayyad coins?
Please see:
4. Welsh "Curing Stone" derived from Ancient Egypt?
From: Caroline Tully
Subject: Re: [BRITARCH] Curing Stone
>>I have a vague memory, perhaps dating back to my Welsh childhood, that curing stones were dipped in a liquid which was then given to a sick person to drink. Marjorie (the other MEH)<<
And the ancient Egyptians used to pour water over stone images of the child Horus triumphing over snakes and scorpions to "wash" the magical hieroglyphs surrounding the images into the water and drink their potency.
5. Important New Article Concerning the Assyrian Exile from Cam Rea
Sometimes they
Come Back
The Assyrian Exile
An Investigative look into the Assyrian invasion and deportation of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
by Cam Rea
Cam Rea examines the Assyrian Exile of the Israelites giving the background and quoting the sources. This article in some respects may well be the best account written so far on one of the most significant events in history!