"Brit-Am Now"-905
1. The English Word "THE"
2. New Feature: Ephraimite Forum
3. Cam Rea Article Recommended
4. Hebrew Language Brit-Am WebSite Under Consideration
5. Brit-Am Secular Proofs-A Preliminary List
1. The English Word "THE"
The word "the" is called the definite article and serves to
something it is preliminary to.
In Hebrew the function of "the" is fulfilled by the prefix
"ha" (also pronounced as "he").
We also have the demonstrative "et" or rather "eth" which
serves to separate
the object, e.g.
if in Hebrew one would say "John eat the apple" it would not be clear
English) from the order of words whether John eat the apple or the apple eat
We therefore place "eth" before the apple to emphasize where the
object lies.
An inscription from Amon (in present-day Jordan)
dating from ca. 825-775 BCE
bears the word "thedelet" meaning "the door".
The "the" in thedelet (the-delet) is a shortened form of
"eth" with a swallowing up of "he"
giving "the",
i.e. it should have been "eth he-delet" but the initial vowel
"e" was dropped and the following
"h" (in "he") was also dropped giving "the".
This practice is also found later in Punic (Phoenician) inscriptions in Carthage
and Sardinia
and in the letters of Bar Kochba from Judah.
"HeKetav VeHaMiktav. Handbook of Ancient Inscription s from the Land of
Israel and the Kingdoms Beyond the Jordan
from the Period of the First Commoinwealth" [Hebrew] by Shmuel Ahituv,
Jerusalem ,2005, p. 333 "tadelet"
[It is also found in the Modern Hebrew slang of some Sephardic Jews].
We now know where the English word "the" originated from.
2. New Feature: Ephraimite Forum
Brit-Am exists for the three Rs:
a. Research of the Ten Tribes Location
b. Revelation of Research Findings, i.e. getting the news out.
c. Reconciliation: working for a rapprochement between Judah and Joseph.
This affects a lot of people and arouses consideration of numerous issues.
"Brit-Am Now" posts are intended as much as possible to concentrate
on the three Rs
from the Brit-Am perspective.
This is liable to "cramp" the opportunities for needed discussion and
of numerous adherents and subscribers who deserve to be heard and who often
subsidiary issues that are also important.
Brit-Am is already sending out a few too many postings as it is.
We have therefore introduced a new feature:
"Ephraimite Forum"
This feature is intended to deal with all other issues that are not our
immediate concern.
It should give unlimited space so that all (or most) opinions shall be heard
and they who wish to do so may take an interest whereas they
who would rather not
will not have to.
There will also be an attempt to keep our interference as to what is posted to
a minimum.
It is expected that "Ephraimite Forum" will be run in a style similar
to that of "Jerusalem News"
while adopting features of a popular blog.
This feature is still in the experimental stage.
It should improve with time like most of us.
Ephraimite Forum-1
1. Werner van der Wal: Suggested Alternate non-Brit-Am Genealogies
2. Steven Collins: Ancient Israelite Technology
3. Joan Griffith: Lost Tribes and Race
4. African Israelites?
5. Lost Tribes in Nigeria?
3. Cam Rea Article Recommended
"Sometimes they come back.
An Investigative look into the Assyrian invasion and deportation of the Ten
Tribes of Israel",
by Cam Rea
This is a good article with original insights plus references of great value.
Even the Maps alone (supplied by us, compliments of Google) are worth
perusing due to their aesthetic qualities and in order to be acquainted
with the names of areas that were important in Early Israelite History.
Some people may find the article a bit long and detailed at first
so read some of it and come back later. It is worth the effort.
Once you get used to the style you should find it both readable and
4. Hebrew Language Brit-Am WebSite Under Consideration
Brit-Am is in NEED of your support
Make an offering if you can.
Consider ALSO our need for a Hebrew Language Brit-Am Site
is still available.
5. Brit-Am Secular Proofs-A Preliminary List
[to be used in conjunction with Brit-Am Biblical Evidence]
Megalithic Monuments describe a Path of Migration from Israel
to the West.
Languages and Linguistic Innate Philosophies: "Germanic" and
"Celtic" sub-stratums
show Hebrew type origins.
Hebraic Modes of Thought
Hebraic Values
Archaeological trail: Styles and Type of Craftsmanship:
Identifications-Predilections of Rulers and Great Men
Irish, Welsh, and Scottish Mythology indicating Israelite Origins
Definite Connection of Western "Celtic" Peoples as well as Ancient
Scandinavians with Egypt and the Middle East in general consistent with
Israelite Origins.
Pro-Jewish, Saved Jews, Fought Against Enemies of the Jews
Help State
of Israel or
most inclined to do so, i.e. probably the only group where
pro-Israeli messages and information could have a long-term effect.
Physical Similarity to some degree at least with Ancient Israelites
Historical Eastern Origins consistent with having come from the Ten Tribes
The overlap of the Cimmerians and Scythians (who
migrated to the west) with the exiled Israelites.
The Presence of Israelites in Spain
(whence they moved to the British Isles) and the north.
Steven Collins, Orjan Svensson, Walt Bauucum, and others also supply valid
in addition to what we have listed above.