

"Brit-Am Now"-971
1. Question on Islam
2. Don Lawrence: A Question  for Robert Kennedy
3. Thomas Malloy: Burma Blues Turn Green?
Sandie b.: Pleased with Newsletter
5. Atlantis and the Ten Lost Tribes


1. Question on Islam  

Dear Mr Davidi,
   I'm curious.  I've been hearing from different sources that The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the same God of Islam (Allah), is this correct?  In fact I have been hearing reports of Christians being told to call their God Allah to relieve tensions between Christians and Muslims.


I do not know much about Islam.
Maimonides said that originally the Moslems directed their intentions to a pagan deity
but later this merged into the concept of One God so that technically they could no longer be considered idolaters.
More modern authorities also say something similar i.e. that originally "Allah" was a pagan idol
who was elevated by Mohamed to supreme status.
Moslems do not believe in the Bible and should not be "humored" unless
one is in immediate danger and then only temporarily and as a life-saving expedient.


2. Don Lawrence: A Question  for Robert Kennedy

Hi This is a question of clarification for Robert Kennedy.
Where is 'it written' that Ephraim is to 'come as they are'??

If the commandments are written in the hearts & minds of
them, as you quote Jeremiah, should they not be keeping
these commandments?


Brit-Am Comment: We do not mind Biblical discussion concerning
matters connected to Brit-Am, in fact we encourage it.
On the other hand we wish to request all those participating to quote the source
for any Scriptural reference they use.
Even when you quote someone else try and give the Biblical reference.
Always work on the assumption that there will be some who will come across whatever you say
without being familiar with the background, need to know the background, but unable or unwilling
to check it out themselves.


3. Thomas Malloy: Burma Blues Turn Green?
re "Brit-Am Now"-969
#2. Shavei Israel  and the Burma Blues Again

Dear Yair;

I'm a big Hal Lindsey fan, so I saw the repeat of the Freund interview too.

It reminded me of a story that one of our Rabbis told after a Chinese Jew visited our Kehilat. A Jewish businessman was visiting China. It Sabbath, so he attended a synagogue. Everybody there looked Chinese. After the service the Rabbi greeted him and remarked, "you didn't look Jewish."

Joesph, another of our Rabbis did a presentation this evening on the Temple Mount. It seems that the Philistines are digging a trench across it.

I first heard about their digging 10 years ago, there wasn't anything done then, and I don't suppose anything will be done now. His friend, R Chaim Richman, (HaSidic) has done a presentation on this desecration, which Joseph compares to the holocaust, it can be seen on . Joseph also mentioned that the Sanhedrin has another candidate for the Red Heifer too.

I'm not worried about the real estate. When HaShem wants that Temple built, he'll make it happen. I think that the reason Ohmert has been giving up land is because he has American and the E U leaning on him.

I talked to an Orthodox man I know. He and his friend don't recognize the Sanhedrin, and they aren't impressed by the Temple Institutes's efforts either. I replied 3 Jews, 4 opinions.

4. Sandie b.: Pleased with Newsletter
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-969
Teriffic newsletter this one - thank you for your choices of inclusion.
In peace  sandie b.

5. Atlantis and the Ten Lost Tribes
re "Brit-Am Now"-970
#3. New Year for Brit-Am?
(b) Brit-Am
(2) Positive

You mentioned a new book
concerning Atlantis that should be published soon.
What relevance does this work have to Brit-Am studies.

Answer: The book on Atlantis by Walt (not Paul) Bauucum shows
that Israelites were in Northern areas in ancient times.
In addition it illuminates the historical background  pertinent to Brit-Am studies
and is an interesting work in its own right.



