"Brit-Am Now"-975
1. Cam Rea: Whites Under Siege in America?
2. Phoenicians and Israelites in Ireland and Britain alongside the Pussy Cat
3. Iron Age British Tribes
1. Cam Rea: Whites
Under Siege in America?
From: Cam Rea <tragicpoet77@yahoo.com>
re "Brit-Am Now"-974
#4. Whites in USA under siege?
I would have to say yes on that. For the most part whites are to be treated like
special children in USA and UK. Ever since slavery ended and many racial laws
were rid of. Minorites in the USA and UK are for the most part and NOT all of
them are bashing white people. The funny thing is is that it is white people in
power supporting the minorites to say bad things about us, or give us an over
all bad image. Even tho whites have done a lot when it comes to Government,
Technology etc.. We still need a baby sitter because we might say the wrong
thing according to them. As for the minorites, they get away with saying things
about whites and we have to sit there and take it. If we say something it's not
PC, or worse, a hate crime. I never had understood that word hate crime. If one
really thinks about it everything is a hate crime if your intestions mean to be
harmful no matter what color your skin is. But also we have to remember that not
all minorites hate or blame white people for everything. I have quite a few
friends who are not white, and we get along fine, and that is the way it should
be. But I also feel if people would quit talking about it maybe it will go away.
But then again there is no money involved.
2. Phoenicians and
Israelites in Ireland and Britain alongside the Pussy Cat
To remind you: The Phoenicians are commonly regarded as mixed
Canaanites and others
who dwelt in cities on the coast of Lebanon and Syria and engaged in trade by
sea while establishing
colonies in North Africa, (e.g. Carthage) and elsewhere in the Mediterranean
(Sicily, Marseilles, Spain, etc).
They also traded with the British Isles and according to Diodorus and others
established settlements in Western Europe.
Our friend, Stephen Collins appears to identify the Phoenicians as mainly
Brit-Am takes a middle course.
We say the Phoenicians were mainly non-Israelite.
Israelites tribes (such as Dan and Asher) however engaged in similar activity to
the Phoenicians and more or less shared their
language and culture and so would be confused with them.
In addition Phoenicians and Philistines (whom we equate with Minoans and part of
the Greeks)
on behalf of the Assyrians were instrumental in transporting Israelite
captives to the west.
See AMOS 1:6-9
The Hebrew has "Tzinot" meaning fleets of ships or "great ships" not HOOKS
And "Sirot-dugah" meaning "fishing-boats" not FISHHOOKS!
I have explained at length that this verse is referring to a portion of the
exiles having been taken across the sea by ship to Spain and elsewhere.
[A very good, concise, but quite thorough exposition of the Biblical and
evidence for Israelite re-settlement in Southern Spain and movement from there
to the
British Isles is to be found in our work,
If this subject interests you and you consider it of importance then you
need to obtain this
work along with other Brit-Am publications]
We understand that in some cases the identities of the Phoenicians and some
Tribes appears to have overlapped and also that Phoenicians and Greek-Minoans
transported Israelites to the
west. It is therefore of importance to us to
know where these seafaring peoples were accustomed to sail.
The article discussed here deals with this question.
We found the article referred to below a little difficult to read.
It refers to archaeological findings with which we are not familiar.
The information however if correct is potentially quite important.
The article deals with the Phoenician presence in Africa as well as in Europe.
Of interest to us was the reported Phoenician links with the Veneti
(who from Brittany in West France move to North Wales)
and models of ships that are in fact Phoenician found in Ireland plus
Phoenician trade in amber with Northern Europe.
The pussy cat is said to have been brought to the British Isles and Ireland by
the Phoenicians.
The Phoenicians in West Europe: From Canaan to Cornwall & (?) Cork
Perspective of Phoenician activities in the Mediterranean and Western Europe
by Harry Bourne
Selected Brief Extracts:
Both English and Irish sources speak of English slaves sold to Irish merchants
by fellow Englishmen.
At some stage of uncertain date, a Celtic dynasty ruled at Tartessos and
according to Herodotus, its most famous king was Arganthonios....
it seems that by c. 500 B.C. Tartessos was in Carthaginian hands but how this
happened is unknown to us.
Celtic skin-boats or currachs are described as having trading Cornish tin near
the southern end of the Irish Sea with foreign ships. Irish currachs are
recorded as having traded at the northern end of the Irish Sea in the Glossary
compiled by Cormac MacCulennain. This Cormac's Glossary seems to be of the 9 th
c. A.D.
Paul Johnstone (ib.) points out proving the [Phoenician ship called] hippos was
known on the Atlantic coasts of Europe is that engraved on a jewel found at
Aliseda (Portugal).
Lya and M. (Ships and boats depicted in the prehistoric rock-art of southern
Spain in BAR 1984) cite the author of the papers on the rock-shelter at Laja
Alta as saying that what is depicted there are ships from the important kingdom
of southwest Iberia called Tartessos.
...it seems the combination of the Mediterano/Atlantic features are also shared
with the ships of the Celtic or Gaulish tribe of that part of Gaul (= most of
modern France) that was Armorica/is Brittany called the Veneti.
These were the Venetic ponti that represent the high point of Celtic
ship-building and were admired by no less than Julius Caesar (1 st c. B. C.
Roman) as being superbly adapted for Atlantic conditions.
There are three other other vessels from find-spots in the British Isles that
may just belong here. They are the boat-(?) bowl found at Caregwle (north
Wales), the so-called "Monk's Boat" form Lough Lene (Westmeath, Ireland), the
gold model of a boat from Broighter (Derry/Londonderry, Ireland).
The bowl or model of a boat/ship from Caergwle was for a very long time
described as a bowl made from wood that was generally accepted as being oak,
covered in gold leaf and repeating the dimensions of a currach...
Hawkes (ib.) argued that the shape is not that of a currach but that of a
Phoenician tub-shaped golah. If accepted, the attested Phoenic/Punic presence on
the coasts of Portugal plus a possible analogy from north Wales in west Britain
would closely parallel the 10 Greek ships proven by anchor-shanks from Setubal
Bay (Portugal) and echoed by another again in north Wales but this time at Porth
Felen. The Caergwle boat is of the Bronze Age but the anchor-stocks are said by
Eric Boon (Antiquaries Journal 1975) to be of Iron Age date.
...the fact of Mediterranean traits seen above as of probable Phoenico/Punic
origin included use of mortice and tenon joints, those of the Lough Lene boat
may just belong here too.
Herodotus tells us that amber and tin came from the "the West"...
That amber came by way of the coasts of Europe is surely confirmed by the Greek
term of elektron seemingly applied to the Frisian Isles as the Electrides.
...the Periplus of Himilco known only from the fragments seen to be contained in
the Ora Maritima by Rufus Avienus when Himilco (via Avienus) tells us that
sailed for four months along the "the coasts of Outer Europe" and this was to
take him well past Galicia and probably up to Armorica. Solinus (2 nd/3 rd c.
A.D. Greek) seemingly wrote that Tartessians plus Carthaginians sailed together
to at least Armorica/Brittany.
Timaeus (? 5 th c. B.C.Greek), Diodorus Siculus (1 st c. B.C. Greek), Strabo (1
st c. B. C. Greek), etc, wrote of the Cassiterides (the Tin Islands). Some
modern authors woefully misinterpret what is said by these Greeks and want
Breton islets to be the Cassiterides. Many others want to indicate variously
that the Cassiterides means all of Britain, that part of Britain that is
Cornwall, that part of Cornwall that is Penwith (inc. Land's End) or the islands
off Cornwall called the Isles of Scilly.
... Harden (The Phoenicians 1963) was of the belief that Phoenicians reached
Ireland. This was also the opinion of Joyce (ib.). They felt this was proven by
Himilco (via Avienus) referring to gens Hiernorum (= Ireland) plus insula
Albionum (Britain).
The 10 th c. Irish poem of Oenach Carmain (= Fair of Carman) may throw some
oblique light on this. It mentions Grecraige (= "Greeks") coming to Oenach
Carmain trading fine cloth for Irish gold...The term of "Greek" in Old-Irish
literature tends to mean "From the Mediterranean" unless something specific is
being identified.
...the word of Canaan had something to do with dyed cloth but that it was
equated by the Greeks with one of their words with a like meaning and hence our
word of Phoenician.
Hawkes (Prehistoric and Roman Studies ed. G. de Sieveking 1971) and Powell
(North Munster Antiquaries Journal 1973/4) respectively are of great interest.
They both argue that Iberia plus Ireland exhibit Phoenician-type flower ornament
but that appear in form(s) naturalised to their respective countries and
...the proven [pussy-]cats of Iron Age date in Britain (as at Danebury [Hants] &
sites in Wiltshire & the Scillies) plus another possible in Ireland at Crannog
No.1 at Ballinderry (Offaly) remains moot. However,... the way the cat
spread...coincides with Phoenician ships. Also observe in passing, the prominent
role of cats in the Brehon Code (= the law-corpus of ancient Ire. & the most
comprehensive of ancient west Eur.) not just as pets but for the practical
vermin-catching qualities that may have decided whether a family would survive a
harsh winter or not
The direct Mediterrano/southern linkage is presumably strengthened by the find
of a skull of Barbary ape (the type well known to us in Britain via those at
Gibraltar) at Emain Macha (close to Armagh)..
3. Iron Age
British Tribes
Has map of British Tribes plus linked short but interesting notes
on each one.
Native Tribes of Britain