
"Brit-Am Now"-977
1. Proposed New Front Page to Web-Site
Wikipedia Article on Lost Tribes
3. Medieval Jews Anticipated Ten Lost Tribes
Reply to Jonathan from New Zealand
4. Question on
Gomer and the Lost Ten Tribes
5. New Article in German


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1. Proposed New Front Page to Web-Site
Our present front page:
The proposed outline of the new one:
This is still in the experimental stage and may change entirely.
In the meantime take a look, if you will, and send in your reactions.

2. Wikipedia Article on Lost Tribes

3. Medieval Jews Anticipated Ten Lost Tribes
 Reply to Jonathan from New Zealand
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-976
#1. Question on the attitude of "Jewish Religious circles" to the Lost Tribes

Hi Yair
In response to Jonathan Tillotson:
There is a book called The Far-Farers by Victoria Clark and though it is mostly about the wanderings of Vikings there is an interesting little piece on page 297 relating to the year 1096 CE which I quote:

"Fervently expecting the Messiah and everlasting joy, the Thessaloniki Jews mourned the fate of their brothers in the north but managed to extract a grain of comfort from the news that the Western Christians had embarked on a Crusade to liberate Jerusalem. They trusted that as soon as Christians and Muslims had exhausted themselves fighting a mightily impious battle in the holy city, it would revert to them, its rightful owners. In much the same way as the Christians had made ready to set off on the First Crusade, Thessaloniki Jews began winding up their businesses, selling off their assets and setting off on a search for the ten tribes of Israel who had to be found before their Messiah could appear. Thessaloniki's Byzantine Greeks, as eager for Christ's second coming as the Jews were for their Messiah's first appearance and their return to Jerusalem, flocked to join their Jewish neighbours in the search."

Apparently this was a Jewish Messianic movement which flourished because of some astronomical calculations purporting to project the Messiah coming in the year1104 CE. However the movement subsided when doubt was cast on the calculations. It does at least show though that some Jews were aware of the existence of the ten tribes (independent of Jews) who needed to be in place for the Messiah to return. And it also shows that Jews and Christians have at least once in antiquity worked together in a common cause!

Blessings - Tessa

4. Question on Gomer and the Lost Ten Tribes
John Montgomery  wrote:

Hello again ,Just a question.How do the sons of Gomer fit into the missing tibes if at all?once again thanks for your time ,have a good day God bless
john montgomery

Gomer in the Prophecy of Hosea is the name of a loose woman who symbolizes the Lost Ten Tribes of
Israel. "Gomer" was also the name of a group of peoples descended from Japhet (Genesis 10:2-3)
who gave rise to nations with whom the Lost Ten Tribes were to be associated.
In our books "The Tribes" and others
we have reached the conclusion that the Lost Ten Tribes would be federated for
a period together with the nations of Gomer who are taken to represent
Germans (Gomer, Ashkenaz, Togarmah), French (Riphat?), and Turks (Togarmah).
This is a concept that needs to be developed and looked into more deeply.


5. New Article in German

"Ephraimitische Merkmale" (Ephraimite Criteria)
translated by S. DURSKI