1. Questions about Germans, etc.
Glad I discovered your very interesting
web site. I have a few questions.
(I realize you may not have the time
or inclination to respond.)
I am a non-Jewish American of German
descent. As I understand the
Brit-Am position, my German ancestors
were likely not from the ten lost
tribes. Am I correct? If so, what message
should I as a "non-Israelite"
American take from Brit-Am? Is there
any particular course of action
that would be appropriate for "non-Israelite"
Americans who become
convinced of the merit of the Brit-Am
position (for example, study
and/or convert to Judaism)?
I would be interested to see more information
on any genetic/DNA
studies that have a bearing on the
Brit-Am position. I did not see
any such information on your site.
If I missed any such information,
I'd appreciate a pointer to it.
Do you have any opinion about the recent
book by Hillel Halkin,
Across the Sabbath River, which is
about his search for a lost tribe
among certain groups in eastern states
of India? He relates
evidence that these people are historically
linked to the tribe of
Best wishes,
(a) Many of our subscribers in the
USA are partly of German origin. In our book
"Joseph" we quoted from various sources
that indicated that the immigrants
to America from Germany belonged
to a different stock than those who
stayed behind.
This notion was backed by ethnic and
sociological studies.
(b) Our understanding is that Israelites
were in Germany but moved out.
Most people now in Germany are not
Israelites though a few could be.
Apart from that, not that many people
come to Brit-Am, those that do are guided
by Divine providence and probably belong
to Israel or Judah.
Also, there were always non-Israelites
who attached themselves to Israel
and received the same status as Israelites.
Under David there served
non-Israelites in prominent positions.
(c) We do not encourage people to convert
to Judaism and if someone wishes
to do so as an individual he must make
his own way.
and take his own responsibility.
We believe that all of Israel will
eventually renew the covenant when the
time comes
but this is not the task we have undertaken
which is restricted mainly
itself to the clarification of Israelite
(d) We are reserved about DNA studies.
Nevertheless such studies
do indicate that many people
in Western Europe originated in the Near
East. The time given for this movement
is the New Stone Age. This dating
could be mistaken and the DNA studies
in question could well actually
provide confirmation for Brit-Am researches.
(e) concerning Hillel Halkin's book
, Across the Sabbath River, according
to reviews he has not proven anything
but merely recorded
the wishful thinking of a few people
in dire physical circumstances. There
may be something in the claims made
but we have yet to see them. Apart from
that, the few youngsters of the tribesmen
he describes that have come to
Israel and that we have met have not
made a bad impression but it is
difficult to say.
"And I will make of you a great nation.
And I will bless you and make your
name great.
And you shall be a blessing.
"And I will bless they who bless you,
and curse him who curses you.
And in you shall all the families of
the earth be blessed.
(Gensis 12;2-3).
The Principles of Brit-Am require:
1. Acceptance of Prophecy.
2. Self-Respect (no hatred of fellow
Israelite groups, no antisemitism)
3. Acknowledgement of The Israelite
Identity of many people amongst
Western Nations.
4. recognition of "Captive Jews"
meaning Israelite or Jewish descendants
who lost their identity and emerged
from amongst dominantly non-Israelite
peoples. The destiny of these "Captive
Jews" is bound up with that of the
Lost Ten Tribes even though
the Lost Ten Tribes retained some degree
of communal cohesion, and they did
The aims of Brit-Am are to encourage:
1. The spread of Identity Awareness.
2. Increased Identity research and
3. Association of members together
for the sake of mutual-empowerment,
learning and fellowship.
The giving of donations
together with the ordering of publications
Brit-Am to function.
Send to:
Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004