"Brit-Am Now"-234

April 16, 2003

1. Pesach
2. Why are you involved with Brit-Am?
3. John Piscopo: Ivory in ancient times

1. Pesach
We are drawing close to Pesach (Passover) so for the next few days things
may be comparatively quiet at our end.

2. Why are you involved with Brit-Am?
At 19:34 13/04/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Re: Message to Brit-Am friends
>     Why are you so burdened into this project? What will you achieve?

Brit-Am aims for the unification of Judah with Joseph. A first step must be
the recognition
by very many (if not all) in both Houses of the present-day identity of
"Joseph". The House of Joseph must be
made aware of who they are The House of Judah must know of this.
This awareness must be achieved before anything else.
This is our duty.

Apart from that,
I may have given the wrong impression recently. It is true that Brit-Am is
in need of funding
and has this obstacle to overcome.  Even on this front however, compared to
a few years ago, the situation
of Brit-Am has been steadily improving along with various ups and downs.
Maybe (God willing) we will come through the present impasse much
strengthened and able to continue under our own momentum?
At the personal level.
It is my goal in life to further the cause of Brit-Am. In a sense perhaps I
was born to it.
I often enjoy it. I meet very good and interesting people through it some
of whom we have established a rapport with.
Also people have written in saying that Brit-Am has helped them in their
spiritual and personal life, etc.
Brit-Am combines Biblical study, Rabbinical commentary, history, mythology,
etc contemporary events and their
appreciation, a fundamentalist approach at an academic level, helping
others, patriotic dedication to Judah and Joseph, and a chance perhaps even
in a small way to influence things for the better. Where else could you
find all these and more in one
field of activity?

3. John Piscopo: Ivory in ancient times
Subject: Re: [scythia] Scythian Art: Ivory carvings

      Elephants inhabited the Jordan River Valley at least through the
Neolithic if not later and their remains would have provided ivory carvers
with a native supply.

      The Orontes River Valley in Syria may have had Elephants into the
Bronze Age.  The Euphrates River Valley had Elephants at least until the
time of Sargon II around 700 B.C., he had a game preserve at the Great Bend
around Ebla. It is likely that Elephants inhabited the forests of Anatolia
and Iran at least into the Early Bronze Age.

      The Russian Steppes from the Carpathians to the Altai Mountains in
the East had the ivory remains of extinct Mammoths that would have been
accessible to the Scythian tribes.

      One ivory carving is the sole archeological evidence that can be
attributed to the First Temple of the Kingdom of Israel.

      There were trade routes from Upper Egypt and India in the Third
Millennium B.C. via the Kingdom of Dilmun (Bahrain) that could have
provided access to ivory imports to Sumeria.

      In summary, ancient ivory carvings were common in Western Asia and
the sources of supply were varied and widespread.

      I have a few ancient ivory carvings from Western Asia in my
collection if anyone has an interest.

Best Regards,  John Piscopo