"Brit-Am Now"-341
December 21, 2003
1. Assyria
2. Article on the Khazars
3. Some Scythian History
I heard that the true Assyrians were the ones who took Israel captive, they
headed over towards Europe.. They are the race now know as Austrians and
southern Germans, who are swarthy thick set in features, which were the
features of the ancient Assyrians. The fair coloured northern Germans may
be part of the tribe of Gad.
Love Susan
Brit-Am Comment: Steven Collins also connects them to Gad but we disagree.
There were many Israelites once in Germany
but the overwhelming majority moved out. The migrations from Germany to
America in previous years were those of Israelites rejoining their brethren.
2. Article on the Khazars
by Lewis Lipkin.
3. Some Scythian History:
The Israelites were exiled in great numbers to the north.
The Cimmerians and Scythians were basically one people.
There is an overlapping between the exiled Israelites and the Cimmerians
and Scythians.
This overlap is explainable by two possibilities (both of which are
supported by the evidence):
a. Either the Israelites in their places of exile became identified as
Cimmerians and Scythians, or
b. The Cimmerians and Scythians were originally another people with whom
the exiled Israelites amalgamated.
Examples of such amalgamation in the Iranian area can still be seen in
Afghanistan where new groups
that enter the area have to join one or other of the existing Tribal
confederacies in order to survive. This often
entails the new group adopting something of the traditions of the
confederacy as its own and in some cases
imparting some of its own traditions to the Confederacy as a whole.
Proofs for this overlap in the Middle East include:
(1) The Israelites were taken to the "Cities of the Medes" according to the
(2-Kings 17) meaning what were the "Cities of the Medes" at the time of writing
(probably in the time of Ezra) but before then had been those of the Scythians
(according to Gadd based on Babylonian records).
(2) National and Tribal names of the Scythians were similar to Israelite ones.
(3) Assyrian descriptions of the Cimmerians imply that they were exiles
whom the Assyrians had
resettled and who later rebelled against Assyria.
(4) The artistic style of the Scythians was that of "Phoenicia" and Israel
and must have been
executed by Israelite or Phoenician craftsmen.
(5) Descriptions in the Bible and Talmud of the Lost Tribes in their places
of exile
and their activities only fit the known historical state and deeds of the
The group identified as Cimmerians (from whom the Scythians separated) went
westward at an early stage
and settled amongst in Britain and amongst the "Celts" in the west.
The Scythians took control of the Assyrian Empire, then lost it, and were
driven northwards
into what became known as "Scythia" meaning parts of Eastern Europe and
much of the former USSR.
In "Scythia" they were a minority who ruled over other peoples.
In "Scythia" indications that the "Scythians" were Israelites include:
(1) They revered a figure named "Aspurgos" who in effect was the Biblical
HAYNMAN, IRMA. "The Syncretic Creed of Hellenized Jews From
Tanais". Jerusalem 1994, World Union of Jewish Studies.
(2) Tribal names and groupings paralleled former Israelite ones.
(3) They had some Israelite customs including an aversion to pork.
(4) Early Jewish legends and later Christian traditions placed the Lost Ten
Tribes in their area.
The original Scythians moved westward into Europe and are identified as the
Goths, Angles, Saxons,
Franks, Vandals, and related peoples.
Evidence about this migration includes the following:
(1) Germany and the west about 500 BCE were relatively empty of peoples.
After that it became populated
with peoples moving in from the east whilst in Scythia previously
populated areas were being emptied.
(2) Names of "Germanic" tribes and tribal alliances are identical with or
very similar to those of former entities recorded in Scythia.
(3) They had legends that they came from Scythia.
(4) The Romans who were eye-witnesses at the time said that these peoples
had come to the west from Scythia and were Scythians under other names.
(5) There is some archaeological evidence tracing them to Scythia.
Most of these peoples moved out of Germany to the British Isles, France,
Holland, Belgium.
Proofs that they were Israelite include:
(1) As in Scythia and Germany, Tribal names and confederacies parallel
those of Israelite Tribes
as described in the Bible.
(2) Some religious beliefs and practices derive from Ancient Israel and
from the Middle East.
(3) There are traditions that relate them to Ancient Israel.
(1) customs and beliefs were often derived from Ancient Israel or from
their Canaanite neighbors.
(2) Linguistic evidence proves the existence of a West Semitic substratum.
(3) Archaeological evidence proves a link to Ancient Israel and the Middle
(4) The Cimmerian-Celts in the West joined with other Israelites who had
not been associated with
The Cimmerians and Scythians but had gone directly westward to Spain and
from there moved out
into France and the British Isles. There is archaeological and epigraphic
evidence for this. They referred to themselves as "Iberi" meaning Hebrews.
All of the above is basically "secular" evidence in so far as it can be
judged by secular criteria.
Additional proofs belong more to a "religious" (and better) sphere and include:
(1) The national characteristics of the peoples in question are those of
Israelite Tribes.
(2) The Bible and related sources describe the Lost Ten Tribes in the End
Times and these
descriptions can ONLY PERTAIN to the peoples in question.