"Brit-Am Now"- 416
June 23, 2004
1. Emigration from Bavaria to the USA
2. Attempt at Reunification?
3. Has Reunification Already Happened (in part)?
4. Questions on Portuguese and Gypsies
5. Genesis
1. Emigration from Bavaria to the USA
From: Herdick <michael.herdick@hdbg.bayern.de>
Subject: Emigration from Bavaria to the USA
Dear Mr./Ms. Davidiy,
for the first time there is an exhibition that is concerned with people,
who left Bavaria and the former Bavarian Palatinate since 1683 in order to
find a new homeland in the United States from the Bavarian point of view:
Good Bye Bayern - Gr Gott America
Auswanderung aus Bayern nach Amerika 1683 - 2003
Alte Schranne, N rdlingen
25. Juni bis 26. September 2004-06-16 ffnungszeiten: 10am - 6pm
Mentioning the multi-faceted emigration-history of the Bavarians to the USA
implicates always a description of political and legal conditions, as well
as the work of emigration-agents, who told the inhabitants of Bavaria only
the best about the life in the "new world". But there were also attempts of
the regional governments to hold back their residents from emigrating, or
on the other hand they were conducive to send some other people - mainly
socially disadvantaged people - abroad. The exhibition tells us about
seaports, that became with the hordes of immigrants as well booming cities,
as they had to deal with diverse social problems, that needed a lot of
effort to be solved. For exemplifying one of these problems it is told
about the bad conditions on the emigrationships, that couldn't be changed
before the 20th century.
One of the biggest parts of the exhibition is a description of integration
and life of the Bavarian emigrants in their new homeland. Of particular
importance is the mutual exchange, the developing German-American culture,
especially paintings and photography.
The exhibition focuses not only on the phenomenon of mass-emigration but
aims rather on giving emigrating people a personality and not leaving them
in anonymity. Therefore there are several biographies of famous,
non-famous, successful and failed Bavarian emigrants presented.
Accompanying the exhibition a catalogue that contains continuative essays,
the mentioned biographies and catalogue-articles about the exhibits will be
published. You can order this catalogue in our online-shop, www.hdbg.de
<http://www.hdbg.de>, for EUR 18,00 ( plus mailing expenses ).
Further information can be found on www.auswanderung.hdbg.de
<http://www.auswanderung.hdbg.de> where a round tour through the
exhibition, articles of the preparing colloquium, sources and photographs
are presented. In the next days you can see an English version.
We would be very pleased to get a feedback from you!
With kind regards,
Michael Herdick
Michael Herdick M.A.
Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, www.hdbg.de
Postfach 101751
86007 Augsburg
Tel. 0821/3295-214
Fax 0821/3295-220
2. Attempt at Reunification?
Re: "Brit-Am Now"-415
item: 2. Attempted Reunification of Judah and Joseph
>I must have missed some post or such--
>I do not know to what you are referring on 'attempted Reunification..."
>Could you please forward me a description of what your referring to or
>give me some explanation on what was done, said, etc toward
>I have been a strong supporter of the return of Ephraim/ Joseph ( and
>other tribes) as indicated in prophecy and their joining with Judah in
>the land to establish a unified Israel like under King David with all 12
>Shalom, Richard Atwood
Sorry, I gave the wrong impression. Recently a Christian activist (not
connected with
Brit-Am) was advised by a Rabbi (also not connected with us) to start a
of Christians (who identified as "Joseph" and who would promise not to
missionize) to be allowed to come and settle in Israel.
We said that though we did not think the time was right, nevertheless
since the petition had already begun
we were encouraging people to participate in it.
Somehow our names got mixed up with it.
Then the enterprise fell though and the organizer backed out.
People turned to us on the matter, and still do.
The whole thing actually had very little (if anything) to do with us.
People who are inclined in this direction should however not be discouraged.
Things are moving.
In the future we will probably prefer to act alone or at least only in
where control over policies is mutual.
3. Has Reunification Already Heppened (in part)?
Craig Blackwood, wrote:
>Shalom Yair
>Could the reunification of Joseph and Judah already (in part) taken
>place where Judah (Scots/Irish) became unified with England as UNITED
>KINGDOM -UK. Previous to this Joseph (England) and Judah (Scotland and
>Ireland [north] have always battled each other. Could Isaiah 11:13 be
>fulfilled? Prior to the unification envy, vexing and harassment very
>well sums up the relationship these had, now they work together.
Perhaps. It is worth considering. The Scots (and by implication the
were referred to on occasion as "Jews" by the English and there were
as mentioned in our works "The Tribes" and "Lost Israelite Identity".
4. Questions on Portuguese and Gypsies
>Shalom mr. Davidiy,
>I have a few questions.
>I heard a while ago a traditional singing called "fado",
>which is Portugese. It struck me almost immidiately as
>being very similar to typical Jewish meloncholical songs.
>Aren't they called "wailing" songs? Anyway, I wonder if you
>know if there were any movements of Israelites to Portugal.
>In The Tribes, chapter 12, you write -among other things,
>about the "Sigins" or "Sigynnae". I wanted to bring to your
>attention that the Rumanians used the word "zhigyjn" or
>"zhygyin" (not quite sure of the spelling), and that was
>the word used for the people we know as the Gypsies or
>Roma. I wonder if you have done any research on Israelite
>origins of the Gypsies/Roma. It is believed that they came
>from India, originally, but were somehow cast out or taken
>prisoners, just like the Jews had been. They had to flee
>for centuries, like the Jews. Some say the Gypsies/Roma
>have a connection to Egypt. If so, that could strengthen
>the possibility of them having Israelite origins. Also,
>"zhygijn" or "zhygyin" came to mean "slave", after being
>just a name for their people, just like the Jews became
>slaves and the name of their people synonomous with slaves.
>Here are a couple of sites on them:
>In the Tribes, chapter 12, you also write about research
>done about the meaning of the name "Norway", which is
>concluded to be from Neuri, which again comes from "naar".
>In the Scand. languages, similar words as "naar" are used
>in common speech. For instance, "når" in Danish (earlier
>"naar"!) and Norwegian, and "när" in Swedish, means "when".
>It can also mean "reaches" ("når") in the three languages.
>"När" can also mean "close" in Swedish, and means the same
>for "nær" in Norwegian and Danish.
>Thank you for any response.
You Asked:
a. Were Israelites in Portugal?
b. Were the Gypsies the Sigins?
c. Are the Gypsies Israelites?
a. We traced Israelites to Portugal and Galaicia in Northwest Spain and
from there they moved
to Gaul and the British Isles.
Concerning the Gypsies:
b. Linguists say the Gypsies emerged from India at a late date
The web -site you mention says:
<<The Gypsies' true ancestors, however, were a group of people who left
India between AD 800 and 950 (Gmelch 52).>>
DNA people (for what it is worth) also say that the Gypsies split off from
Indian populations but give an estimated date
far earlier that the lingusits do.
Where they Sigins?
Maybe. The names "Sigin" and "zhygyin" (Gypsy) are about the same.
The Sigins were described (by Herodotos and others) as wandering around
in wagons drawn by small ("Shetland"-type) ponies which also suggests a
gypsy type wandering scattered about lifestyle.
Herodotus wrote ca 400 BCE which makes some difficulty
with the late "out-of-India" hypothesis since Herodotus says they were
already in
Eastern Europe in his time.
in "The Tribes" chapter 12, I said:
<<Other Naphtalite Groups
<<A connection has been suggested (by Franz Altheim7) between the
Naphtalites and a people known as "Sigins" or "Sigynnae". Strabo placed the
Sigins east of the Caspian Sea and described their use of chariots drawn by
swift shaggy horses. They were bordered by the Alans to their west.
Herodotus (5:9) described the same people (calling them Sigynnae) and
placed them in Europe north of the Danube. He mentions the same type of
shaggy horse. The Sigins appear to have been scattered over great distances
in the same way as the Alans were. Herodotus said that the dress of the
Sigins was like that of the Medes and that they claimed to be colonists of
the Medes. The exiled Israelites had been re-settled in "Cities of the
Medes" (2-Kings 17:6). Archaeological findings8 indicate that the Sigins
were related to the Sequani who were located in east central Gaul and west
of the Helvetti in Switzerland. Amongst the northern Belgae Caesar9
mentions the Tribe of Segni. Similarly, Snorre said that SIGI (cf. Segni,
Sigin, etc.) son of Odin received a kingdom in France. He may have been
referring to a section of the Vandals who invaded France.
Chinese sources10 indicate that a portion of the Naphtali
("Little Goths") were in Serica to the far east of Scythia. These were the
SIZYGES (Sigini) mentioned by Ptolemy who were in proximity to the Damnae
(of Dan), the Chatae Scythae, and the Achassa.>>
The sources I quoted were good ones but they may have been mistaken and so
may I.
In general we trace Israelites to Eastern Scythia and from there to the
west. Some of our
suggestions are more certain than others. In some cases notions of ours
have been confirmed
and strengthened by later researches. Our overall claims are fairly certain
and those that correspond with Biblical sources definitely so. Nevertheless
on some (mostly marginal)
issues we may have been mistaken. We are not saying that we were mistaken
in this case only that
we would be open to the results of additional research on these issues.
c. Are the Gypsies Israelites?
We doubt it very much since from what we know they do not meet most of the
criteria we have adopted
to decide on such matters.
Yair Davidiy
5. Genesis
God chose Abraham to be blessed and to bring a blessing upon
all the peoples of the earth (Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 cf. 24:4).
Abraham was promised that his seed would be extremely numerous (15:5,
22:17). He was assured that he would inherit the Land of Canaan (15:7,
17:8) from the Nile to the Euphrates (15:8). Nations and Kings would emerge
from Abraham (17:6). Sarah the wife of Abraham was blessed that she would
become a mother of nations and "kings of peoples" would come from her
(17:16, 21): This means the monarchs of several nations ruling at one and
the same time, such as the monarchs of Western European countries do now.
Only Isaac the son of Abraham would inherit the covenant of Abraham (17:19,
21:12). One of the purposes of the promises was that through the blessings
the descendants of Abraham would be enabled to do justice and judgment
(18:19). Abraham was told that his seed would inherit the "gate of his
enemies" (22:17 cf. 24:60). Isaac married Rebecca who it was predicted
would become the mother of "alfei revava" or "thousands of ten thousands"
(24:60) and that her seed would possess "the gate of those who hate them"
(24:60). Isaac was given all the Land of Canaan (26:3). Isaac was to be the
ancestor of innumerable descendants through whom all the world would be
blessed (24:4, 32:12).
Jacob received the blessing of the firstborn from his father
Isaac by pretending to be Esau (27:27). Jacob was promised a healthy
climate, agricultural plenty and mineral riches (27:28 repeated in the
blessing to Joseph 49:25) and that he would be the master of his brethren
and rule over nations (27:29). Jacob was to receive the blessings of
Abraham and to inherit the Land (28:4, 35:12). His seed was to spread all
over the earth (28:14). Rachel bore Joseph (30:24) and Benjamin (35:18).
Joseph according to the Talmud is destined to defeat Edom. Jacob overcame
the angel and received the name "Israel" (32:28). Jacob was promised that a
nation and a company of nations and kings would come from him (35:11).
Joseph married Asenath daughter of Potiphera priest of On (41:50) and begat
Manasseh (41:51) whose name in Hebrew means "delegated responsible
representation" such as that of the USA. The second son of Joseph was
Ephraim (41:52) whose name in Hebrew implies an aristocratic system such as
that still found only in Britain. The names of the sons and grandsons of
Israel (ch.46) are similar to the names of descendants of Israelite Tribes
who populated much of Western Europe. Jewish tradition and Arab legends
trace the Lost Ten Tribes to Western Europe.
Before he died Jacob blessed Joseph (48:3) and made Ephraim
and Manasseh full-fledged tribes in their own right (48:5-6). Ephraim and
Manasseh would become a multitude in the midst of the earth. The name of
Jacob would be called upon them and the name of the forefathers Abraham and
Isaac (48:16). This means primarily that the essence of the forefathers
would be expressed through the sons of Joseph. It has a secondary meaning
that the very names would recall the forefathers. Abraham was known as "The
Hebrew" (14:13) and the early inhabitants of Britain called themselves and
were termed by others "Iberi" meaning "Hebrews". Names given to the
Scythians and to the Saxons who settled England were derived from the name
Isaac. The name "Jacob" is recalled in the Union Jack of Britain meaning
the Uniting of Jacob, and in the nickname "Yanki" which is short for Jacob.
Joseph received the rights of the first-born (49:26 cf.
1-Chronicles 5:1) and these were passed onto Ephraim who would be greater
than Manasseh. Ephraim would become a multitude of nations (48:19), "malo
hagoim" (i.e. "fullness of the nations") and rule over other peoples
(Targum Onkelos). Manasseh would also become great after Ephraim (48:19).
Jacob blessed all of his sons concerning their destiny in the Latter Times
(49:1). Judah would keep the law and teach his brethren who would
eventually acknowledge the righteousness of Judah (49:8). Judah would be
like an old lion. Judah (unlike the other tribes) would always be
recognizable as descended from Israel. Zebulon would dwell on the seashores
(49:13) as the Dutch descendants of the Sabalingoi ("People of Zebulon")
do. Two-thirds of Holland requires the protection of "dykes" to protect it
from the Sea. Joseph would establish overseas colonies (49:22) and would
help Judah re-settle the land. Joseph would have his presence felt in many
oceans. Joseph would be blessed with good climate, agricultural plenty and
mineral wealth (49:25). Joseph would dwell in separate areas from his
brothers (49:26) like the North Americans, British, Australians, New
Zealanders, and South Africans do. The son of Manasseh was Machir (50:23)
whose name in Hebrew embodies the concept of Capitalism. The name Machir
evolved into the name of America. The symbol of the USA is a pyramid which
was a symbol of Joseph.
The blessings given unto the forefather had to be fulfilled in
the Last Days. The only possible peoples who fulfill all the criteria
mentioned in the Bible are the nations of Western Europe alongside Britain
and her daughters and the USA.
SPECIAL OFFER: May last For a Limited Time Only
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"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
[A Summary of Most of the Major Biblical and Historical Research
Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
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"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).