"Brit-Am Now"- 426

1. Dave Jackson: Not Only Vikings
2. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
part two
4. 50 Most Common American Surnames
Distribution by State of 50 Most Common American Surnames
5. 50 commonest  British Surnames

1. Dave Jackson: Not Only Vikings
Subject: Brit-Am Now 425 (Reply)

Thomas Gray's remarks from Bolivia in Brit-Am 425 were interesting and right
in most of their points, in my opinion.  However, I think to say that the
Viking's are responsible for "every main civilization of Europe" is perhaps
going too far.  Even ignoring the Mediterranean cultures, such as Greece and
Rome, it must be acknowledged that there were other civilized peoples in
Europe.  One of the more touching episodes recorded from the early Middle
Ages is the Frankish King Charlemagne standing on his castle balcony
overlooking the sea and seeing a Viking ship brazenly patrolling in his
waters.  He cries, saying to one of his attendants "I am not afraid of what
they can do to me (he had fought them incessantly), but what they will do to
my kingdom when I am gone".  The Franks were certainly more prosperous than
the Scandinavians at that time -- that's the reason these early Vikings
raided them.

The Christian King Alfred of the West Saxons fought a life-and-death
struggle against the Danish Vikings, thus preserving what later became the
Anglo-Saxon culture.  (I realize the Anglo-Saxons were ultimately
Scandinavian, but they would not in any sense have considered their distant
Scandinavian relations a civilizing element!)

And the non-Scandinavian Celtic Irish would certainly have considered
themselves the civilized ones with respect to the pagan Vikings who attacked
them and settled in their territory.

In general, I agree that the identifiably Scandinavian-derived peoples of
Europe: the English, Saxons, Normans, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Jutes,
Frisians, and perhaps a few others, had the most successful and enduring
civilizing impact upon Europe.  But I think the Brit-Am position that
others, such as the Scots, Britons and Irish (all of whom also seem to be
traceable to Israel in some measure) likewise made significant contributions
is the correct one.

Dave Jackson
Missouri, USA

2. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
Online book may interest some:
Franz Cumont, "The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism":

part two

Leipt was the name of a holy river in Old Scandinavian mythology. The word
Leipt meant "flashing" (of lightning) in Old Scandinavian. It could
therefore be related to the Hebrew word LaPID meaning "flaming torch".


The god Tyr in Scandinavian mythology is identical to the Germanic Tuisto
(also known as Tiwaz) who according to Tacitus was the most
most ancient of the Germanic gods. According to "Fornnordiskt lexikon" by
ke Ohlmarks the name Tuisto means "The twofold." Further he says that
Tuisto got his name because of Tyr's two hands which usually are raised in
pictures of Tyr, Since Tuisto and Tyr most probably are identical, then the
name Tyr probably means "Twofold" analogously to the name Tuisto. This
possibility is considerably strengthened by the fact that according to one
of my dictionaries the word TYaRa' (T-Y-R-A) meant "pair" in post-biblical
Jewish Aramaic! We can therefore conclude that the name of the ancient
Scandinavian god Tyr originally was an Aramaic name which meant "two" or
"twofold", identical in meaning to the Germanic Tuisto!!Y


In "The Tribes" it was demonstrated how most of the Swedes descend from Gad
and how the Svea who were one of the major peoples who settled in Sweden
were also known as "Suioni". This name "Suioni" is a form of Shuni, which
was one of the clans of Gad. According to one of my Hebrew-English
dictionaries the Hebrew proper name SHUNI (SHin-Vav-Nun-Yod) (a son of Gad,
see Gen. 46:16) has the etymological meaning "quiet". This name resembles
the Swedish proper name Sune, earlier spelt Suni (some of the male Vikings
also had that name). Suni in Old Scandinavian meant both "son" and
"peacemaker". Maybe it could also be said to mean "peaceful man". Thus we
possibly have SHUNI = "quiet" in Hebrew and SUNI = "peaceful" in Old
Scandinavian, i.e. in effect, they both have the same meaning!! Some
Israelite Tribes pronounced "sh" as "s," -for instance, the Tribe of
Ephraim said "Siboleth" instead of "shiboleth" (Judges 12;6).


The word IRMIN meant "mighty" in Old Scandinavian. It is synonymous to the
word HEID. Thus the mightiest king of the kingdom of the Goths was known
both as Heidrek and as Ermanarik, both words connoting "mighty". I hereby
suggest that the Old Scandinavian words IRMIN and HEID could have come from
the Hebrew ARMON  and HOD respectively, because ARMON means "palace" and is
so called from being lofty (from  the root ROM or RAM) according to my
dictionary and HOD means "majesty" and since the Hebrew vowels are fluid,
could have lent itself to a pronunciation similar to "Heid".

             In "The Tribes" by Yair Davidy it is demonstrated how Sweden
was dominated by descendants of the Tribe of Gad while Scotland and
Northern England received many from Asher and indeed Scotland appears to be
the land allocated to Asher: Asher and Gad were full-brother sons of Jacob
by his concubine Zilpa and these were the only two sons Zilpa had. The
following extract shows the presence of Scottish settlers in Sweden
performing a positive and naturally fraternal role and "both Asher and Gad
were sons of Silpa".

Here's a quote from the book Scots in Sweden (from the Preface by Gusta Berg.):

             "With none of the small nations of Europe, outside
Scandinavia, has Sweden maintained such intimate connections through the
years as with Scotland. Only France can compete with Sweden as to the
number of enterprising Scots who have immigrated into the country.
             "The ability to adapt shown by these men, and their skill and
character, enabled them to function as leaders, in some cases pioneers, in
different sectors of Swedish life. They served as officers in the armies
with which Sweden defended its newly won status as a great power in the
different theatres of war on the Continent, and they worked as merchants
and captains of industry, above all in Gothenburg on the Swedish West
Coast. They introduced new and more efficient methods of agriculture, and
in the 19th century they played a leading role in achieving freedom of
religion. Scotland has been the giver and Sweden the receiver, and we have
every reason to be deeply grateful to a country that has supplied us with
so much skill, enterprise and devoted energy.
reprinted from our magazine "Tribesman" (since replaced by "Brit-Am Truth")
issue no.4

Y Editor's Note: Tuisto was the father of Mannus identified by us as
Menasseh. The raising of two hands in Hebrew tradition symbolizes blessing.
Jacob blessed the two sons of Joseph Ephraim and Menasseh. We believe there
is a connection.

4. 50 Most Common American Surnames
50 Most Common American Surnames (US Census 1990)
1. Smith11. Anderson21. Clark31. Wright41. Mitchell
2. Johnson12. Thomas22. Rodriguez32. Lopez42. Perez
3. Williams13. Jackson23. Lewis33. Hill43. Roberts
4. Jones14. White24. Lee34. Scott44. Turner
5. Brown15. Harris25. Walker35. Green45. Phillips
6. Davis16. Martin26. Hall36. Adams46. Campbell
7. Miller17. Thompson27. Allen37. Baker47. Parker
8. Wilson18. Garcia28. Young38. Gonzalez48. Evans
9. Moore19. Martinez29. Hernandez39. Nelson49. Edwards
10. Taylor20. Robinson30. King40. Carter50. Collins
source: http://www.lifesmith.com/comnames.html

Distribution by State of 50 Most Common American Surnames

5. 50 commonest  British Surnames
Here is a list of the 50 commonest and rarest British Surnames. This list
was compiled from an analysis of the Electoral Rolls. The Associated Town
column shows the most popular location for particular common name.
50 Commonest Names Numbers in Thousands Associated Town
·  Smith 515 Lerwick
·  Jones 392 Llandudno
·  Williams 267 Llandudno
·  Brown 243 Galashiels
·  Taylor 236 Oldham
·  Davies 203 Swansea
·  Wilson 174 Kilmarnok
·  Evans 162 Swansea
·  Thomas 145 Swansea
·  Johnson 139 Lerwick
·  Roberts 135 Llandudno
·  Walker 125 Wakefield
·  Wright 124 Norwich
·  Robinson 120 Darlington
·  Thompson 119 Newcastle
·  White 117 Dorchester
·  Hughes 113 Llandudno
·  Edwards 111 Llandudno
·  Green 110 Wigan
·  Hall 109 Durham
·  Wood 106 Huddersfield
·  Harris 104 Newport
·  Lewis 103 Llandrindod W.
·  Martin 102 Harris
·  Jackson 102 Carlisle
·  Clarke 101 Ipswich
·  Clark 101 Dundee
·  Turner 100 Wolverhampton
·  Hill 95 Dudley
·  Scott 94 Galashiels
·  Cooper 94 Walsall
·  Morris 90 Shrewsbury
·  Ward 89 Lincoln
·  Moore 88 Norwich
·  King 86 Colchester
·  Watson 85 Sunderland
·  Baker 83 Taunton
·  Harrison 83 York
·  Morgan 81 Llandrindod W.
·  Patel 81 Harrow
·  Young 80 Galashiels
·  Allen 78 Leicester
·  Mitchell 77 Dundee
·  James 76 Swansea
·  Anderson 76 Lerwick
·  Phillips 76 Swansea
·  Lee 74 London (West)
·  Bell 72 Carlisle
·  Parker 71 Derby
·  Davis 70 Gloucester

www.hamrick.com%252Fn5. 50 Most Common American Surnames

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