"Brit-Am Now"- 496

Dec 29, 2004

1. More Improvements to Web Site
2. Shlomo Scheinman: Notes on Cyrus
3. The Tribes now available. New Price

1. More Improvements to Web Site
The home page and the rest of the site has ben improved and upgraded
by the Brit-Am Webmaster, Betty Rhodes.
Betty used an idea supplied by one of our correspondents, Kyle Ingle,
>  "the blue/white rows with the
>red 'flower-star' in the center"

"- on the
>Biblical Proof page you will find a new set up

>And for the 'lost tribes' button - which takes you to
>the the 'Israelites' page there are now links which
>will take you to the individual 'tribal identity'
>articles -  http://britam.org/israelites.html

>I have added some new search engines and put them on a
>seperate 'search' page at:

see also:
>Brit-Am Books [as well as the individual book pages]:

Our article on the Khazars recently received a favorable appraisal

2. Shlomo Scheinman: Notes on Cyrus
From: shlomo scheinman
>Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 11:02:45 +0200
>From: 600000sch <sch@600000men.com>
>Subject: cyrus
>At my web site at 600000men.com I have a lot of material on judaism
>might be of interest to you.
>Several comments I would like to make.
>kol hator does say that cyrus is under the control of Messiah son of
>but it is not that cyrus is a jew rather just under the influence of
>such as the cyrus of the tanakh was.
>When we say that cyrus was the son of esther We are basicly refering
>darius who had an additional two names artachshasta and cyrus, This is
>on tractate rosh hashana daf 3 which says that darius - the king after
>achashverosh in whose time the second temple was completed after being
>started by the first cyrus- was also called cyrus and artachshasta
>the name darius in gematria rashi points out in one place in gematria
is 520
>just like cyrus.
>Harry truman when spelled hey reish yud tet reish vav mem nun also is
>and also george bush is also 520 in gematria
>kol hator says that an equal gematria often shows that they have a
>divine task to fulfill in the world.
>coresh- cyrus is sometimes spelled in the tanakh without a vav and
>with a vav.
>Harry truman headed the allies that defeated germany and helped aliya
>a cyrus like activity
>george bush in his time the soviets fell and the great  aliya from
russia to
>Israel started
>George W=vav Bush is fighting the arab world and maybe more good
things will
>happen in his time
>One should also stress that chazal stress that at the end cyrus went
>after his initial help of the jews
>and that is somewhat true also of the modern cyruses
>I believe that the biological descendents of the ten tribes are mostly
>Afghanistan [and Pakistan and in other countries nearby] as the
>yisrael on sanhedrin states and as pointed out at length by rabbi
>Avichail who wrote extensively on the subject.
>I have more to say but too many details might spoil the letter
>best wishes
>shlomo scheinman

Thank you for your letter. I have looked at your site and found it
The Tiferet Yisrael was wrong and so is Avichail and his crew, Sorry.

3. The Tribes now available. New Price
The new 3rd edition of "The Tribes" is now available.
All pre-publication orders are being packaged and will be sent out.
Those who made such orders helped Brit-Am and also got themselves a
that was well worth acquiring as shortly they will see.

For what may be a limited period only it will be possible to order a
of "The Tribes" for $30 per book.
This price includes postage by airmail.
The book reads well, looks good, and is very big and copiously
The illustrations are valuable and informative as well as assisting the
textual reading. They add light to the text. There are many maps, much
The whole text has been re-written, the format upgraded  and on the
the book is a pleasure to behold.
Do yourself a favor and order a copy NOW and you will be also helping
and Brit-Am needs your help.
Book is a Classic. ca 592 pages including 48 maps and 44
illustrations.  $30 only.

Spreading the Brit-Am message is our task.
We do this full time and God willing will continue to do so
as long as necessary.
Your purchases and offerings enable us to work for our peoples.
If possible please send us an offering along with an order for our
Books offered:
All prices include postage by  air-mail.

Just Printed:
"THE TRIBES. The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples" (3rd edition)
Book is a Classic. ca 592 pages including 48 maps and 44 illustrations.
Vital information in a highly readable text. Special introductory price
only $30.

"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
[A Summary of Most of the Major Biblical and Historical Research
Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
PLUS a sample issue of our
  magazine BRIT-AM Truth
Any two  of the above four books plus an issue of the magazine for $30
All four books plus an issue of the magazine for $50

Magazine "Brit-Am Truth" usual price $15 one issue
5 issues $40
12 issues $80
20 issues for $120

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"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).
