2. Brit-Am Updates and Request
We are about to begin (we hope) an intensified restudy of Amos and Micah and
from there will continue to the rest of the Taanach.
This is in addition to the ongoing studies in the Psalms, Kings, etc we are
already engaged in and a study of Daniel we intend to return to.
Brit-Am is also engaged in researching different historical matters.
The research is important.
The Biblical Research is especially vital.
Wew need to be able to stand up in any forum and declare our position from
We can do this now but more study and additional findings will grant greater
depth and surety enabling us in the future, or they who come after us,
to surge forward when the time comes.
We need funding for all this and for other Brit-Am functions and activities.
If you believe in Brit-Am or even just regard us with favor then you should also
be aware that by helping us you will be blessed.
In addition to the ongoing needs that existed Brit-Am is now faced with new
debts and demands.
The sums concerned are not great when it is considered all that we have done,
are doing, and what we are.
Nevertheless the needs exist and must be met and offerings from our subscribers
are the only source we have to meet them with.
Help Brit-Am.
For details as to how offerings should be sent, go to:
3. Pleased with Poems and Requests to
Display Them.
(1) Nancy wrote:
Re: Rule the Seas:
Hello Yair. That is a beautiful poem, Rule the Seas!! If it is
ok with you I am going to recopy it and put it on my wall...
(2) Jennie wrote:
Re: Poem Bible Proofs: Atlantic Ocean and Tarshish
Fabulous Poem!
Re: Poem: Rule the Seas, be in Many Waters
I hope you don't mind if I frame your poem on my wall for my family.
Brit-Am Reply to Nancy to Jenny:
Of course it is OK to post our poem on your wall.
It is OK to use these poems however you like.
Send them to whomsoever you will.
In fact that is what we would like you to do.
Just acknowledge the authorship of Yair Davidiy or Brit-Am.
4. Bo
Israelites are attracted to the Sea!
Good Day Yair Davidiy and Brit-Am,
Thank you for the interesting articles about seafarers. Mauritius is an
island in the mid-Indian Ocean with many sailing yachts visiting Port
Louis. I have noted that most flags of these sailing yachts are from the
nations which Brit-Am recognizes as having large populations from the
lost tribes of Israel. Those populations are adventurous and go to sea for
the pleasure.
The same can be said about some of the population in Mauritius, which is
a multicultural island. Groups of people that corresponds to the Brit-Am
criteria for descending from the lost tribes of Israel are drawn to the sea.
Seafaring Goth / Bo Ingvar Ronn / Indian Ocean
5. World Problems of Israelite Nations:
Brit-Am May Provide a Solution!
Brit-Am sends out its message which in different ways reaches quite a few people
and does have an effect.
In the future we may reach more.
The Peoples we identify as having a substantial number of Israelites amongst
them all face serious problems at the moment.
For some the situation is nearing crisis level.
Jews in the State of Israel are
being constantly challenged to justify their very existence and right to the
Promised Land.
The Jewish state of Israel has problems with water supplies and its Arab
population. In order to survive it will have to expand and become more Jewish
whereas all pressures at present are in the opposite direction.
In Sweden and Holland
chances are that within a few decades they will be ruled by Muslims due to the
Muslim birth-rate.
Already in Sweden the rape of Swedish women by Muslims is reaching epidemic
In South Africa attacks on women
and white people are extremely serious and there are threats of this worsening.
In certain areas of the USA
serious problems of like nature exist and this is coupled with an ongoing
economic crisis.
Australia is under threat from
its neighbors.
And the list goes on.
The problem is compounded. Not only are we faced with threats from an external
foe. Our own youth and neighbors have abandoned Biblical Values.
Our nations it seems are loosing the will to live as viable entities.
Evil must be rejected, resisted, and overcome.
Brit-Am helps restore faith in the Bible.
Brit-Am places our national histories in a Biblical Perspective.
Brit-Am helps heal the breach between Judah and Joseph.
Brit-Am can help show a pathway forward.
Pleased with what you read?
The Brit-Am enterprise is a Biblical work. God willing, they who assist Brit-Am will be blessed.
Brit-Am depends on contributions alongside purchases of our publications
Click Here to make an offering.
Click Here to view our publications.
'It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without
God or the Bible.'
George Washington
Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.