.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1439
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
3 January 2010, 17 Tevet 5770
1. What Did Happen to the Coat of Joseph?
2. George Forrester: Historical Parallels of Ahab versus
Didrik Saemundsson: The Diamond (Square) Tartan-Type Mode of Weaving in the Temple Garments


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1. What Did Happen to the Coat of Joseph?
Dennis McGinlay wrote:
Re Brit-Am Now no. 1438
#1. TRL : Would Joseph Have Remade His Garment?


Dear Yair
TRL has a valid point when he mentions that Joseph's coat was returned to his father 'torn and bloodied'. What's your understanding on this?
Dennis McGinlay


Brit-Am Reply:
I understand the point of the question to refer to the statue which Rohl claims represents Joseph.
We do not think that Rohl is correct.
We said:
#The original statue was that of a prominent dignitary (with his own small palace) in Egypt. He was of Israelite or Canaanite origin or at least from the area of Ancient Canaan. He did have red hair and fair skin and his dress bore a pattern similar to that shown by Rohl. This however is not enough to identify the figure depicted as Joseph the Patriarch.#

It make our own position on this question clear we have since added the following to the above comment:

## We ourselves DO NOT THINK that the statuette represents Joseph but it is interesting that others consider such a possibility and the statuette has significance in its own right. ##

We are stating EXPLICITLY that we ourselves do not think it is Joseph.

We did find it interesting that others thought it was Joseph and that the individual concerned was considered clearly of Hebrew or Canaanite origin
and that his dress bore a tartan-type pattern similar to that which Joseph probably had on his coat of many colors.

What happened to the coat of Joseph after it was torn and bloodied and taken to Jacob and if Joseph ever had a replica made in Egypt are matters we know not of.

What interests us is that the Coat of Joseph apparently really was of tartan-type design and this pattern is now associated with Scotland
and through Scotland has been widely adopted in Ulster, the USA, Canada, and elsewhere.

2. George Forrester: Historical Parallels of Ahab versus Aram
From: jracforr@comcast.net
Subject: Re: 1 Kings 20 (part one)
This drama [ 1 Kings 20: 1-5 ] looks a lot like Prussia's / Aram  entry into an alliance against revolutionary France and the panic and fear that gripped Paris as the news of the impending attack spread. As the prophecy said " the young leaders of the province " would prevail against Aram and so they did. Ahab like the French king Louis was on the verge of being executed and had to consult with the people who held the real power.

George Forrester

3. Didrik Saemundsson: The Diamond (Square) Tartan-Type Mode of Weaving in the Temple Garments
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1436
#1. Brit-Am Answers More Criticism from TG about the Coat of Joseph

Shalom Yair Davidiy,

I have been following your discussion about the coat of Joseph.
It was a very noble dress this is about all questions.
But when I was reading around it and in (according to my bible) in the 28 Chapter of Exodus.
There it stands about the holy clothes of the highest priest that some of his clothes should be woven in diamonds (squares).
Therefore it is obvious for me that they know about to weave in diamonds, but that is the fundament of all woven squares. And what is more likely that it have been following somehow with the ten tribes as the noble mode of weaving.

But I have a question about the bands around the neck and also the belt?
Here in Iceland is still known a method to weave where you use cards with four holes, and you can use several cards after each other in the same weave fasten on a special board. With this method you can only weave belts or bands. But they can be quite ornamental and often with some words woven in it and many colours.

Is there anything known about the method used to make the bands and belts of the highest priest clothes?

Yours sincerely


Brit-Am Reply:
How are things in Iceland?
You said:
#There it stands about the holy clothes of the highest priest that some of his clothes should be woven in diamonds (squares).#
You evidently have a translation that more correctly translates the expression "cotonet tashbetz" (Exodus 28:4) as "woven in diamond (square)" shapes i.e. in a plaid tartan-type pattern.
The King James Version renders the expression as A BROIDERED COAT and the New King James makes it "a skillfully woven tunic".
Since it is obvious that this pattern was known to the Ancient Israelites and was highly regarded and considered a recognition of status
then the whole question as to whether it was the pattern on the Coat of Joseph receives a new perspective.
Thank you for pointing this out.
See also:
Scottish Tartan and the Temple

As to your other questions these are of a technical nature that we cannot answer but they do open up possibilities for more specialized research in these areas..


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