.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1443
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
11 January 2010, 25 Tevet 5770
1. Owen Murphy: "reach the man on an individual basis"!
2. James W.: Ten Tribes Lost Awareness
3. John Montgomery:  Question on
Gomer and the Celts
4. David
Bedwell: Lost Ten Tribes = Gentile?
5. New Article: Tartan in Ireland.


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1. Owen Murphy: "reach the man on an individual basis"!
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1442
#1. Dennis McGinlay as a Lad in Tartan

Yair- Your post regarding the Tartan and your determination to continue exploring and reporting on it are well taken. I think Dennis McGinlys comments illustrate the point.  Every person has two major aspects of their lives that they are constantly aware of, what they look like and how they dress on a daily basis.Ones interest is caught and held by this universal human aspect of life. You may reach a nation by war and or economic conquest but you reach the man on an individual basis.
  Who am I ? Where did I come from? Why do I dress the way I do? These capture the interest and imagination on a deep psychological and emotional level. I remember reading Herbert W. Armstrongs book on the United States and Britain in prophecy with the most intense interest and the result was to take a much wider view of world events and history.
  Dennis makes my point well.
Why else would he include the comment on what he wore as a boy ?
  Cheers Owen
2. James W.: Ten Tribes Lost Awareness
Your online information fascinates me. I have always maintained that the "10 Lost Tribes of Israel" did not get lost. They mostly lost their awareness of being God's Chosen People.
At a young age, 6th grade history class, I became curious when I learned about the expulsion of Jews from Russia in 1872. My great-grandfather came from there...in 1872?
3. John Montgomery:  Question on Gomer and the Celts
re Brit-Am Now no. 1442
#2. Answers to Historical Criticism of Brit-Am: Cimmerians and Scythians


I thought that Gomer was father of all Celts. Wasnt he given the area now called Normandy and wasnt it his line that settled the Celtic nations? Ireland, Scotland, England? And because of this woudnt it be possible for the Tartan to have followed with him?

Brit-Am Reply:
Gomer in the Bible is a son of Japhet son of Noah (Genesis 10). Gomer had three sons, Ashkenaz, Togarmah, Riphah.
Traditionally Gomer gave rise to the Celtic Peoples and part of the Germanic nations.
Ashkenaz to the Germans and part of the Scythians.
Togarmah to part of the Germans and Turkish peoples.
Riphah to part of the Celtic and Slavic nations.

Hosea chapters one and two speaks of the Lost Ten Tribes forming a union with Gomer.
See what we have written there:
4. David Bedwell: Lost Ten Tribes = Gentile?


Shalom, Yair:
Do the writings of the rabbis, either in the Midrash, or the Mishna/Gemara ever call/label/refer to the Lost Ten Tribes as "Gentiles?" If so, will you provide sources for this?  I know the halacha is that Jews cannot marry Ephraimites (in the larger sense), but I haven't seen the mitzvot on that.  I'm assuming it has something to do with my primary question. 

Brit-Am Reply:
In the Talmud (Yebamot 17 a/b) it says that the Lost Ten Tribes should be related to legally as Gentiles for all intents and purposes.
References to other sources discussing this matter are to be found in the commentaries attached to this source.
The same ruling may be extended (under certain circumstances) to encompass anyone of Jewish descent whose ancestors changed their religion more than two or three generations ago.
In other words the ruling is based on religious considerations only and may apply to Jews from Judah as much as anyone else.
This does not mean they are Gentiles only that as far as their religious obligations and liabilities are concerned they have the same status as Gentiles.
This ruling is in line with statements in the Prophets.

The Ten Tribes of Israel were to be considered for a while "Not My People"  [Hosea 1:9].


The northern tribes  were exiled because of their sins (Jeremiah 3:6-7 cf. 2-Kings chapters 17 and 18).
The exiled tribes were divorced by God (Jeremiah 3:8).

In the past we said that Israelites from the Ten Tribes are not obligated at present to Keep the Law.
Strictly speaking this is correct BUT
New considerations have however shown us that they (or they who feel so called at least) should endeavor to keep the Commandments.
It may be that an easier pathway in accordance with Rabbinical understanding but without the additional safeguards that apply to Jews
should be made available.
We are preparing an article on this subject.
5. New Article: Tartan in Ireland.
Kilts and Tartan in Ancient Ireland
Indications of Rank Through Number of Colors Employed
The House of Neal and Tartan?
Tartans and Striped Coats


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