.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1458
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
10 February 2010, 26 Shevet 5770
1. The Lost Ten Tribes and Bohemia (Czechosloavakia etc)
2. John Salverda: The Hebrew Origins of Greek Mythology: URLS and Extracts
3. Good Reactions to Poem about Zebulon and the Dutch
(a) John Salverda
(b) Steven Collins


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1. The Lost Ten Tribes and Bohemia (Czechosloavakia etc)
Allan D. wrote:
Re: Bohemian Jews

Dear Sir or Madam,
Are people from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia part of the 10 lost tribes. My Grandmother's maiden name was Novak.
Thank You Allan D.

Brit-Am Reply:
We would regard those regions not as those in which Israelites were necessarily predominant but in which substantial
Israelite pockets were historically present and still remained at least until recently.

The family name Novak is found in Poland.
I think it is mainly non-Jewish but a friend of mine who is also a learned Rabbi says the name of his family in Poland was originally Novak.


2. John Salverda: The Hebrew Origins of Greek Mythology: URLS and Extracts

The Danaans

Sisyphus as Joseph
Now, as promised earlier, we can return to the motif of the stone. Zeus was compelled to hide from Asopus by disguising himself as a stone, we are further told that this stone was the same one that Sisyphus was eternally forced to establish, however unsuccessfully, upon the infernal mountain. As even the casual student of Greek mythology will recall, this was not the first time that the king of the gods has used a stone to conceal himself from his contender. At the birth of Zeus it was Kronos who was his contender, and Kronos would have swallowed Zeus alive but for the ruse of the young god, who disguised a stone as himself, which was swallowed instead. Thus, Zeus was able to mature in safety, to return at a later date and assume the kingship, in the strength of his manhood, at which time the stone was disgorged, and, as Pausanius (X. 24. 5.) informs us, Zeus subsequently set up the stone at Delphi where it was ritually anointed it with oil, of course, the Greeks are not the only culture, where one finds the odd practice of setting up and anointing a stone (Gen.28:18, 35:14). From the foregoing it would appear that Kronos should be compared to Jacob, but we have already equated Kronos, first with Adam, and then with Ham, therefore it seems that the real comparison, is between Kronos and the 'contender,' any contender, with god. The ancient Phoenicians seemed to have understood this, for as Philo of Byblos, who was quoted by Eusebius, has said, "Kronos, whom the Phoenicians called Israel..." The 'Stone' is clearly what God has used as a trap in order to deceive his contender, He becomes this stone, "a stumbling block to both houses of Israel," as a disguise so He can, "conceal His face from the house of Jacob," but, the point is, that the ancient Greeks seem to have known this intricate theological doctrine, almost as well as Isaiah! (Isa.8:13-17)

[cf. The Brit-Am article: Did the Ancients identify the Lost Israelites with Saturn in the British Isles?

Europa Lost
  Europe is named after a descendant of Io's who was called, "Europa." The myth of Europa can be found in any book of Greek Mythology, and has been well known for almost 3000 years. Can anything new be learned from it? No, but oddly enough, we can still learn something old, from it. Let us begin by examining the name itself. The name Europa, is a feminized form of the same Hebrew name that comes to us through Biblical sources, in it's masculine Latin form, "Jeroboam." I learned this, when I compared two maps of the same city in Syria, one had the city labeled, "Jerablus," while the other had it as, "Europos." It occurred to me that this was a perfectly reasonable transliteration, and that both names were one and the same. King Jeroboam, the first king of the northern ten tribes of Israel, is mentioned often in the Bible, unfortunately his name usually follows after the phrase, "the sins of..." This is because Jeroboam was infamous for reintroducing the worship of god in the form of a bull, and calves were set up as images of god's savior, these constituted the "sins of Jeroboam."? This tendency toward tauropomorphism, began at the Exodus, when Israel's agent of deliverance, (legends say it was Michael the Archangel) was overwhelmingly agreed, by the very witnesses of the event, to have been a calf, of whom they built a golden image. This was an idol, not of God, but of the son of god, and they sang these words as they danced around it, "This is your god oh Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt." Israel was regularly personified as a maiden, (the Virgin Israel) who was beloved by God and betroth to Him. But the Israel of Jeroboam, went, whoring after foreign gods. It becomes obvious that, to some, she was known by a feminized version of King Jeroboam's name. The evidence for this identification is overwhelming. Europa got carried away adoring god in the form of a bull as well, and both the Virgin Israel and the maiden Europa, were from Phoenicia. The resulting, "loss among the nations," occurred in both cases, from the same place, and for the same reason. Does it surprise us to think that this story, (which included a promise by God to his People who were dispersed amongst the nations,) may have, in ancient times, received a wider distribution, than to be stored away on some Temple scroll and only be known, eventually, through the Bible. In fact the story was far famed, as we might have known.
  The Greek myths tell us that Europa had a son who ruled over the Island of Crete, his name was Minos. If Europa be from Jeroboam, and the Cretans spoke Western Semitic, (the same language as the land of Canaan) which they did, then I'll bet "Minos," is the same name as "Manasseh." In fact one wonders indeed, if there wasn?t a bit of confusion between the stories of the Cretan, King Minos, and the later Judean, King Manasseh. How many other kings, from this same area, with the same name, were famous for sacrificing youths to a bull headed god? (Minotaur, Manasseh's Torah? is Manasseh an alternate version of the name Moses? as in Judges, chapter 18, Verse 30, if so, perhaps the Minotaur was blasphemously named for the Law of Moses.) Thus it seems likely that the "Minoan" civilization was named for the son of Joseph, Manasseh.

  This series of coincidences about Europa is impressive enough without mentioning this other weird point, which was the fact that Israel was prophesied to be regathered by an heir to the throne, and returned to her homeland in the last days. (Isa. 11;10-12) But, this famous promise, must be cited here as evidence that Europa is Israel, because this hopeful prophecy is also coincidental to the "myth." The Greek myth asserts that the true heir to the throne was sent to find the lost Europa, and he was told not to return until he could bring her back.

3. Good Reactions to Poem about Zebulon and the Dutch
(a) John Salverda
Re: Poem: Zebulon (the Dutch) on the Sea Shores
From: John Salverda <jrsalverda@gmail.com>

Dear Yair,
You are right on target! Did you send me this because I showed an
interest in Zebulon at your website? Or have you determined by my
surname (Salverda) that I am Frisian by descent? Either way, keep up
the good work.
(b) Steven Collins
From: scollins@sio.midco.net
Re: Poem: Zebulon (the Dutch) on the Sea Shores
Shalom Yair,

I really liked your poem!



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