Eight of the top ten are Israelite Nations; One (Germany, no.8) is partly
Edomite. Of numbers 11 to 20, six are Israelite. All Israelite nations mentioned
appear to be in the top twenty.
The State of Israel at number 12 should probably be graded as number one due to
the large number of full-time Torah students whose activity greatly enhances
academic and research acheivements in other spheres.
2. David Bell: Suggested Scenario for
the Future Re-Unification of Judah and Israel
Greetings, Yair. I have spent a couple of days thinking about the re-uniting of
Judah and Israel, and their connection to the land....There is definitely a time
when the two parts will re-unite. The real question is, not when, but under what
conditions. First, we have seen a partial re-uniting in 1917, with the release
of Jerusalem by General Allenby and the troops from Australia and New Zealand.
Now comes a very personal interpretation of what is yet to come. Obadiah tells
of the extreme desire of Edom for the land. It is my opinion that there is a
very strong Edomite presence there, right now, and this is driving much of what
is happening. This is complicated by the fact that the Gaza Strip was the
homeland of the Philistines, although part of the tribal inheritance of the
tribe of Judah. Although brought into tribute by both David and Solomon, that
part of the land was never taken. There will be a massive invasion from the
north, and the known portents of this are the Euphrates drying up (which is now
happening) and the Suez canal will be destroyed (Isa 11:13). The invasion will
result in the destruction of all Edomites (Obadiah). It is at this stage that
two things will have happened. I think that the House of Israel will have come
to the defence of Judah, and will have almost been overthrown. God will move,
and destroy the invaders massively. In the presence of this massive devastation,
both Israel and Judah will go up together to the mountain of God, weeping in
deep repentance. As a result of this, a thousand years of peace will come upon
the earth. I know that the above is very provocative, and, as I have said, it is
a very personal interpretation. ....Regards, and blessings upon what you are
doing. David
3. BrianPatmore:
All Israel must re-build the temple Shalom Yair,
I do not remember the scripture but it was stated that the whole twelve tribes
(Kol Yisrael) must re-build the temple.
Only Torah can be allowed in Yisrael and anything else must leave immediately.
Not one square inch of ground must be given to anyone else as any kind of
The Sinai Peninsula was gained out of a blessing from The Almighty, there is no
other way to describe it.
When they gave it back to Egypt it was like a slap in the face of The Almighty.
However he has maintained his control despite this insult.
Yisrael must be pure, set apart and so must be all the nation !!
I read of Moschiach leading the people back out of bondage the same as Moshe
with The Almighty at the head !!
Maybe some folks will remember the passages:
Micah 2:12-13, Isaiah 48:10, Micah 5:3, SONG OF SONGS 6: 10 Isaiah 63:1-19,
Genesis 27:39-46, Zechariah 14:1-6, Isaiah 32:1-2
Clearly Moschiach will lead all Yisrael as Moshe did and will be the instrument
of deliverance in the hands of The Almighty, just as Moshe was all those
centuries ago.
I know it is a long one, the Bozrah Prophecy is so important to all Yisrael, it
is our deliverance from captivity and our salvation which will lead to the
salvation of all mankind in the nations.
Heady stuff brother, sorry to be so long winded.
I hope you see what I have seen.
Shalom to you Yair and I pray to be able to shake your hand personally one of
these days.
4. Tucville:
Not Israelites but Nubians???
The 12 tribes of Israel, sons of Jacob, may peace and blessings be upon them,
are black people, and not Jews, even though some of the Jews mingled with the
children of the Israelites.
The Jews are whom we refer to today as part of the white race, and the
Israelites are whom we refer to today as part of the black or Nubian race.
These are undoubted facts.
5. Julia Andrews: British Am is Not in
Accordance with Jewish Tradition!!!
This is absolute error and untruths. I have spent years studying ancient and
medieval Jewish literature and the works of Elijahu Avichail who took over the
works of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, leader of national religious Jewry in Israel
as well as 18th century writers as Graece, Vol iii and iv going back to
Josephus.. God makes it clear that he has given the Land to which the tribes
will return to the seed of Isaac, not to Britain, not to the United States.
The Assyrian captivity propelled the Israelite tribes farther to the East.
The Celts, Normans and Gauls were gentiles and were in West Europe long before
the Captivity of the northern Israel tribes in 700 and 702 BC.
Many medieval Jewish travelers encountered the tribes and they were still
together. When God returns them all and restores them to the land not one
British Israelite will be among them.
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See also:
Rabbinical Sources, see Tribes and Israelite Tribal Identification
Rabbi Avichail may have been a student of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook but so were many
You are a victim of a misconception being repeated over and over again and
expressed with great emphasis.
The substance however is somewhat blacking. We have the truth. If you doubt us
look over what we are saying and then get back to us with something specific.
"Celts, Normans, and Gauls" is an unusual combination but at the least a
significant element amongst them was not present before the 700s BCE.
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