1. Affinity with Anything Hebrew and
Likes Celtic Music Dear Yair Davidy,
I am reading your book "The Tribes" and find it fascinating ! I am also very
interested in the origins of Celtic music and dance.
I am British but half Dutch and "come alive" always within Celtic circles, but
also an affinity with anything Hebrew! I always found this strange until I found
your website and ordered your book (not yet finished)
I wonder if you have any info on the Celtic music origins?
SHALOM, Stella
Brit-Am Reply:
Shalom Stella,
I myself do not know much about music.
Personally I go through phases. There are times when I feel a need to play
music, as a background to work, all day long.
Celtic Music is my favorite though it may be that that is what I have become
used to.
In the past several discussions have taken place on our Brit-Am forum about the
Musical Connections of Celtic Music etc to that of the Hebrews,
"Brit-Am Now"-688 http://britam.org/now/688Now.html #1. French Canadian
#2. Ashira
Morgenstern: Modality not Melody
#3. Error Corrected
2. Brit-Am and Negative Prophecies
Concerning Royalty? Gary wrote:
I would appreciate opinions on Tim McHyde's book, "Know the
Future." He did refer to "bitam.org" as a resource for his book.
Tim McHyde suggested the antichrist is Prince Charles of Wales
which is 666 in English and Hebrew.
Brit-Am Reply:
Gary Shalom,
We cannot reply in detail due tot he following reasons.
(a. The information involves the New Testament which we do not relate to.
(b. It concerns prophecies about the future.
In general we try to minimize specific interpretations when explaining
(c. We are against doctrines depicting the British Royal Family in a negative
We feel there may be something disloyal and not proper in criticizing the
Monarchs and their kin.
It may be that in extreme cases some of them will deserve criticism and
If such an eventuality should ever eventuate we might say something but I doubt
that we would hurry to do so.
We do not believe in the Divine Right of Kings or anything like that.
Nevertheless Scripture indicates that these coronated rulers deserve respect.
We advice people to think twice before uttering undue criticism or negative
comment about the monarchs of Israel.
God bless you
3. Books Received (a) Shipment from Charlene and
Steve Mathe
Charlene and Steve Mathe sent us a box of books of great value.
These include,
"The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire" (7 volumes) by Thomas Hodgkin,
"The Phoenicians" by Gerhard Herm
"The Empire of the Steppes" by Rene Grousset
"A History of the Ostrogoths" by Thomas Burns
"The World of the Past" (2 volumes) by Jacquetta Hawkes.
"Megaliths. Stones of Memory" by Jean Pierre Mohen
All of these works seem worth reading. Some of them contain valuable information
and background material
that has already been of benefit to our researches and studies.
(b) Books in Hebrew
(1) The Hebrew language version of,
"When and How the Jewish People was Invented?" by Shlomo Sand.
This is a longish intellectual work. We have read most of it and may write a
review later. Contains some historical material but nothing original as far as
we have seen so far. Writer has communist background. He seeks to prove that the
Jewish people do not exist and that Israel should deliver itself to its
Ishmaelite neighbors.
(2) "Sisera's Secret" by Adam Zertal.
Zertal is a modern very active Israeli archaeologist who believes in the Bible.
We have used his findings to great benefit in the past.
See our work "Joseph".
Have not yet read present work but hope to do so soon.
Most likely will derive pleasure and important informational leadings from this
The Brit-Am enterprise is a Biblical work. God willing, they who assist Brit-Am will be blessed.
Brit-Am depends on contributions alongside purchases of our publications.
'It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God or the Bible.'
George Washington
Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.