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Brit-Am Now no. 1738.
Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
23 August 2011, 23 Av 5771.

1. Lecture with John Hulley (aka John Carrington Richards) at Israel Center Tonight.
2. New Article. We Were Not all Do-Gooders!
Karl Marx from Levi and Friedrich Engels from Ephraim! by Yair Davidiy.
3. The Holocaust: The Jews Did Not Know!  Anecdote.


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1. Lecture with John Hulley (aka John Carrington Richards ) at Israel Center Tonight.
Tuesday, August 23rd, 8:00 p.m.

"Root and Branch Association Lecture - Allied Nuclear Base in Israel: Is It Time?" by John Carrington Richards, Former Senior Economist (specializing in the world oil industry), World Bank, Washington, D.C. Root and Branch Association, Ltd. Program at the Orthodox Union Israel Center, Keren HaYesod 22, Jerusalem. Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011, 8:00 p.m. Info: Tel. 02-566-7787.

The speaker  will be trying to show how the continuing difficulties with Islam give us an opportunity to make some progress on the Lost Tribes.

The speaker  John Carrington Richards (i.e. John Hulley) has similar beliefs concerning the Ten Tribes as those of Brit-Am.
We have published articles of his in the past and from experience we can say that concerning the Tribes he is always worth listening to.

2.   New Article. We Were Not all Do-Gooders!
Karl Marx from Levi and Friedrich Engels from Ephraim! by Yair Davidiy

Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883)  is known today primarily as the co-writer (with Friedrich Engels) of works that laid the foundation for the modern Communist Movement.

On the other hand, he opined that Communism in effect saved the Capitalist system from self-destruction!

It may not be a coincidence but with the weakening of Communism and the Workers Movement the USA began a process of globalization. Jobs that would otherwise go to American workers are now farmed out to Indians and Chinamen who work for very little. US citizens now have less money to buy things with and entrepreneurs have less incentive to improve their basic operative systems. This places the USA and the continuation of Capitalism in danger! Use Chinese workers and you are liable to reduce yourself to Chinese levels!
 A strong Labor Movement in the USA should and could have prevented this.

Another consideration is that,
Communism may have enabled Russia to defeat Hitler.

# Know then that I have sent this commandment unto you, that My covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.
My covenant was with him of life and peace, and I gave them to him, and of fear, and he feared Me, and was afraid of My name.
The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity #. Malachi 2:4-6

Jeremiah 33:
19 And the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, 20 Thus says the LORD: If you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that there will not be day and night in their season, 21 then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levites, the priests, My ministers. 22 As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.

We thus find the Levites in effect public officials, dedicated to the public, and supported by public largesse.
This is not Communism BUT it could inculcate a social attitude with socialist aspects.
Marx was not brought up as a Jew. He disliked Jews and wrote anti-Semitic poison against the Jews and even seems to have been influenced by German racial prejudice against Jews.
Nevertheless, could it be that his Levite ancestry  somehow played an influence on him??

The partner of Marx, Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), was a Gentile, the son of a wealthy cotton manufacturer in Prussia.
The name Engels is said to derive from Angel or Angle meaning he may have been descended from Englishmen or from one of the ancient Angles  most of whom moved to England.
We have proven elsewhere that these derive from Ephraim.

We thus find the possibility that a combination of culprits from Levi and Ephraim worked a great deal of mischief!

3. The Holocaust: The Jews Did Not Know!  Anecdote.
In the book about the Rabbi of Brisk (also available in English) by Shimeon Yoseph Miller the following incident is recorded.

In 1939 the Germans attacked Poland from the west and shortly afterwards the Soviets from the east. The Soviet Occupation of eastern Poland was quite harsh and the Jews suffered possibly more than anybody else. After a few months the Soviets declared that anybody who wished to pass over to the German occupied side could do so.  Despite the numerous atrocities that the Germans had committed many of the Jews imagined then that they would be better than the Russians. 500,000 Jews asked to pass over. The Russians took them all regardless of age and condition and put themin Siberia!  In Siberia they suffered from cold and hunger and Russian oppression but most survived.

In June 1941 Germany attacked Russia overrunning the Soviet-held portion of eastern Poland in the process. Most Jews in that area were killed.

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