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1. Bill Rrasmussen: Brit-Am is "a light
to the Gentiles and a bridge to the people of Yehudah". Re Brit-Am Now no. 1856: Ten Tribes Studies #1. Meredith Carpenter: Some Thoughts and an Anecdote. http://britam.org/now2/1856Now.html#1 Yair I enjoyed reading Brit-Am Now no. 1856: Ten Tribes Studies. There was a great post by Meredith Carpenter. I liked her insightful comments regarding both nature and the Jehovah's Witnesses. I too have taken the time to reach out to what are described as classic cults-Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. While they claim that their respective religions are predicated on the Bible and truth, generally they are infamous for text twisting and improper exegesis. For them, the Bible can be neatly packaged into two parts: old and new. Sadly, it would seem that most Christians treat the Tanach as old. To Americans, old is inferior and new is superior. I think a lot of American Christians look at the Bible like choosing between an old, rusty car and a shiny new car. The problem with this is that there is nothing "old" about the Tanach. The Mitzvot of HaShem are as fresh today as they were in the times of Moshe. The Psalms of David bring as much comfort and solace as the day they were written. As Meredith wisely said, G-d never changes. He is eternal, beyond the constraints of time as we know it. In my experience of years of sharing about the regathering of the Tribes of Israel, the first reaction is generally one of total befuddlement, followed by some hostility and then the person either accepts it wholeheartedly, or dismisses it out of hand. Kind of like Schopenhauer's axiom about truth: "All truth passes through threes stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." I was able to have a well known and gifted pastor/evangelist in my home years ago on a New Year's Day. I shared what you Yair have taught and her eyes became as big as saucers. Out of her own mouth came these words: "Basically, I have to unlearn everything that I have learned about the Bible and then relearn it the correct way." To this, I mentored her, bought her a Talit, taught her prayers in Hebrew and gave her readings on the regathering of the Tribes of Israel. Today, she is a staunch advocate for Israel and the Jewish people and she travels around the world, planting seeds in churches. Later, I found out that her maternal grandmother was a Cohen and I explained the significance of this. She understood that there was a Jewish spark within her that had been dormant, but now had been awakened to Torah and truth. Yair, continue to fulfill the mission of Isaiah 42:6 and be a light to the Gentiles and a bridge to the people of Yehudah. I will do my best to both pray for and fund Brit Am. As others like me disseminate your teachings to others, little by little, the world will be changed. And, i want to remind everyone to be patient and long suffering just as HaShem is. We could not make the regathering of the Tribes happen if we wanted to. It is all in HaShem's timing. The thrilling thing is to actually see prophecy unfold before our very eyes. Even if Mashiach does not come in my lifetime, I know that I have done what I can for him and hopefully, my body will rest in Eretz Yisrael until he does come. Shalom and blessings to you and your family. -Bill 2. Michelle Bowie: Encouragement to Meredith. Re Brit-Am Now no. 1856: Ten Tribes Studies #1. Meredith Carpenter: Some Thoughts and an Anecdote. http://britam.org/now2/1856Now.html#1 Shalom Yair, To Meridith Carpenter, I applaud your courage in speaking truth. ... I know that "Israel" in part, is waking up to who they are all over the world. I also know that this is increasing daily, yet I believe that where we live specifically, it is not happening quite as fast. Not sure why that is. I hope more of us like you Meredith, have the courage to speak about our faith and what we believe. May our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you!!! --mb 3. The DAILY PROOF: 5 April 2012, 13 Nissan 5772 The Phoenicians from Tyre as Facilitators of the Israelite Movement to the West. Scripture prophesied that a portion of the Israelites would be exiled by Sea [Isaiah 9:1, 11:11], in large ships and fish-boats (Amos 4:2). [See the Brit-Am Commentary (BAC) to these verses. http://www.britam.org/ContentsSubject.html#lic ] They were to be taken away by the Philistines (Amos 1:6,8) and by the Phoenicians of Tyre (Amos 1:9) who would deliver them to Edom in Europe. The Philistines were culturally Minoans and a leading element amongst them had arrived from Crete the center of Minoan civilization. Minoans, Myceaneans (from Greece), and Phoenicians were all intertwined with each other to some degree. See: Philistines and Israelites in the West. http://www.britam.org/Peleshet.html Phoenician Colonies in co-ordination with the Assyrians were established in Spain, Scandinavia, and elsewhere in Northern Europe. Likewise strong indications exist of Phoenicians in Ireland, Britain, and Gaul. Irish and Greek traditions confirm these movements. Archaeological and other evidence (at least concerning Spain) proves that these settlements involved the re-settlement of Israelites. The settlements in Spain lasted until ca. 500 BCE after which they moved to the northwest and then to West France, and Ireland. We wrote of this in some detail in our works Lost Israelite Identity http://britam.org/Menasseh.html and "Origin". http://britam.org/origin.html Subsequent research has confirmed and strengthened these findings. Megalithic monuments and the culture behind them in Europe are traceable to these events. This is Evidence. It is yet more proof that the Ten Tribes today are to be found amongst Western Peoples. |
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All truth passes through three
stages: First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). |
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